Without any preparation, Yin Ziyu just stepped into the vast land of Africa with his two razors. It's necessary to put on some make-up. It's easy to blacken your whole skin and sneak in without everyone's knowledge.

At the same time, erebos, the God of darkness, has been listening to the news of the king's razor. However, at this time, yinziyu was as low-key as a stone sinking into the sea, and he didn't know where he had gone.

No central plains, no Locke consortium, no desert labyrinth. It seems that his information can't be found in any corner of the earth.

The anxious Avril Ben even found Hades himself, who lived in seclusion, and inquired about Yin Ziyu's news from old York. In the face of the former king, Avril still maintained a certain degree of respect, but old man York seems to be aging, even hearing is no longer good, explained for a long time to know is asking the news of the king's razor.

Of course, there must be no harvest. After eating, Avril was furious and finally showed the mighty power of the God of darkness. Well, don't you make my man shameless? I'll never give up with you. Let's meet in the desert labyrinth.

"Your Majesty, have you really decided?" The old poker hesitated for a moment, and had a feeling of panic. "You know, once all the 200 mercenary regiments are really heading for the desert labyrinth, it's bound to disturb the blades in the razor Glory Hotel, and even the night eaters and the moon worship court. With our strength, we can't fight them face to face with real swords and guns..."

"Do as I say." Song Yi replied without expression, "if the blades ask, tell the truth. Even the glory of the king's razor can't be maintained. What's the point of having a leisurely meal in the hotel? "

Hang up the phone, song Yiming eyes staring out of the window, cold murmur: "dear, come back. I want to stir up the storm in the mercenary world and make a grand scene for your return. "

The desert labyrinth was originally a stronghold for mercenaries, but it gradually attracted the attention of many forces around the world.

Originally, mercenaries were the most vulnerable group, and they were the most feared existence of the major forces. Of course, existence is reasonable. There are many things that are inconvenient for them to come forward directly. Mercenaries are the best choice. So even though I think these guys can be a headache, I still allow them to exist.

After all, mercenaries are not only a profession in the dark world. Those who have greater influence and deeper concealment will not allow mercenaries to be destroyed by those who face the world.

Therefore, desert labyrinth, a place where birds don't shit, has become a paradise for mercenaries and the best choice for many people to solve conflicts.

The moon worship court and the night eaters have fought several battles in the desert labyrinth. They have won and lost each other. They have suffered a lot from each other. Although they are still at daggers drawn, they do not have the confidence and pride that they swore to wipe each other out.

Muen will fight with the Deacon for the first time. He is surprised by the attack power and super resilience of the other side; But the Deacon didn't expect that muen would be such a strange existence. He not only had excellent fighting power, but also could sing strange war songs while fighting. The special way of fighting, which could stimulate the fighting power of the moon halberd Apostle and weaken the strength of his own people, made him not believe that he could fight with his opponent for a long time.

After playing several times in a row, no one can do anything about it. What both sides bring is the elite among the elites. Losing one will be painful. So after several times, both sides choose to take the cold shoulder and shoot the hidden arrow from the encounter.

People in the mercenary world were all at the first scene of the incident. Although the two sides would not be informed in advance of the battle, some people could still see the scene in the middle of the battle, so the videos on the mercenary world website were quite popular during this period. Many people are waiting to see what the outcome of the two feuding families will be.

To be honest, many families are bored. These two aristocratic families are very powerful, and they are also super class among the top forces in the world. Their global struggle inevitably brings troubles to many people.

Although they are all small-scale fights, they are inevitably annoying because they involve too many people.

So things have developed to this day, the moon worship court and the night eaters have the feeling of riding a tiger.

Of course, the enemy still wants to fight, but he is scared by the big forces around him. Everyone can understand the reason why the crane and clam fight for profits, but hatred and face also make both sides have to continue to hold on. That kind of feeling is really unspeakable.

However, it's not just the end. After the fight between the two sides came to an end, the desert labyrinth suddenly became lively. First of all, inexplicably, a group of hundreds of mercenaries stationed in, causing many people's vigilance.It's normal for mercenaries to come to the gathering place of mercenaries. The key point is that the weapons and equipment of these mercenaries are too good, their actions are uniform, and their orders and actions are consistent. The fierce breath and the temperament of strict discipline interweave together, which shocked everyone.

Mercenaries live a life of licking blood with the blade every day. Today I don't know tomorrow. What they want is to be happy and spend money like dirt. How can anyone obey orders like this?

Moreover, these mercenaries are obviously fledgling, fierce and bloodless. Obviously, they haven't killed many people.

In this way, the new recruits with a sharp air appeared in the desert labyrinth. When they arrived, they rushed several mercenary regiments to the desert and occupied a base in the underground labyrinth. Then they inquired about the news of the night eater and the moon worshiping King court everywhere, and their attack on the two forces became clear.

There is no doubt that this mercenary regiment must have the support of powerful gold owners and want to become famous quickly. Of course, it's the best and fastest way to sacrifice the flag with the two major forces.

There have always been good people in the mercenary world, and many opportunists immediately flattered and courted them, providing them with several places for the two forces to fight.

Of course, these 200 mercenaries are from the glory hotel. Of course, old PUK is also monitoring the whole process. He is very impressed by Song Yi. This explains why she insisted on selecting new people and then carrying out pure military training and management.

The training of such people is really different from those mercenaries who are wild and wild. This kind of strict discipline and iron style definitely represents the invincible super combat power. In time, they will definitely shine in the mercenary world