Because the shadow came up from the bottom of the boat, there was no sign around. The sea is calm, the breeze blows, and the warm morning light shines from the East. Instead, the scenery on the sea is the most romantic and moving of the day.

The more this happens, the more careless mu'en will be. Yin Ziyu's tight back muscles clearly told him that the current situation should be extremely dangerous. In contrast, he could not feel the danger at all.

"You stay on top, I'll go down!" Yin Ziyu said in a hurry, took off his coat in an instant, slipped into the water, and showed his excellent water-based skills.

Danger from underwater! Muen Division will immediately alert, quickly press the interphone on the shoulder, and quickly give the order: "search my position immediately, send someone to support, we are in crisis!"

There were a few noises from the walkie talkie, but there was a lot of noise coming from it, followed by the urgent voice of his subordinates: "chief general, there are many night eaters along the coast. They are attacking us fiercely, and many unidentified mercenaries are destroying our buildings, because the incident happened suddenly, We are mobilizing people to deal with... "

Mu en's face suddenly changed, and he roared: "the devil of the night eater, I'm at odds with you!"

His voice was like a lion's fury. He held up his sword tightly in his hand, and his eyes turned red. He was obviously very angry.

At this time, the water suddenly became torrent, and mu'en would quickly look under the water. There were several figures fighting like sharks. They couldn't see who they were. They could only see the figures under the water. They were all super water-based, and their movements were as flexible as swimming fish. Because the distance was too close, both sides didn't use guns, and they were all cold weapons communicating with each other, It's hard to separate.

Because of the large number of people, it was difficult for Yin Ziyu to entangle everyone. Several figures around him began to rise rapidly on the sea. Some of them had already gone to the bottom of the boat. Looking at what he was holding, he should be ready to sink the boat.

Of course, the general of mu'en also saw the shadow floating up. When he came near, he found that the other side had a ferocious face and red eyes. It was clear that he was a night eater who had transformed the genes of underwater organisms. Immediately without hesitation shot, bang bang several guns into the water, the front of a few night eaters crisp burst head.

There is no doubt that the crazy shark sea incident is the result of the night eaters. Mu en Da Si will fire several shots in succession, forcing the night eaters to dare not float up for a while. At this time, he realized a very serious problem. The night eaters had not been able to find the exact location of the Holy Island of the moon for a hundred years. Why did they come so quietly and accurately this time?

Looking down the water with fierce eyes, he soon got rid of Yin Ziyu's judgment. Yin Ziyu is not a fool, and it is impossible to find an invisible ally to add his identity. There is no point and no need to do so.

Who is that?

Mu en immediately flashed Luo Xiaolin's figure in his mind. Yin Ziyu's analysis had already explained everything, and he was gnashing his teeth. I have long heard that Luo Xiaolin has been unable to move in the Central Plains. The Tang family and Luo family are looking for her, and Bi Shengnan wants to kill her. I thought that when I went abroad, I would stop. It was more like taking this opportunity to get in touch with this mysterious little witch of Luo family. I didn't expect that she had really taken refuge with the night eater. One trip brought so much damage to the moon worship court.

"According to my command, Luo Xiaolin is wanted all over the world, and a reward of 200 million US dollars will be offered to those who provide effective clues. I will cut that woman to pieces Mu en Da Si will press the button at the neckline and issue the supreme order of the royal court that the three Archduke are qualified to give.

This kind of supreme order is a special qualification granted to the three grand princes by the king of the moon yatalandi. It can be issued directly without application, and all the people in the whole court of the moon worship must follow it completely. Each Dagong must give an explanation to the king of the moon after it is released, and it is not allowed to use this right again within three years.

To be able to use the supreme order is also Mu en's great general hate Luo Xiaolin.

Hua Hua Hua, several heads appear on the surface of the water and gasp for breath. After being held underwater for a long time, no matter how hard the breath holding skill is, it can't be the same as the real fish.

Muen's general shot seven or eight night eaters' heads in an instant, and the blood on the water was immediately soaked away and turned into a mass of blood.

Yin Ziyu suddenly came out of the water, took a deep breath and dived back to the bottom of the water. Some other night eaters followed him into the water, and a dozen others rushed to muen with a roar.

Mu en's face was solemn, and his left hand pistol could not stop firing. After killing four or five people, he was rushed to the speedboat by the night eaters. At this time, the bullets had been exhausted. Mu en's face simply dropped his mobile phone to the speedboat, and with a roar of sword in both hands, he fought with the night eaters who rushed to the speedboat.

This group of night eaters obviously came after sucking blood. In addition to exposing their tendons and red pupils, they were also covered with a layer of tiny scales, which were as dense as fish on their limbs and chest, even on their chin and ears. Although it was not so obvious, the general of mu'en felt disgusted for a moment. He roared and fought with the monsters.Maybe the anger stimulated the general Mu en's fighting power, or the sunlight greatly reduced the fighting power of the night eaters. In a word, the general Mu en's one person and one sword matched several night eaters.

However, the general of mu'en was not optimistic at all. After the night eaters threw away their blood, their combat effectiveness increased dramatically. They also had a strong ability to recover from injuries, and they hardly felt pain. They were extremely crazy in fighting.

Compared with the more rational, he will be attacked by a group if he moves carelessly. Therefore, he is extremely conservative. He first guarantees that he will not be injured, and then finds a chance to deal with these monsters.

We've learned for a long time that these things, as well as the limbs and other parts of the body, won't be fatal unless their hearts and brains are destroyed. And these guys fight and fight, and they are extremely sensitive to the protection of their two key points. Whenever Mu en Da Si wants to kill a monster, other monsters will rush up to stop him, forcing him to retreat and protect himself.

After several rounds of fighting, several corpses floated up slowly under the water. All of them were stabbed in the heart and convulsed violently. The strange features of their bodies gradually dissipated with the death and turned into the most common corpses