Christina's face was full of Psychedelic color. She held her cheeks and said lazily, "you're always talking about the legendary mercenary, but why haven't I seen him before?"

"He's out of the mercenary world." Antonio simply replied, then his face suddenly changed, and he patted the table and stood up and said, "I can fight... I can fight! Besides the legendary mercenary and his blade, who else can be called a special fighter? "

Christina looked curious. "Do you suspect it's him?"

"No doubt, I'm sure it's him!" Antonio came out with a black face, walked back and forth on the floor, murmured, "as far as I know, with the recent successive events, the Central Plains side also began to feel that the king's razor is a very difficult person with great energy, so he began to set a set for him, and was locked up a few days ago. If this is the case, then the king's razor's choice to unite with the court of worship of the moon will have a prerequisite basis - one wants to get rid of our entanglement, and the other wants to get the weight to protect himself, which is a hit and go

Speaking of this, Antonio's face was uncontrollably full of rage, and he said, "asshole, if that guy joins the moon worship court with his own blade, then we will really be at a disadvantage."

There was a long silence in the room, and then a second heated discussion broke out. The discussion turned to how to assassinate the king's razor in advance, or how to sneak into the Central Plains to threaten his family. All in all, all kinds of dark means emerge in endlessly, which makes Antonio's face darker and darker?

"Enough of you, a bunch of idiots!" Christina suddenly put down the discussion with a loud voice. Her pretty face was covered with frost. She knocked on the table with her jade finger coldly. "What's the use of you? The king of mercenaries is good at scheming and killing. Do you think people will not be prepared? Besides, now it's just speculation. How do you know they're not using each other? "

Christina's tone became more relaxed when she saw the clans bow their heads and keep silent. These clans were very brave when they were fighting, but few of them could calm down when they used their brains. In addition to the big deacon who is in the desert labyrinth to command and snatch texture bracelets, these other little deacons really have no brains.

"There are no forever friends in this world, only forever interests. If we can give the king of mercenaries something better and more attractive, there is no way to destroy their alliance. Moreover, we night eaters are not just waiting to die. We can destroy their friendship with a single idea. I don't believe it. We can let those decent guys go! "

Lord Antonio sighed: "don't think about it too simply. No one in the whole underground world can shake the position of the God of darkness, but only one person can make erebos break the Convention repeatedly. This person is the legendary mercenary. It's said that the God of darkness is a woman and loves the legendary mercenary crazily. Unfortunately, Luohua is merciless. It's even rumored that the princess was hurt by her design. No matter what the real relationship between them is, one thing is certain. If we really attack the legendary mercenaries, the dark god will pay us back at all costs. "

This made the other deacons silent again. To be sure, it would be a huge blow for them if the king's razor and his blade formed an alliance with the moon worship court.

The night eaters are not afraid of anything but being shot in the head, so the sharpshooters in the mercenary world are the ones they fear most. If the king's razor claims to be the second, it is estimated that no one dares to be the first.

Everyone's face is very ugly. If hundreds of strong mercenaries join the moon halberd apostle guard of the moon King court, their actions around the world will become extremely passive in the future, and even the grand development plan of the newly rising ethnic groups will be seriously hit.

Lord Antonio's face was more dark and terrible under the yellow light of the night pearl.

Christina is the only one who can keep calm: "I don't know one thing. Even if the Central Plains wants to clamp down on the king's razor, it should not force him too much. At least if they want to use it for them, the premise is that the two sides can't fall out. I think the king mentioned that there is no need to sell everything to the moon worshippers. As you all know, no matter how strong the moon worship is, can it be stronger than the Central Plains? "

Lord Antonio nodded: "you have a point. I believe there should be any agreement between them, so the king razor's choice of them is only the most possible cooperation, and it is unrealistic to take refuge. I know the character of that guy. I guess he is playing the trick of driving away the wolf and swallowing the tiger. The moon worshiper has always boasted that he is the embodiment of light and justice. He never dares to come to the dark world where he participates openly. If he really unites with the king's razor this time, his ambition will be exposed! "

Christina raised her eyebrows. "You mean... They want to get involved in the underground world?"Then he said with a sneer: "it's ridiculous that the cake of the underground world has been completely divided. How can they interfere?"

"Just the opposite." Antonio shook his head and looked gloomy. "The pattern of the dark world has been surging in the dark for a long time. It has been a well-known secret for many forces in the dark to participate in the distribution of interests in the underground world and interfere in the pattern of forces in the underground world. For example, the Locke consortium has made considerable achievements in this respect. Of course, the old moon worshipers also want to get a share. And as long as they enter the dark world with the help of the king's razor, they can attack us more effectively and participate in the distribution of the cake. Hey, three birds with one stone, that old thief has a good idea! "

Christina took a surprised look at Antonio and found that she was still used by the old man. In fact, he has seen through everything for a long time. He only deliberately makes other people understand by answering with himself, which also means to help him clear up his mind.

There is no doubt that the old man is still cultivating himself as an heir.

Christina, who was not interested, sat down on the chair, put her two long legs on the table, and waved her hand: "boring. Why do you let me talk about it when you see through it?"

Lord Antonio shook his head: "if I can see through it thoroughly, how can the moon worshiper succeed? Now the relationship is too complicated. I heard that the relationship between the Locke consortium and the king's razor is quite good. I even gave him a huge sum of money in the first half of the year, which makes me feel very confused. "