Mu en looked around at the hidden men, stood up and went to the door to look at the door monitor, eyebrows slightly raised, pressed the call button, and said, "this is the room of the moon worship court, are you in the wrong place?"

Outside the door, Yu Qingzhu said with a faint smile: "I'm the owner of hexiangyuelou. I'm sorry that you have come to my hotel. I know now. So I have specially prepared our special dishes and I want to get to know you by the way. "

It is more reasonable to say that it is neither humble nor overbearing.

It's strange that the owner of the hotel doesn't come to visit such an extraordinary existence as the moon worship court.

Mu en nodded and opened the door. He saw two service staff in chef's hat pushing a dining car. Yu Qingzhu stood beside him with a smile. He held out his hand and shook Mu en. He saluted politely and decently: "Mr. general Mu en, it's a great honor to meet you."

Mu en let go, and immediately someone came over and cautiously searched the two cooks. He turned back and nodded to Mu en to show his safety. Then both sides sat down in the living room.

Mu en thought that the other party would leave after being polite, but he didn't mean to leave at all after Qingzhu introduced himself. Instead, he looked around at the people around him and said with a smile, "I have something personal to talk with Mr. Mu en. I don't know if I can take a few minutes?"

Mu en raised his eyebrows suspiciously and felt a little different. However, as one of the three princes of the moon worshiping court, he showed his magnanimity. He opened his hand with a smile and said, "of course, no problem, but the time you choose is interesting."

It's really strange to talk about things in the middle of the night.

"It's urgent. I can only do so." Yu Qingzhu didn't want to waste his time. He said straight to the point, "this time you come to the Central Plains, but for a texture bracelet?"

Mu en's pupils shrink suddenly, and the momentum of his body suddenly makes the atmosphere of the whole room tense and depressed. Yu Qingzhu only feels that he is being watched by a fierce beast. If there is any change, he will be attacked by the strong wind and rainstorm.

Yu Qingzhu faced the fierce mu'en general with a smile. Without any fear, he spread out his hand to show that he was not aggressive. Then he calmly said: "Yin Ziyu is my nephew!"

Mu en's momentum was like a basin of cold water. His aggressive momentum suddenly disappeared. He opened his mouth in shock, and then looked at Yu Qingzhu suspiciously.

Yu Qingzhu confidently looked back at the back of his eyes, and immediately someone took a thick pile of paper. Yu Qingzhu took it over, put it in front of the general of mu'en, and patted it: "this is the result of genetic testing, the comparison between Yin Ziyu's and all of our brothers and sisters. If you don't believe it, you can test it yourself. "

If this kind of thing is placed here, mu'en will know that the other party can't cheat. Without Yin Ziyu's approval, such a conclusion could not have come.

During the change of facial expression, Mu en Da Si gradually recovered his calm from shock, and then all kinds of thoughts came to his heart. His eyes became more and more complex, and he didn't say anything else. Instead, he stood up and looked at the two men around him sternly and said, "you didn't hear all the words just now. If there was any news, whether you said it or not, Will be killed by me! Do you understand

The two men were shocked and half knelt down on the ground in a hurry. They agreed: "yes

The moonhalberd Apostles' guards in other rooms were also shocked, and they knew that this was also said to them. It's rare to see mu'en's order so solemnly. I can't help but feel uneasy when I understand that it may have a great impact.

"Your lordship is so irrational that you don't have to say such things to get my attention." Mu en revealed his unhappiness in his eyes, just like looking at an impulsive farmer who didn't know right and wrong, "do you know how much trouble it will bring him?"

The reason why Yin Ziyu wanders in the crevice of various forces in the world without concern is that he has no shortcomings. No one can take a merciless mercenary. If you can beat me, I'll beat you. If you can't beat me, I'll run. What can you do?

So Yin Ziyu has offended so many forces. They all hate him, but they are helpless. It's because they can't grasp his most lethal thing.

At the beginning, "Princess" in the blade team's heavy protection was also designed to sneak attack to death, because too many people hate yinziyu.

If we knew that he had a big family in the Central Plains and many relatives who had blood relationship with him, no one could imagine how much sensation he would cause in the mercenary world and the underground world.

At that time, all people at home will be in danger of their lives, all businesses will be suddenly hit, and even people will be calculating them all the time.

Kidnap, intimidate, harass, threaten, assassinate.All the tricks you can and can't imagine will emerge in endlessly. At that time, yinziyu was like a crocodile who was strangled by the neck and a tiger who had pulled out its claws and teeth. In addition to losing all its wealth, it was also very likely that it would lose its life.

What's more, in the current mercenary world, almost no one can surpass Yin Ziyu in personal achievements. There is only one way to stand out, and the most effective way is to kill the insurmountable existence!

It's OK for Yin Ziyu to stay in Nancheng honestly. Once he goes out, he will cause numerous and complicated troubles. Many mercenary regiments and underground forces are like wolves smelling blood. None of them is willing to hibernate.

Even with the protection of the blade team, there is no way to deal with the endless stream of killers and tricks.

So in the next second, mu'en would not hesitate to grab the thick pile of paper and rub it violently. In an instant, they turned into a pile of debris. The liquor on the tea table fell on the debris and instantly ignited into a fierce fire.

"No matter what your purpose is, I don't have any desire to talk to you. Please go back and remember my advice. This kind of thing is not something you can afford at home. If you are really good for him, please listen to my advice. "

Muen asked in a deep voice: "sell all your business, and then disappear completely. Better never find you

Yu Qingzhu didn't expect to get such a result. For a moment, his heart fluttered and his mouth was speechless.

Yu Qinghuai, who was pretending to be a cook, frowned, took off the cook's hat and said with a dry cough, "we just want to help him..."

"Enough!" Hernandez growled in his suppressed voice, "frog in the well, your stupid behavior is just harming him!"