Luo didn't believe it at all. He sneered and took out his mobile phone and said, "it's your master's agreement to let you stay in prison, and he also said that he would let you fully cooperate. What's the matter? Do you want me to call master Yin Gang and invite him back? "

Yin Ziyu shivered and shook his head in a hurry. He murmured in his heart what the old ghost wanted to do, but he never guessed the master's plan. Of course, he didn't know that it was master Luo holding a chicken feather arrow. The previous discussion between them was just to let Yin Ziyu stay in the old house for a few more days and kill him. Yin Gang didn't mention anything else.

But Yin Ziyu didn't know. He thought that master Luo had reached a secret agreement with master Luo, and he didn't dare to call master Luo to verify it. So this dumb fish ate well.

Dispirited vomited a smoke, Yin Ziyu rolled a white eye: "what I just said is true, what else do you want to know?"

"More, for example, what's your relationship with the moon worship court? How did you get in touch with Sanchez, the young master of Rockefeller group? What is the purpose of their coming to the Central Plains together? What's the connection with this wristband with weird texture? And what the hell is this weird texture? "

Luo asked a lot of questions at one go, and rolled his eyes at Yin Ziyu.

"Old man, I said you don't believe me. What else can I say? I really don't understand this strange texture. I just heard Liu Yunting say that it was excavated from the tomb of marquis in the spring and Autumn period. I don't understand anything else. Even if you kill me, I can't tell why. "

"No nonsense. The investigation report of the scientific research team is very clear. I don't need you to introduce me. What I asked was what was involved in these things, and why did the two groups come all the way to the Central Plains to find a way to get that thing? Besides, why do you have to see you by name? "

Yin Ziyu was stunned. He didn't know what was involved. This strange texture... Yin Ziyu raised his eyebrows suspiciously and suddenly asked, "old man, my old man didn't tell you anything?"

"Yes, master Yin Gang told me that if you don't cooperate, I don't have to care about his face. As long as you can't fight to death, fight to death! " Mr. Luo sneered.

Yin Ziyu's forehead fell down the black line and hummed unhappily. If the master didn't mention the night eater to master Luo, he thought it was necessary to hide something. In other words, he could not casually tell the story of the fight between the master and Abraham, the first man of the night eating clan, and he could not explain that he still had a bigger key with more complicated patterns in his hand.

In fact, Yin Ziyu vaguely guessed that this thing should be related to the so-called peerless secret of Abraham and the night eater. However, that thing is also related to the whereabouts of the master. Of course, Yin Ziyu will keep his mouth shut and will not even tell if he is killed.

As for Sanchez's coming in person, he knew why the guy was with his heel.

There are three heirs to Rockefeller group, and Sanchez is just one of them. The children of this family are excellent, so to speak, each of them is brilliant. No one is fully sure that they can exclude the other two competitors.

However, according to the rules of the family, when the heirs are all over 25 years old, it is necessary to decide who the next heirs of the family are.

No matter how well the current leader does, the family will not pour all its resources on one person. The new successor will accept the family's all-round promotion and training, strive to make his ability and contacts improve by leaps and bounds within ten years, be able to accept any business of the family with ease, and have a good social relationship with all the current shareholders and the other nine family leaders and successors.

Such existence can already determine the life and death of many people.

Generally speaking, other brothers who are often eliminated in the competition will not get good results.

Brotherhood feeling deep, probably will give you enough money, happy to play for a lifetime. If the brotherhood is ordinary, the most likely thing is to be swept out of the house. From then on, you will be an ordinary person, struggling on the social food and clothing line. No one knows what kind of life you lived and what kind of identity you were 25 years ago.

It has to be said that this kind of competition and outcome are very cruel, and even there are generations who can't stand the huge gap and choose to commit suicide. But it's more about the habit and career developed in the family. With the help of a little bit of original contacts, you can start a company more or less, so that you can live comfortably.

However, no one can stand living in a small drop of water. Sanchez is also like this. The huge power and countless property of his family are what he has been dreaming of in his life. Therefore, in any case, he must seize the opportunity to bring back the most important things of his family.

Yin Ziyu has a warm smile on his face. Mu en's looking for himself must be reminiscing. The leader of the king's razor and Uranus's blade team was a pair of brothers of life and death. They had gone through countless gunfire together. Between life and death, they relied on the trust and help of each other and supported each other to survive.In addition, they have the same accomplishments, appreciate each other, and cherish each other. No matter how far apart they are or how long they haven't seen each other, the pure brotherhood can never be changed.

As for what Sanchez wants, Yin Ziyu himself is not very clear. It's a place, an extremely strange, mysterious and special place.

At the beginning, Sanchez's family spent countless money and huge costs to organize more than 100 mercenary regiments to go to a mysterious place, in order to find out the seal of a mysterious thing.

It's a pity that the news itself is vague and changeable, and the information given by Rockefeller and other major forces is vague, which makes these mercenaries confused for a long time. All dangerous places around the world have been touched by them, with heavy losses and no gains.

Some mercenary regiments wanted to quit, but they were suppressed by the Sanchez family with extremely crazy force. Now that they have received the money, they have to complete the task for them anyway.

And this also includes the blade team of the king's razor.

There was a very special team in the blade team, called Pluto team.

This team has the weakest combat effectiveness, the worst action ability and the slowest reaction ability among all the blade teams. In other people's eyes, it is a drag bottle. However, Yin Ziyu attached great importance to them and even spared no efforts to support them.

In return, "Pluto team" also brought earth shaking news to the king's razo