After a moment of stupidity, Harvey suddenly ran to the wellhead and vomited. The dry face beside him repeated what he had just done. Another group of fire was burning violently. Then he walked to a side road and said, "I'll give you the last sweep. Everything that should be thrown into the well should be cleaned up. We have evolved two souls today, and let them return to the right path from the abyss of sin. This is a blessing for the next life. You have done a good job

It took a long time for Harvey to recover from his tears, nose and stomach acid. The dry face standing next to him shook his head and said, "there is always a process of adaptation. You need to go to the place where the apostles practice. I'll give you the address. You can go there to Practice for a while before you talk about it. With the apostolic mark on your left chest, you will not be stopped. "

At the same time, the room of Baiteng big Sikong also telephone to Baiyue Wangting, the picture and video quickly passed in the past. And claimed that it must be passed to the king of the moon to watch.

The one who received the pictures and videos was yuelunda Simao, who was listed as "the third Duke of Baiyue" with baitengda Sikong.

Yuelun Da Si Mu received the picture and video from Baiteng Da Si Kong. After a few serious eyes, his face suddenly changed. Huo Di stood up, his expression became very solemn, and quickly typed a line back: "this matter is very important, the relevant personnel must strictly control it, and I will report to Baiyue Wang immediately."

Quickly came out of the house, where is actually a high-end sea view villa by the sea, the same beautiful scenery and covers a vast area of private manor. There are a group of slim young women playing with each other by the sea. The colorful swimsuits show the most beautiful style of young girls in the blooming season, with all kinds of skin color.

If you look carefully, you will find that the lines of these girls are smooth and contain strength, and they are quite moderate in every move. Even fighting with each other is very methodical. There are all kinds of skilful fighting skills hidden between you and me. On the surface, although Jiaonong's soft language is harmless to people and animals, the vigilant light in his eyes occasionally shows that they are always on guard against everything in the manor.

The girl's left arm is imprinted with the seal of the stars and the moon, obviously very human.

Seeing that yuelun came out, the girls immediately ran and hugged him.

However, yuelun changed his old sweetness and said seriously, "give you five minutes to change your clothes and go to see the king of the moon with me!"

A group of young girls, with their whole faces, rushed back to the villa after shouting. Two or three minutes later, a helicopter came down from the sky. Meanwhile, the dressed girls also gathered.

Take off the cute and sexy swimsuit, put on the skilful fighting suit, covered with a layer of snow-white cloak, white veil to cover up the part below the eyes, stood silently behind yuelun.

"Are you all ready?"

"Da Si mu, everything is ready."

Yuelun Da Si Mu teased his golden hair and took the lead in boarding the helicopter: "let's go!"

The helicopter soared into the sky and sped toward the deep sea. After flying about dozens of nautical miles, an extremely broad and wooded Island slowly came into view.

Yuelun Da Si Mu moved his body and took out pieces of fresh meat from the box beside him and threw them into the sea. Then, huge figures emerged on the sea, competing with each other and tearing fresh meat. In the splashing water, we could see that they were huge fierce sharks.

"The waters around here are full of sharks. They are very aggressive. Once they fall into the sea, there is little hope of survival."

Yuelun Da Si Mu lightly explained: "because the status of Baiyue royal court is transcendent, there have been three real dynasties in history, and it has a profound foundation, so even now it still has its own territory. This is our glory. "

The helicopter quickly approached the island, which was the exclusive territory of yuelunda. Coming to the sky, you can see an island with an area of about dozens of square kilometers. The water level of the island is very high, the edge is almost cliff, only the only port with a gentle slope.

In addition to the lush woods, there is also a magnificent palace surrounded by several sub halls. The exterior decoration has been extremely luxurious. The walls inlaid with white jade and the roof of the palace tower structure, the simple gold dome spire, do not know how much money to spend.

The appearance is so, I don't know how beautiful it is inside.

Even though they have been here several times, several girls still can't help but admire and marvel. The king of the moon worship is really like a noble royal family hundreds of years ago. Even if a stranger comes here, he will be shocked by the grand and magnificent palace.

The helicopter landed in the parking altar, and yuelun Da Si Mu and the girls quickly entered the palace from the convenient straight passage. Through the crystal clear corridor, we came to the last red lacquer gate on the top floor of the palace. Yuelun Da Si Mu took a deep breath, reached out and knocked on the door.A few seconds later, the red lacquer gate slowly opened a crack, revealing a country face, a man about 30 years old with a resolute face. He took a look at yuelun, nodded his head and said: "the king just woke up, don't speak too loud."

Gently open the door, a few people carefully walk in. This is the rest room of the king of the moon. It's not a formal meeting room, because all the people who come here are the closest. The king of the moon let them in very casually.

Several girls consciously stood at the door and didn't continue to walk in. They just watched yuelun come to the bedside, gently opened the gauze on the beautiful white jade bed, sat on the edge of the bed and said softly, "king, yuelun is coming."

Inside the tent came a loving voice: "my dear child, don't you have three days left on your holiday?"

Yue Lun Da Si Mu Wen said with a smile: "Baiteng has got something. He and I are not sure. We still have to ask the king for instructions."

With curiosity, the voice of the king of the Moon said, "Oh? I'm a little interested in what's going to make my two Archduke lose judgment. "

The man with the national character face came up and glanced at yuelun Da Si mu. Although he didn't speak, he obviously wanted to see what he meant.

"You two, are you still upset?" In his voice, the king of the Moon said helplessly, "I'm old. How can I be like a child? Mu en, you are a new generation of generals. As one of the three generals, yuelun is your predecessor. "

In fact, it is an implicit statement that the Royal Court of the moon worship claimed that there were three big Sikong in red. In fact, each of them performs his own duties