Li's father and son are quite satisfied with the attitude of the lobby manager. After all, the other party is also the high-rise of hexiangyuelou, and the people they contact are relatively high-level. They can treat themselves with courtesy, which also reflects their position in the eyes of the other party.

He stood up and said, "this is my son Li Guanghao, who is studying in Nancheng University. This is my son's classmate, Miss Liu

Originally, I wanted to add the word "girlfriend". Later, I thought it was better for parents to be reserved. This introduction would not mean accepting the girl, but would put themselves in a passive position.

Although the little girl didn't show up with Yin Ziyu many times, she also came to hexiangyuelou. Of course, the lobby manager knew her. He nodded with a smile and said, "Miss Liu, meet again."

Liu Yunting has some memory of the lobby manager. She stands up with a smile and nods.

In fact, if it were not for Yin Ziyu, an associate professor in a university would not be qualified to let the lobby manager of a five-star hotel be so respectful and polite. So Li's father was very surprised. He looked at Liu Yunting and the lobby manager in doubt: "do you know each other long ago?"

The manager of the lobby smiles: "Miss Liu has been here several times. She is very impressed, so I know her."

Li Guanghao was surprised. This time, he came to Hexiang yuelou only for the second time. How can Liu Yunting, who has a common family background, come more often than herself?

Liu Yunting looked at Yin Ziyu with a smile: "I came here with elder brother Yin. Elder brother Yin is half a master here. We have breakfast specially sent by hexiangyuelou every morning."

To put it this way is to suppress Li Guanghao's arrogance. You feel proud to have dinner here. Don't you know that the whole hotel is sucking up to Yin Ziyu?

In fact, mingxin'er once mentioned the daily meal delivery in Hexiang yuelou. She left early, but she didn't enjoy it several times.

Li Fu's face changed and he looked at Yin Ziyu in surprise. Originally, I wanted to make this loser dumbfounded. I didn't expect that he had known each other for a long time.

The lobby manager quietly left the private room, and soon a waiter came to serve the dishes and set up a table. Li Guanghao originally wanted the waiter to introduce the dishes one by one, but when he saw Yin Ziyu, he was not surprised. Even Liu Yunting, who was next to him, looked indifferent. As if he had seen it many times, he shut up and didn't speak.

In the mind, it was so awkward that he wanted to let the poor boy leave his eyes and eyes, and in the end he looked like a woodlouse himself. I haven't seen several dishes inside, but Liu Yunting is talking with Yin Ziyu about the dishes with a smile, which makes him feel even more angry.

Seeing that his son was isolated, Li Fu coughed and planned to vent his anger for his son. He stood up with his glass and said to Yin Ziyu, "Mr. Yin is very familiar with the dishes here. You should know that the price here is not low. How much do you earn as a security guard every month?"

Intellectuals always know how to use the tone and sentence to highlight the implied meaning they want to express. They emphasize the two words of security and income, and plan to stab Yin Ziyu in terms of social status and income level.

Yin Ziyu didn't feel it. He touched his nose and then stood up with a glass and said with a smile, "it's OK, it's OK, it's OK."

Li's mother said with a gentle smile: "that's not good. After all, it's about getting married. If you don't have a decent job and proper income, how can you support your family in the future? "

Everyone knows that the income of a security guard is not more than 3000 yuan per month, and there are not necessarily five insurances and one fund. It's no exaggeration to say that, but it's obviously a little contemptuous to speak in front of others.

In fact, as a mother, mother Li is not very willing to let her son find a girl with a bad family. Even if the girl is very good and can't be matched properly, there may be all kinds of problems after marriage. However, my husband now needs to be promoted to a full professor, so he has to support him anyway, so he reluctantly accepts Liu Yunting.

I thought that the girl should be overjoyed and agreed. Who would have thought that when she arrived, she found out that her son was the one who took the initiative, and even others were still indifferent to him. She was a little more unhappy.

In addition, Yin Ziyu is neither humble nor overbearing, calmly coping with the wind and clouds, which makes her feel more uncomfortable. Seeing his son's envious eyes turning red, of course, he had to take a breath for his son. He raised his glass with a smile and said, "it's rare for us to get together. We are all high-level intellectuals. Let's give a drink order to make the party more elegant."

Li's father understood his wife's meaning. He wanted to make a fool of Yin Ziyu on purpose. He nodded his head and said with a smile, "that's very good. Why don't you let me come first and let's go down in turn?"

Li Guanghao is also a college student. He has been good at it for a long time because of his family education. He immediately raised his head with pride and said, "well, if you can't get it, you'll have to drink three cups to show your punishment."Liu Yunting studied with her teacher for a period of time, but she could barely write a poem. She looked at Yin Ziyu anxiously. She was embarrassed to refuse this kind of elegant proposal, so she could only keep silent.

Yin Ziyu didn't feel anything. He raised the wine glass in his hand to show that the guests were at home.

Li Fu immediately laughed and said, "come on! First, I'll throw a brick to attract jade. The lotus moon tower is antique and elegant. The pavilions are like fairyland. I'll write a poem with it——

A statue of autumn cover, smoke and moon Pianqian. Gossip hedge thin shadow shallow, bead curtain half volume, GUI wine eye-catching.

The vine is yellow, the chrysanthemum is short, and the muffin is disorderly. And any fire string, hanging drunk eyebrows, near the green shirt

At the end of the poem recitation, Li Fu raised his head and drank all the wine in his glass, laughing.

Li's mother and Li Guanghao clapped their hands at the same time. Even Liu Yunting, who was beside them, could not help but shout good. They thumbed up and said, "it's wonderful. Although it's late autumn and winter now, my uncle's poems are elegant in artistic conception, with a leisurely and plain life interest, but they are not popular. It's really the work of everyone. I admire them."

Li's father laughed: "I'm so ugly. How about Miss Liu and a song?"

Liu Yunting pursed her lips. She stood up and meditated for a long time. She saw the passers-by coming home from work in a hurry outside the window. She also looked at Yin Ziyu, who was sitting still beside her. Her pretty face showed a little bit of gain. She gazed at the poem and said:

"Swing chaos,

Half maid flower scattered,

A few years later.

The moon is not round.

Slow walking,

Red and fragrant,

Let the film fall late.

There are no days

After singing, he lowered his eyebrow and glanced at Yin Ziyu. He didn't know whether he could appreciate the emotion he reposed in the poem or not