Although knowing that Yin Ziyu is not simple, Liu Yunting left too early after all. She didn't know whether he had money and a car now. She felt a little annoyed.

So when Li Guanghao turned to invite himself, the little girl angrily stepped back and refused: "I'll take a taxi with Yin Ziyu."

"No, we have a car." Yin Ziyu replied with a smile.

Liu Yunting immediately hugged his arm and spat out her tongue at Li Guanghao: "then I'll take brother Yin's car."

Li Guanghao snorted and looked at Yin Ziyu jealously. He said that we'll see. What he said today will make you feel ashamed.

Several people went out from the exhibition hall. Yin Ziyu went to the front desk, took out the red envelope and wrote his name. Anyway, Qu Feiyan could see it sooner or later, so he didn't wait to deliver it himself. It's a pity that I didn't have time to observe the texture of the pattern carefully. Then I went to the back door parking lot of the company with the three members of the Li family.

Li and his wife got into the car first. Li Guanghao stayed outside and looked around. He didn't know which car belonged to Yin Ziyu. Just look at the brand and price of his car to see what level the competitor is.

As a result, Yin Ziyu didn't stop in the parking lot at all. Instead, he went directly to the front door of the company and said hello to the security guard standing at the door. Under Li Guanghao's gaping eyes, he took out his mobile phone and swept it on the butt of a bike sharing car. With two beeps, the car lock was opened.

Bike sharing? what the fuck!

Li Guanghao just wanted to laugh. What that guy said by "I have a car" originally meant this. A poor loser still needs face. I don't know where he got the confidence to take a beautiful young girl to brush the QR code.

Liu Yunting was stunned for a moment, and then remembered the days when they used to ride bicycles together. A warm color appeared on her pretty face. Then she took out her mobile phone, swept a bicycle, pushed it over and looked at Yin Ziyu with a smile.

At this time, they also heard Li Guanghao's unrestrained laughter in the parking lot. The little girl turned her lips and snorted: "look at his proud appearance, brother Yin, don't mind. I'll buy you a car when I earn money from my work."

Yin Ziyu smiles and doesn't say anything. At his present state, he doesn't care about more money or less. However, they are all means of transportation. Cycling and driving are just different ways. There is no difference in essence.

As for those who need to rely on cars and houses to show their uniqueness, they are just some upstarts who are afraid of being poor. They are afraid that others will look down on them. This kind of poor thinking can not be seen in him. Those who come back from the mercenary world are indifferent to everything except life and death, which is beyond the understanding of those who grew up in ivory towers.

After smoothing her long hair, Yin Ziyu yelled "let's go" and got on the bike lane with Liu Yunting.

Sitting in the car, Li's father and son watched them leave the company, and the security guard at the door waved goodbye to them with a smile on his face.

After all, Lao Li had more life experience than Xiao Li. He frowned and felt a little uncertain. He couldn't see through the young man who was just fooling around.

It is reasonable to say that at the opening ceremony of Yanluo Xinsheng group, the invited people are either rich or expensive, or they are the famous people in the academic circle. It seems that this young man who has been wandering in the hall does not belong to both. How can he get in and out so easily without being blocked? Is it the son of some official?

Thinking of this, I was shocked, as if only this explanation could make sense, otherwise how could Liu Yunting be so determined. Now girls are very realistic, love can not replace bread, material conditions are the premise of love, you have nothing, why let girls like you?

Li Guanghao guessed his father's doubts and said with a sneer: "Dad, that guy is the security chief of Jinghuang group. It doesn't matter. The security guard here also let him in and out because he knew each other. "

Li's father raised his eyebrows and gave his son an unexpected look. As a competitor, it's natural to investigate each other, but immediately the husband and wife look at each other without any trace. According to this, we can infer a lot of information.

If Yin Ziyu is really a security guard, then everything seems to make sense.

Liu Yunting's family is not very good, which they have known for a long time. The friends around her and the circle of life should be the same level of talents. Her mother does cleaning work in other people's shops. It seems that only when her brother is a security guard can she meet the family's economic orientation.

Looking at the two people riding their bicycles leisurely, it is obvious that they have been used to this mode of transportation for a long time. So no matter what their relationship is, Yin Ziyu's social status and income level have been clearly judged and positioned in the family.

Looking at the two people riding a bicycle to leave, Li Guanghao also started the car, turned out of the gate and went on the road.Riding on the road in the slightly chilly wind, Yin Ziyu certainly has no problem. The little girl originally wore thin clothes, and she didn't have too many clothes to protect herself from the cold, so she shivered after riding less than 100 meters.

However, it's not easy to be alone with Yin Ziyu. Liu Yunting stubbornly follows him, biting his lower lip and holding on hard. After a while, her lips tremble with cold.

Yin Ziyu found something wrong with the little girl in time. She glanced at her clothes and immediately laughed helplessly. Change to the right hand grip, the left hand on the back of the little girl, vigorous power into heat flow slowly injected into the little girl, quickly in the whole body up and down a circle, the cold away.

Liu Yunting felt warm all over her body, and immediately looked at Yin Ziyu happily: "brother Yin, you are so good."

Yin Ziyu takes a speechless look at the sky. According to his experience, once a girl says "you're so nice" to you, you can take the opportunity to take the next step, which is the best opportunity to achieve a great breakthrough in the relationship. Looking at the little girl's big watery eyes, a rogue can only secretly sigh. Now there are enough troubles. It's better to pretend that he can't understand.

"Wood, fool!" Liu Yunting's heart beats faster and waits for a long time. She finds that Yin Ziyu has no further action except putting her hand behind her back to help her warm up. She is disappointed and angry.

However, this action was a little ambiguous, and Li's father and son in the car had different attitudes.

Li Guanghao gnashes his teeth with jealousy. Li Fu's eyes behind him change and he feels that he can't see through the inexplicable young man.

Liu Yunting's eyes are full of deep love, which makes him very confused. This kind of eyes can't be seen by relatives. And Yin Ziyu's action is just to help the little girl ride. Her arm is very high, but she is quite a gentleman