Bi Shengnan chuckled and kicked him: "look at your bear, I'm not happy enough. Little fish, come and serve the princess."

Deliberately used two people in private to play the trick, called out the emotional time will say the nickname. Bi Shengnan is a woman with rich imagination. She always plays with all kinds of moods in different ways. She can do everything in common, elegant and violent ways. She is proficient in Chinese style, European style and primitive court. She is a maid, nurse and white-collar chivalrous woman.

This is also the reason why Yin Ziyu is reluctant to give up by the goblin's five secrets.

Liu Yunting screamed angrily over the phone: "bastard, Yin Ziyu, you are still with that cheap woman. I hate you! I... "

"Shut up!" Yin Ziyu suddenly howled, startling Liu Yunting and Bi Shengnan on the other side of the phone.

Yin Ziyu said with a straight face: "you are my friend, so is bi Shengnan, and you will never give up in your life. You may not like her, but you have no right to abuse her. On the contrary, I hope you don't say such hurtful words in the future. "

After hanging up the phone, Yin Ziyu sighed and was helpless. Before that innocent little girl because of blind love and jealousy has become fierce and full of hurt, say this is his responsibility.

He glanced at the originator and said angrily, "if it wasn't for you, you wouldn't be in trouble today."

Bi shengnanjiao leaned up with a smile and said, "I'm so partial to you. I'm so warm. Now you let me die for you."

"No, just don't cause me any more trouble." Yin Ziyu doesn't want to fight any more. He puts on his clothes and starts the car, leaving Bi Shengnan in the back seat with his legs up. He hums a little, but doesn't dare to look in the rearview mirror. He orders a flue in silence: "to Tianyun consortium?"

"No, it's cold. I don't want to see any of them now. " Bi Shengnan said, "go to Xiaofang's house. I've already called before. I'll stay in her house later."

To Qian Linfang's house?

Yin Ziyu touches his nose and feels that he hasn't been there for some time. He immediately nods and doesn't call Song Yi. He drives all the way to Qian Linfang's two-story villa.

Before getting off the bus, Bi Shengnan suddenly grabbed Yin Ziyu's arm. She looked a little strange after she was dressed up. After a deep look at him, he suddenly said with a smile: "you have saved me several times, and I haven't given you any gifts. Tell me what you want? "

"Man, you don't want anything. Just stop." Yin Ziyu got out of the car and ran to the trunk to pick up the fruits, vegetables and all kinds of meat he bought. He trotted into the house first.

Bi Shengnan sighed and looked at Yin Ziyu's back. He didn't know why he was sad. There was a trace of tears in his eyes, and she wiped it away in the twinkling of an eye.

Walking into Qian Linfang's mansion, you can see that the overjoyed secretary is helping Yin Ziyu put his things into the refrigerator. Her pretty face turns slightly red with excitement and a bit of shyness.

Because he didn't know that his sweetheart was coming, Qian Linfang dressed casually, wrapped her hair in a simple Pajama, and had a pair of ordinary cotton slippers at her feet. She followed Yin Ziyu's things and bowed her head shyly. She felt that she must be very ugly.

Bi Shengnan came over with a smile and leaned in front of the kitchen door. "Look, look, it's just a couple living at home. Well, one is as beautiful as a fairy, and the other is so ruffian that it's a perfect match. "

Yin Ziyu has no words and turns her eyes. This woman clearly wants to make trouble tonight. I really don't know what it's like to be caught and put back. What's the stimulation?

At this time, Liu Yunting angrily kicked at the stone bench and said angrily: "asshole, damn! He is biased towards that fox spirit. I must find her to confront her face to face and make that smelly woman look shameless! "

Li Guanghao, who had been following him all the time, was secretly happy, but he didn't dare to show his joy. With her indignation, she said: "yes, those two are not good people. Let's ignore them. Yunting, I'll take you to eat delicious food. Let's have a big meal to let off steam. "

"Go away, what do you want to do with me? Who are you? You need your hospitality every day?" Liu Yunting pushed Li Guanghao hard and ran away from him in other directions.

She was very sad. When she was young, she met the man who moved her most. She thought everything would come naturally and always imagined herself to be the heroine.

But later, she was caught off guard by the evolution of things. During the time when she went out to study, so many women took advantage of it. Moreover, when she saw it in jade heaven that day, several women seemed to have dressed up Yin Ziyu. From the beginning to the end, the guy didn't dare to fart, and he didn't even have a bit of manliness, Which is the hero who beat the little ruffians in her mind at that time?!These bad women must have forced Yin Ziyu to give in by some intrigue. Otherwise, he would not be afraid. How could he be wronged like a grandson.

No, we must use practical actions to prove that we have the ability to rescue him! Liu Yunting swears secretly. Li Guanghao, who followed her, was both jealous and worried. He followed her closely and didn't leave no matter she scolded or beat her.

When Qian Linfang went to the kitchen to wash the fruit, Bi Shengnan quietly touched Yin Ziyu: "bastard, I didn't take any safety measures just now. Will I give you a fat boy?"

Yin Ziyu calmly lit a cigarette and sneered: "you want to be beautiful."

Bi Shengnan gently raised his eyebrows and put his hand on his arm to pick up a piece of meat and turned around: "what do you mean? Don't tell me something's wrong with you! "

"Bah, bah, bah!! You're the one with the problem. " Yin Ziyu showed his teeth in pain and immediately defended his man's dignity. He rolled his eyes and said, "what nonsense? I practice orthodox internal mental skill. Of course, planting or not depends on my control. If I don't have this skill, I dare to mess with you so casually?"

"Oh, see what you can do." Bi Shengnan smiles and whispers, "do you want me to give you the whole North nose? I'm usually bored by myself. "

"Don't be ridiculous. Now I'm the first two." Yin Ziyu immediately refuses, and takes advantage of Qian Linfang's opportunity to turn around to get rid of the devil's claws. He laughs and comes forward to help her carry things.

"Cut, counsellor." Bi Shengnan turns back