During this period of time, I really seldom came to Qian Linfang's home. After walking the familiar road, I came to the guard of the high-end community.

It happened to be the rush hour, the cars coming and going with the anxious mood of the drivers to go home, kept pressing the car whistle. Because all kinds of rear end events happen from time to time, the people of central plains are in the forefront of the world in this aspect. They are busy every day and have a lot of pressure. In the end, they don't know why they are running.

House, car, child or love?

This is the most confusing thing for young people living in big cities or even not in the first tier cities. A group of losers get together to fight for life. They despise the fixed slow pace life in the fourth and fifth tier small cities. They like high-rise buildings and are addicted to money, but they don't have enough money to support their desires.

Boys hope to meet a simple girl who is compatible with others and doesn't care about fame and fortune with them. Girls are not willing to fight with a loser from the bottom. They hope to reach the sky step by step, at least one step, and find a man who has a house, a car and a deposit.

The busy environment and people full of pressure constitute the busiest and most confused mainstream crowd in the city, supporting the society to move forward step by step.

Yin Ziyu walked slowly with his cigarette in his mouth. Along the way, I heard a lot of quarrels between lovers, some face to face, some yelling on the phone, all caused by the word money.

Until I come to the front of the high-end community, I really want to stop. Yin Ziyu took a puff and had to admit that the trend of class consolidation had begun to emerge. People living in high-end villas have no economic problems at least. The environment is elegant, and the people in the villas are calm and calm. Many people stand in a place with a smile and chat in a low voice, and even their accomplishments follow.

"Ah - you! Yes, yes, it's you. Who are you looking for? " A head came out of the guard room of the high-end community, pointed to Yin Ziyu and yelled. Seeing Yin Ziyu stop, he immediately ran out of the room and came to him. "I said, brother, this is a high-end community. People who live in it are rich or expensive. I advise you not to go in for a stroll, so as not to let people scold you and lose your face."

This guy is kind-hearted. Seeing that Yin Ziyu's dress and temperament are similar to his own, he is often scolded by the owners. The rich people are often bad tempered, especially those upstarts who look down on the poor most and want to trouble you. If you let people like Yin Ziyu in, you may even have to be scolded.

Yin Ziyu said with a smile: "I'm looking for people. I usually drive back and forth. You may not know me."

The guard raised eyebrows in doubt: "who are you looking for?"

"Qian Linfang in the second building on the corner in front of him is the one who usually drives the landing patrol."

"Miss Qian? You are her... "

"I'm her boyfriend." Someone nodded shamelessly.

"Oh, no disrespect. What a brother can do The guard immediately put up his thumb, with the surprise of the toad biting the swan in his eyes. He looked up and down at Yin Ziyu and said, "just a moment, I'll call to ask."

"Whatever." Yin Ziyu made a gesture of invitation.

The guard immediately ran back to make a phone call, quickly connected Qian Linfang's mobile phone, politely said: "Miss Qian, do you have a boyfriend?"

Qian Linfang is reading a book. He is stunned. What's the matter with the guard? Immediately denied: "No."

On the other side of the phone, the guard immediately gave a cold laugh to someone: "you stinky loser, Miss Qian has no boyfriend at all. Go away, go away!"

Qian Linfang suddenly jumped in her heart and said to the phone, "wait a minute. What's the name of that man?"

The guard, who was in a hurry, heard Qian Linfang's voice, raised his eyebrows doubtfully and asked Yin Ziyu, "what's your name?"

"I call the fish God." Yin Ziyu yelled at the phone from a distance.

"Ah!" Qian Lin Fang sat up fiercely and ran out of the room in his slippers. Seeing Yin Ziyu standing at the gate of the community from a distance, he quickly took his mobile phone and said to the phone, "let him in quickly!"

The guard was stunned: "Miss Qian, this boy claims to be your boyfriend. He..."

"He's right!" Qian Linfang interrupted the guard's words, his heart thumping, his face hot, but his heart was filled with joy.

Looking at Yin Ziyu, laughing and coming up step by step, Qian Linfang found that she was dressed too casually. Ah, she ran back in a panic, but she carefully remembered to leave the door.

Yin Ziyu came to the house and found that the furnishings were no different from the past, but there seemed to be more things to eat and wear. It was estimated that Bi Shengnan left them when he was here.

Qian Linfang's voice came from the clothes room: "brother Yin, wait a moment...""Don't worry. Dress up well. Let's go out for dinner later." Yin Ziyu laughed back and began to turn around the room.

Qian Linfang, who is changing clothes, is stunned for a moment, and then her heart is in a panic. She can't even hold the button. Her jade finger is trembling. She doesn't know whether to panic or be happy.

In the evening, he suddenly came to eat out with himself. Isn't that what he has been looking forward to for countless days? However, when it came to the end, she had all kinds of complex feelings in her heart. For a moment, she had mixed feelings and fell into tears.

Yin Ziyu didn't know that the women in the room had such delicate and complex emotions. After walking around the room for a long time, he found that Qian Linfang's boudoir had a double bed, two pillows, two pairs of slippers, and even one more cabinet.

He raised his eyebrows and opened one of the cupboards. What he saw was familiar clothes, which he usually could see on Qian Linfang. Another cupboard opened, a rogue's nostrils suddenly a burst of fire, which is full of sexy n clothes, all kinds of styles, and there are a few he is quite familiar with. Bi Shengnan's woman, however, has turned herself into a beast more than once.

When he was distracted, a figure came to the door and saw Yin Ziyu looking at the cook's clothes. He was blushing with shame.

Bi Shengnan, a wild and willful woman, often takes Qian Linfang to try one by one at night. At first, Qian Linfang is embarrassed, but he can't bear the temptation of the crazy woman and tries to wear it several times. In front of the mirror, the two women feel sorry for themselves, wear attractive nose bleeding clothes, put on all kinds of attractive postures, and then tease each other, which is a way to help each other in the lonely night.

Later, Bi Shengnan left because of other reasons, and she didn't have the courage to wear it by herself, but every time she thought of that crazy night, her heart beat faster and her face became hot.

Now he was seen by Yin Ziyu, and he immediately grabbed the corner of his coat shyly and didn't dare to make a sound