See Yin Ziyu ignore the left and right to talk about him, mercury did not ask. With his brain, he can draw inferences. If Sanchez who contacted kefeller group is a small fish, then who is a big fish is about to come out.

At the beginning, when Yin Ziyu was about to ascend the top of the mercenary world, he suddenly encountered great pressure from all sides of the world, and even once encountered the danger of life and death. To a certain extent, it is helpless to retreat bravely.

The mercenary world is in chaos, which means all kinds of opportunities and countless money and interests. Even some things that can't be done can be done by themselves in the form of mercenary regiment. Many obvious forces do not allow unity in the mercenary world at all. The original killer emperor Hades is so, now the king's razor also makes them fear.

It's a good thing for the killer emperor to say that after all, it's one person's strength. A little bit of means will make him hard up, but the king's razor is different.

He has too many loyal followers and a cunning military "Princess" around him. There are people in any industry and anywhere in the world who may be friends of the king's razor. If he unifies the mercenary world, it will definitely be the beginning of countless forces' nightmare.

So Yin Ziyu stepped back bravely, dismissed all the blades, personally put out the light of glory, and returned home to be a small security guard, which was a concession to all the forces controlling the rules of the game in the world.

It's just that the tree wants to be quiet and the wind doesn't stop. Sometimes a person can't live a plain life. In addition, the mercenary community is always staring at him, and a little bit of trouble will cause a lot of discussion. The more he quits, the more legend he creates, which leads to the crazy worship of countless people like "arrogant and charming Avengers", which is also unexpected to Yin Ziyu and those big forces.

Even so, a person who has withdrawn from the mercenary world can't afford much trouble. Most big forces have no malice to Yin Ziyu. The whole mercenary world was a chaotic Warring States period, which was regarded as the realization of most people's goals.

Only the treasure collected by Yin Ziyu is still on people's mind. It is said that he still holds an extremely mysterious and invaluable secret, which makes countless people envious but helpless. This time, the incident of Yin Ziyu became more and more serious in the mercenary field, and many people were hesitating behind it to push him out of the Central Plains.

So Yin Ziyu ran out for a walk to see who among these forces wanted to kill him and who coveted him with bad intentions.

In a word, all kinds of complicated situations come together, and Yin Ziyu doesn't want to solve them one by one, so he just runs out on his own to avenge and complain.

Piero felt the pressure, carefully looked around: "Wang, are you still waiting for someone?"

Yin Ziyu nodded and didn't nod, as if he didn't make a simple conclusion. He looked at the outside with his cigarette in his mouth and said, "wait a minute. If people don't come, we'll do it ourselves."

Yin Gang is a very independent person, and he has always been very confident in himself, so he may not necessarily follow his advice. Louis III is even more cunning. Few people in the world can catch him. When two old foxes come together, I'm afraid it's not so easy to be manipulated by others.

After waiting for about half an hour, there was still no one around. Even Yin Ziyu felt strange. The car went out slowly, and when the last spark disappeared, the night was still. In addition to the uniform rhythmic vibration of the engines of the two cars, the silence around was strange.

Sobbing, the car in front suddenly honked two whistles, and then saw a man struggling to get up from the car. He was actually controlling the steering wheel with his face. His arms drooped weakly, but he still stepped on the accelerator with a ferocious face and drove away at a fast speed.

I didn't expect that the wolf green was so cruel to himself. Crystal turned his mouth and some of his scalp exploded. When this guy comes back to the mercenary world, I'm afraid he will really set off a bloodbath as Yin Ziyu said.


The car didn't drive 100 meters away, but suddenly it burst into a dazzling fire. The car was suddenly lifted up in the air, and then it was dismembered by the huge explosive force, and the people inside also disappeared.

A spirit of mercury jumps out of the car, while Piero and the Jupiter team hold up their guns and look around. The infrared heat detection on the guns looks in all directions, but no one is seen.

Yin Ziyu was shivered by the sudden cold wind. He squinted at the smashed car. The severely burned stumps made it look like day, but he could not see any figure quietly.

There is no doubt that during the chaos just now, someone appeared nearby and planted bombs all around quietly, making it clear that they didn't want to let go of any of them.

In other words, even if the wolf Green doesn't kill the others, none of them will escape. The other side is in a clear position to kill everyone.Piero did not find any traces of the enemy, immediately made a judgment: "the other side is definitely not a large mercenary regiment, let alone a large number of people, the only possibility..."

Before he finished speaking, he found a relatively large piece of ice and slid out of the ground.

The ice is sliding fast on the ice. When it is about 100 meters, it suddenly touches something. With a click, a dazzling small mushroom cloud rises.

Piero's face was gloomy. He looked back at Yin Ziyu solemnly: "Wang, did you offend the top killer?"

Yin Ziyu shrugged and said, "all the killers I know are the most powerful. Who knows what kind of killers don't like me."

Del Piero can see that, of course, he knows better. They are targeted by some super killer.

The most terrible thing in the mercenary world is not the mercenary regiment or any large force, but the super killer who can kill you without knowing it. This kind of person is like a poisonous snake hiding in the dark. Once it's targeted, it's like a maggot with bones, and it's impossible to get rid of it.

At that time, the killer emperor Hades once destroyed the top two large mercenary regiments with one person's strength, but none of them let go, because they insulted their lovers.

Later, the No.1 super killer "night rose" was also furious because someone publicly abused the king's razor. Wanli chased a super regiment and killed all the members of the whole regiment sooner or late