Charles looked at Yin Ziyu with a gloomy face. He didn't know whether to order a full-scale raid for revenge or to run away with his team.

The king's razor appears in front of him with people, and is accompanied by the leaders of the two strongest teams mercury and Piero. The group of people behind him is obviously the shadow of the strongest blade.

The situation was so frightening that Charles's calf and stomach trembled uncontrollably. He felt frightened from the bottom of his heart.

Once the king's razor merges with his own blade, the combat effectiveness will be immeasurable. Some time ago, a Jupiter team with more than a dozen people completely destroyed the single sword Meng family, which shocked the whole Yongjie.

I thought that without the king's razor, all the blades would become headless flies. After this, everyone found that they were wrong. Even if the legendary mercenary retreats, there are still countless people in the mercenary world preparing silently. When the king's razor rises to the top, they will burst out with astonishing fighting power.

Now the legendary mercenary has gathered around the most effective mercury, Jupiter two combat teams, such a line-up let Charles think about it feel afraid. Although the "fangs" are also known for their strong fighting power, they have to divide their opponents and face the blade team. No one in the whole "fangs" says that they have confidence to resist.

After swallowing his saliva, Charles walked to the place only four or five meters away from Yin Ziyu with a bitter smile and raised his hand. I don't know if he would be shot because of this action. He put it down again in a hurry. His face was covered with an unbearable smile: "king, before we" fangs ", the deputy head of the team personally made a friendly gesture. What are you doing?"

There's no way. After Yin Ziyu came, he blew up their only way out. I'm afraid you can see and hear the rising fire and deafening sound for tens of miles. If it doesn't attract most people, he won't believe it.

He is also very clear about the purpose of Yin Ziyu's doing this, that is, to attract people scattered everywhere.

No one is a fool. It's obvious that someone is doing it on purpose. However, people are like this. They know that it may be a trap, but they are worried that it is true that someone will encounter the king's razor first. If they are attacked first, they will suffer a great loss.

Whether you want to take the emperor to make the princes, or you want to take the name of the razor who killed the king, as long as you don't get it from your own mercenary regiment, you are making wedding clothes for others. No one wants to see such a result.

So no matter Charles or Yin Ziyu, they all know how many people are rushing in this direction under the dark night.

Even if you can't get it, you can't let others get it. This is the default dark rule of the mercenary world, and it is also the most intuitive expression of the release of human nature. In this wolf gathering world, bloodthirsty and everything is very common for a long time. Many dark and despicable things that can't appear or show in the sun world will become normal here.

Yin Ziyu is tired because he knows too much, and panic because he indulges too much. This kind of life may bring a different life, but it is far from what he wants. However, if the world threatens him again, he will not hesitate to use all the mercenary world to fight for his own opportunities.

Mercury is fiddling with his pistol and his ears are watching carefully. Meanwhile, Piero's Jupiter team has been monitoring everything with infrared thermal imaging devices.

Because of the burning car, both sides can clearly see each other's appearance.

Yin Ziyu smiles and finds that this guy is a little familiar. He can't remember where he met him. He said with a smile: "that's why I came to discuss a big issue with fangs. As long as you agree, I can not only give you a big credit, but also get my friendship. You have about five minutes to contact Titan and choose to be my enemy or friend. "

Even in the freezing weather of dozens of degrees below zero, Charles was still in a cold sweat. He was not a fool. He immediately made a decision, reached out his hand to Yin Ziyu, and said with a laugh, "why do we need to ask our leader about this kind of thing? We came here with the task of guarding the king. Since you found us first, we saved our time."

Yin Ziyu slapped him with a smile, and both sides were relieved at the same time. There is another rule in the mercenary world. Once an alliance is formed on the battlefield, it will be agreed in the form of high fives. Even if the two sides were enemies before, once the high fives were successful, they must abide by the agreement before the completion of the mission. In this case, violation is absolutely not allowed, otherwise it will be abandoned by all mercenary regiments, and it will be impossible to find any team alliance in the future. Moreover, once the reputation is lost, it will have a very bad impact on its own business. Generally, no mercenary regiment dares to violate it.

There were mercenary regiments that didn't comply with the agreement before. Later, several of them were eliminated by the top regiments in succession. After that, even if this rule was established, it became the default rule in the chaos, the bottom line of the mercenary world."King, now that we've united the fangs, our plan can start now," said the Jupiter team

"Don't worry." Yin Ziyu looks at Charles, walks up to him and whispers a few words. Charles shows a puzzled look. Then Yin Ziyu, leaning on a crutch, waves to Qin Yiming and Ni Meng, and they walk forward in doubt.

Yin Ziyu looked at two humanitarians: "to tell you the truth, I didn't have a good heart before, but now it's different. I'll give you two a choice. One is to follow me to fight guerrillas everywhere, and the other is to be in this corps called fangs. As far as I know, their eldest Titan is a super boxer, who knows nothing about dark boxing. For my face and your martial arts, Titan will not embarrass you. "

They were stunned. They didn't expect the separation to come so quickly. Qin Yiming looked at Ni mengchang in a hurry. He always listened to the third younger brother's idea for this kind of big decision.

Ni Meng's pupil flashed, and he looked at Yin Ziyu: "no merit, no salary. Since brother Yin has pointed us a clear way, we can't treat you badly. Come on, what do you want us to do? "

"Smart!" Yin Ziyu tilted his thumb, got up to him and whispered to him twice. In a twinkling of an eye, he went back and waved to his back and said, "withdraw!"