You're involved with your own people? Yin Ziyu was stunned for a moment and then thought of the three of them. He frowned and said, "didn't you make a good identity for them?"

"It's not about identity." Mu Xianghui knocked on the table, turned on the computer next to him, and turned the screen to Yin Ziyu. "Well, since you promised to let Zhong Wei and others participate in the competition on behalf of Weizhen martial arts school, it has a lot to do with you."

The computer screen opens and shows an introduction video. Mu Xianghui opened the video and randomly showed the introduction of some people connecting with each other to control the international free fight competition.

The video introduces the relatively large forces of the five or six groups, one of which mainly obtains high profits by buying fighters and secretly manipulating illegal bets outside the competition. It's just that these people are hiding too deeply, and the joint investigation of several countries has not found any exact clues, which has always been regarded as one of the most troublesome things.

Originally, Mu Xianghui and others had only heard of such incidents, and there were no domestic players in the free fight competition, so they did not pay more attention.

Later, it was discovered that the Nancheng Weizhen martial arts school had won the qualification to participate in the regional competition. So I did some investigation and found that someone had secretly participated in this matter for a long time and formed a considerable force.

Although compared with other regions, it's just a small force, but Guoan can't get sand in his eyes. He has to crack down on those who break the rules secretly.

This matter is extremely dangerous. It requires not only the ability to deal with things flexibly, but also the participants themselves. Think about it, the most suitable person is Yin Ziyu.

Yin Ziyu narrowed his eyes, leaned lazily on his seat, pushed the computer aside, and said with a joking smile: "it seems that what you said in the video has not yet become the climate. Do you really need me to do it?"

To tell you the truth, Yin Ziyu has a kind of uncomfortable feeling. If he is allowed to go abroad alone to stir up some big power, it may arouse his interest. A group of small fish and shrimps do things in private. They just send a few special forces out. Can they use legendary mercenaries?

Mu Xianghui had been ready for a long time. He put the computer right again and started another video.

There are several shadows in the video, which should have been shot from a long distance. It shows that several of them are surrounded by many special combat team members to evade attack and quickly break a gap to leave.

Mu Xianghui sighed: "this is a video we got from contacting foreign countries. We guess that several people in it are currently in China, responsible for contacting, organizing and controlling free fight competitions. Looking at the skills of those people, it is estimated that only you are qualified to compete with them. "

Yin Ziyu watched the video carefully and raised his eyebrows: "how can we conclude that they are in China? Jin Qianjun, who contacted the Weizhen martial arts school before, should be the breakthrough. We can start to investigate from them. "

Mu Xianghui shakes his head. As soon as the picture turns on the computer, he sees three dead bodies at home.

Mu Xianghui said in a deep voice: "as soon as the foreign investigation agencies were ready to contact them, they died at home. No one can find out the person who shot, the surrounding surveillance video is blank, these people seem to appear and disappear out of thin air, and no effective information can be found at the scene, which is obviously the work of this expert. We suspect... "

"Is it the mercenary world?" Yin Ziyu vomites a cigarette and lazily draws a conclusion.

Mu Xianghui nodded: "you are the legendary king of the mercenary world. First of all, you will have a strong deterrent to them, and we think you also have sufficient experience and strength."

Yin Ziyu threw the cigarette end into the dustbin, sat up and knocked on the table seriously and said: "first, all this is speculation. I hope you can contact me when you confirm the identity of the other party. Second, I'm out of the mercenary world. I don't want to get involved in the affairs. Besides, I don't necessarily have deterrent power. Third, why should I do it? I refuse

The air stagnated, and Mu Xianghui dialed a number without hesitation.

After connecting there, the voice of Lord Luo came out immediately: "how about that little bastard, did you agree?"

"Unfortunately, he refused." Mu Xianghui took a look at Yin Ziyu and had the pleasure of having a little report from a primary school student.

Yin Ziyu rolled his eyes, and Luo's cold laughter immediately came from the phone: "I know this son of a bitch won't agree so easily. What about Yin Ziyu? Put him on the phone

Yin Ziyu, helpless, picked up the phone and put it to his ear: "old man, I'm listening."

"Listen to me Luo Laozi slapped the table and said angrily, "when you need me, I will give you a phone call. I'm not willing to use you once. Even a beast knows how to repay his kindness. What do you think you are?"Yin Ziyu was speechless and said with a bitter smile, "it's not that I don't agree. But I don't need to deal with it. Don't you want to deal with the rats behind their backs? I'll give you a call and I'll dig you up in three days. "

"Pooh! Do you mean that we are all fools Old man Luo blew his beard and glared. He yelled at the phone, "if you have the ability, I'll catch all the mice. Let me see the legendary mercenary's real ability is more powerful than brag."

Yin Ziyu's face twitched. He had the ability to find people, but he didn't have the ability to catch the breath all over the world. Besides, he is not worthy of offending so many people. Isn't he full to find his own job?

"There's nothing to say, is there? Then give me an honest order. Less fart, more work. From now on, you must obey Mu Xianghui's orders, otherwise not only Laozi can't forgive you, but you won't see Qu girl again in the future! "

Luo Laozi angrily hung up the phone, but a smile appeared on his face.

Mu Tianxi, standing beside him, gave him a blank look and said, "I don't understand. We have so many special combat team members, one by one with unique skills. Why do you have to arrange for that guy who is obviously reluctant to do things? "

"Reluctant? Sooner or later, he will Mr. Luo raised his head to dry a cup of tea and sat down on the chair contentedly. "Don't you think it's too wasteful for such a capable guy to stay in the company all day as a security guard? That guy is still a hot-blooded young man in essence. Although he has some personality, as long as the method is appropriate, he can be guided to serve his country step by step. Which one of the good guys in our team is not a prick? As long as we have the national interest in mind and can shed our blood at the critical moment, that is our good son! "