This is not the usual state of Song Yi. Mingxiner sees something wrong, but it's not easy to ask directly. Instead, she quietly finds Qian Linfang and tells her about Song Yi's performance.

Qian Linfang hasn't heard from Yin Ziyu all this time. She can't sleep well every night. I thought I would come back after going out with the general manager for a week to participate in the economic and trade negotiations, but the time was surprisingly long, and the general manager had been back for a month, and I didn't see Yin Ziyu.

I want to ask Song Yi, but I don't know how to speak. Even Bi Shengnan from Tianyun financial group is a bit strange recently. She has been trying to contact them. She often comes to inquire about them. It seems that she has asked Song Yi several times, but Song Yi doesn't know what to say. She is shocked and runs out strangely. She can't close her mouth like an elephant, Like doing something wrong, I got into the car with a guilty conscience and ran away. I never had the courage to come here again.

So Qian Linfang also had 10000 reasons in his heart. He had no choice but to tell song Zongzhi.

Song Zongzhi is also very curious. He calls Song Yi and asks if something happened abroad, why he was absent-minded when he came back, and where did Yin Ziyu go?

After Song Yi said "nothing", she had to hang up and let her father hold the phone for a long time, then she shook her head with a bitter smile. This girl really grew up, not only in business than their own skills, even their own life began to do not want to interfere.

There's no way. Song Zongzhi can only turn off lighting Xin'er. He must observe the general manager carefully. If anything is wrong, call him immediately

After the office quiets down, song Yiyi is on the stool, only feels incomparably agitated in the heart.

If this kind of state was put half a year ago, I'm afraid she would disdain it herself. At that time, she thought that everything except work was a small matter, and that the young people's troubles about love would never come to her head, which was just unnecessary thoughts.

However, now on the table a thick pile of documents, she did not mind to deal with. I've been thinking about Yin Ziyu all the time.

He disappeared for a month. What did he do? Why didn't he let himself know? Is he dead or alive? Is there any danger? Why can't we get in touch with him by any means?

All kinds of worries linger in her mind. This month also gives Song Yi a taste of concern and worry. She can't sleep at night and doesn't want to do anything during the day.

Lingling, Lingling——

The sharp bell suddenly rang from the desk.

Song Yijiao body a shock, quickly opened the drawer, took out a mobile phone from inside. This is a special function mobile phone that can be encrypted immediately after she returned to China. It can not only have signals anywhere in the world, but also block the monitoring of any technology. It belongs to a high-precision type of work.

But money can make the devil push the mill. As long as Song Yi wants it, there will always be a way to get it.

This mobile phone only has contact with one place, that is, the hotel on the other side of "old Poker" - razor glory chain hotel.

Song Yi pressed the connect button and hurried to the rest room of the office. She plugged in the door and said softly, "I'm Song Yi."

"Boss, I need to calm down before I tell you." The old poker on the other side of Brussels was so red and excited that he couldn't stop in one place and walked back and forth in his room, shivering with deep breath and even shining eyes.

Song Yi's pretty eyes flashed a trace of Jing mang. Although she was also looking forward to it, her tone was as indifferent as before. She said in English: "it seems that your news will not disappoint me."

"Absolutely not, and I'm sure you'll be as excited as I am." Old Poker's voice began to tremble. "Mr. razor... No, it's Lord razor. I'm not sure you know his identity, but I was almost scared by his terrible identity. My God, I really don't know how to describe him. He... He's like a king in another world. That world is called mercenary world, Everywhere is full of war, guns, killing, blood, money and crime. I don't know how to describe it. In a word, the people and life in it are definitely not what we can imagine living in stability. "

Since the "razor glory" brand came out, the hotel guests have become different. The presence of eccentric people in shape, shape, color and color has also brought old poker into contact with another door of the world. Because old poker according to Song Yi's care, all aspects are very generous and straightforward, so a come and go also made a lot of friends.

Especially in the recent month, the passenger flow of the hotel suddenly increased. Many people came here with a look of excitement, just to make themselves closer to the legendary figure of their dreams and be very polite to the manager of the hotel. Let him learn a lot of amazing things.

After listening to the old poker, Song Yi took a breath quietly: "it's the mercenary world. I've heard of it. Tell me what you know.""Boss, you have known for a long time. You are so wise!" Old poker immediately adored him. "These mercenary brothers are generous and don't care about money at all. Even though we have less customers than ordinary hotels, the turnover is more than 100 times that of them. Only now do I know that outside the world of ordinary people, there is a world full of legends and evils. And the adult around you, he's from that world... "

At this point, the old poker some dry mouth, quickly picked up the next cup Gudong Gudong poured a few.

"What is it?" When it comes to Yin Ziyu, Song Yi can no longer be reserved and asks.

"I can only say that the position of that adult has reached its peak. He is known as the legend of the mercenary world and the king with the highest glory lamp. In the mercenary world, he is the king of all people, whether you want to or not, you must crawl under his light. He is like the sun in the sky. No one can hide his greatness. There are countless followers named "blade" scattered in every corner of the mercenary world. Although he has left the world, there are still countless people waiting for his return. " Old poker is like playing chicken blood, and its voice is shrill with excitement.

Song Yi stepped back two steps. Her beautiful face showed a shaking expression. She sat on the edge of the bed with some weakness. She felt numb all over, and her hand holding the phone was shaking.

The guy who wears a security suit, a cocked hat, a dilapidated temperament and is ridiculed and ignored by himself every day like a loser is so frightening