The news spread quickly, and soon the Dharma guards or elders of every branch of Meng's medicine hall all over the country knew the news.

Everyone was so surprised that they were furious! Immediately sent their own people to explore the situation. Although they have chosen to live in seclusion, their way is to live in seclusion. The news is not only unobstructed, but also very well-informed. In particular, Shuangdao Meng family, as a competitor, had a strong sense of crisis. When they met this kind of thing, they immediately regarded it as a major event, which attracted the attention of all branches.

Within half an hour, two small civil helicopters came to the sky above the valley of the single knife Mengjia's helm. When seeing the ruins and empty villages below, the disciples on the plane were shocked and reported to each branch by phone and video.

The branch of the medicine hall, who got the news, was also shocked and sent nearby disciples to rush to the village for help. However, when they arrived, they found that it had become an empty village and no one was seen at all. After expanding the search area, they were lucky to save one or two fainting disciples who fell in the dense forest far away from the village.

After emergency rescue, the two disciples were finally awakened. After waking up, the two disciples were confused for a long time, and then they quickly reported what had happened before with panic on their face.

After hearing that the headquarters had been attacked by countless enemies, all the senior members of the single sword Meng family were shocked to speechless.

It's more incredible than a man spitting a whale out of his mouth. Meng Fanxiang's helm is the headquarters with the strongest comprehensive strength of the single sword Meng family. There are even 20 Tiandao and a hidden Shendao. Such strength is absolutely the best among them. Not to mention the general sect, even the famous sect like Shaolin, Emei and Wudang may not be able to win.

It's fair to say that the other small branch rudders have been destroyed. How can this super powerful chief rudder be destroyed so cleanly? There's no one. It doesn't make sense.

What makes several elders even more angry is that the things hidden in the cellar have disappeared. It's a wonderful thing. If someone knows it, it will make the government angry.

The awakened disciple kept saying that it was a mercenary raid. He only remembered Meng Fanxiang's angry scolding.

A few mercenaries can do it so thoroughly. Who do you want? You think it's the strongest monster alliance in the mercenary world? Most elder Dharma protectors don't believe it. They think that the disciple should have been damaged by stimulation.

But the clear news came that all the members of the monster League were not going anywhere in their base, and their leader, white, had just finished watching the world cup and was not willing to launch such a deadly offensive.

What's more, this side of the Central Plains is not a chaotic area where there are chaotic wars every day. How can a group of lunatics just walk away?

As for other mercenary regiments, none of them has such strength.

However, the data brought back by the disciples who went to the field investigation clearly showed their views to the high level of each sect.

From the scope and intensity of the fighting, it is obvious that this is not the scale that a few people can do.

This kind of attack can only be done by a large number of mercenaries.

The high-level officials who got the news were immediately flustered. This kind of event was beyond their control, so they had no choice but to contact the secluded relative zongmen Shuangdao Meng's family for the first time.

Actually speaking, before the two families parted ways, the real name of the sect was actually mengjiadaozong, which was a powerful sect that fought against dadaomen at the beginning. There are not many swordsmen. These two families can be on one side of each other. It's a pity that the Meng family's Dao clan is still on a road of no return because of the fierce battle between single Dao and double Dao.

All of these have something to do with the old ghost Yin Gang. Dadaomen almost got married to the five poisons sect. He just took a fancy to huayuexian and destroyed it, which made dadaomen miss the chance to become a super sect; The Dao clan of the Meng family was also in conflict. At the critical moment, he found a way up the mountain and made a big difference between the two families. Sooner or later, they broke up.

It can't be said that the two sects that could have called the wind and rain in the future were stifled by him. Yin Gang left when he was finished, which affected his apprentice generation.

So sooner or later, Yin Ziyu met with the two families and started this storm again. In a word, there is a certain number. The trouble caused by the previous generation will come to an end sooner or later by the next generation.

Of course, who sacrifice in this period, it depends on their own skills.

Hundreds of years ago, this swordsman sect was just a small family of more than ten people. Its origin started from selling private salt before man Q entered the customs. After turning the first pot of gold, it gradually expanded to various profiteering industries. At that time, the world was in chaos. The Meng family found that they had to have force to protect their business and safety, so they started an escort agency again.After a long time, there were several martial arts talents in the family. They went out to study martial arts for several years and came back. They all combined their strengths and created two sets of sabre techniques. A set of double sabres and a set of single sabres are very powerful. With the development of time, the two sets of sabre techniques were gradually perfected by the leaders of each generation and became the most powerful Sabre techniques.

Perhaps at the beginning should not separate the two sets, creating a split in the future, this may also be the original Mencius ancestors did not expect things.


Meng Lingyu, the young master of Shuangdao's family, was driving when he received the news. After hearing the report, he almost drove under the viaduct. I was stunned in the car for a long time, and I couldn't believe what happened.

Meng Fanxiang himself is missing. All the other disciples are gone. Twenty heavenly swords are gone, and one divine sword is missing

Meng Lingyu's hair bristles in an instant. This kind of loss is not only unbearable to the Meng family, but also a blow to him. Although the two families have different ways, they share the same pulse and blood is thicker than water. And I can't believe that any force can take them all at once.

It's strange enough for an ordinary disciple to disappear without any reason. Tiandao's ability is extraordinary. He has dealt with one of them and knows how terrible the other is. Even if you can't fight, Tiandao at least has the power to run for your life. What's more, there is a super powerful Shendao who can take the first rank among the ten thousand armies. How can it all disappear quietly?

It's unbelievable.

However, he, the ruler of the double sword Meng family, knew nothing after the event. The intelligence agency of the whole sect was like a fool and let it happen.

Meng Lingyu stops at the side of the road and calls zongmen in a hurry. His family has gone into seclusion, but he is only 20 years old. He can't live without learning culture all his life, so he is also one of the few young students who go to university outside.

After contacting the sect, he knew that the other party had blocked all the signals before he attacked the single sword Meng family. Sweating, he only felt that his hands and feet were weak, and he didn't even have the strength to start a fire and step on the accelerator.

Meng Jinlong, the leader of the Meng family with double swords, was furious when he heard this. He patted the table and scolded him to the head of the dog's blood. This kind of thing is not only the shame of the single knife Meng family, but also the shame of their double knife Meng family..

It will not only cause the jokes of other sects, but also make the Mengjia daozong lose power immediately. The reason why other sects dare not provoke the Meng family is that although the two branches of the Meng family fight fiercely inside, they will meet with foreign enemies and agree to fight with each other. Two arms missing one, the corresponding loss is immeasurable.

So after scolding Meng Lingyu, Meng Jinlong thought for a long time, and finally gritted his teeth and issued the "swordsman's killing order" which Meng daozong had never seen in hundreds of years.

This "swordsman's killing order" is an alliance signed by the two branches of the Meng family as the core, together with the four small clans of Di boring Dao sect, Wu Ying Dao sect, short Dao sect and Pu Ye Dao sect, whose major is Dao. As long as any one of them encounters a top strike, it will issue such a killing order, and the other clans must abide by it together.

In this case, the major sects will make concerted efforts to destroy the enemy.

Of course, the killing order aroused the attention of other sects. The leaders of several sects immediately called to ask what was going on.

Meng Jinlong didn't dare to hide this kind of thing, so he quickly explained it. The other leaders were also stunned. This kind of thing is just incredible.

Then they were furious and issued the order to kill.

It's just that I'm a little bit lost after I've finished. I'm also calm down. There's no way to guarantee who the opponent is, and which one can you win? At most, this is to create a momentum to express anger, which has no effect in essence.

At the same time, the symbolic disciples of several sects searched everywhere for the news of Meng Fanxiang and Shendao. If they didn't see their bodies, they might be alive. As long as you find any one, you will know what is your opponent and what is your enemy