Meng Fanxiang was so angry that he stared into his bloodshot eyes and said, "set the mountain on fire! Since the other party wants to kill us, let them die with us

This kind of plan is a necessary skill for everyone in training, but no one ever imagined that one day it would be used. It's a way to die with each other when you are in despair. Once there are wildfires all over the mountains, no matter how skillful you are, you can't escape

The rest of the disciples were shocked. At the same time, they turned back to make gestures. The disciples behind them were also shocked, but they turned back to pass on the news.

The way of communication between swordsmen was primitive and fast. It wasn't long before all the disciples received the news.

Meng Fanxiang did not forget the existence of Tiandao. At this time, he had gathered all the remaining ten Tiandao around him.

Since the other side had the intention of killing him, there was no reason why he would not attack his leader, so he didn't send the Tiandao out to do other things.

The disciples who got the order began to do the same thing. They tied the bamboo tubes with fuel to the arrows, lit them and shot them in all directions.

In a flash, hundreds of burning cloth bags fell out one after another. After landing, the fuel splashed and brought out pieces of flames.

A large number of trees were immediately ignited and thick smoke was emitted.

However, this method also fell into Yin Ziyu's previous calculation. For the mercenaries who fight in the jungle of North Africa all the year round, setting fire to mountains is a common thing. All the places that were ignited were simply dodged. The places that could not be dodged were quickly covered with soil and buried, and then special powder was taken out from the pocket and lifted away. What just ignited suddenly went out quickly without much damage.

The biggest worry of jungle combat is to delay the time, deal with the fire decisively before it really burns, and clear the surrounding trees. With the tacit cooperation of the mercenaries, this series of complex things can be solved quickly.

But because of this, the attack rhythm of the mercenaries was greatly delayed. Seeing Meng Fanxiang with the rest of his disciples burning away, and taking advantage of the surrounding fire, he was ready to break out in the other direction. Finally, Yin Ziyu gave the order of a comprehensive attack.

The team members who got the order immediately caught up and consciously let them run in a "safe" direction. Then there was a little crackling sound from many places, like pulling the rope of some mechanism. Then the string controlled crossbow hidden around the village suddenly began to fire in unison. The rain of arrows from all over the sky instantly shot at the swordsman disciples, which directly reduced the team around Meng Fanbin by more than half.

At this time, Mercury's remote-controlled car kept running around the village, bringing pressure as if there were people all over the mountains and fields, which made Meng Fanxiang surprised and angry. Dare not break through in other directions, can only harden the scalp to continue to move forward.

I wonder in my heart, is it the army that attacked us?

But how could it be? Although he had done some unusual business in private, he never dared to fight against the government. How could he be attacked suddenly because he was so hidden?

Are they foreign mercenaries?

Meng Fanxiang was startled by his idea and had to accept the possibility.

He was surprised and angry. How could the mercenaries come to the Central Plains on such a large scale? This is absolutely impossible. But the noise around him was obviously full of people, so he couldn't help suspecting it.

Who on earth is going to take himself to death? Meng Fanxiang gritted his teeth and glanced at the ten Heavenly swords around him. Suddenly, he looked awe inspiring and thought of someone——


The single sword Meng family is a mysterious sect even in China, which rarely appears in front of the world. There are relatively few enemies.

Recently, they have not offended anyone except Yin Ziyu, a disciple of the Mayi sect.

Besides being able to retaliate against them, to transport so many people here without knowing it, and to get so many secret weapons, he really couldn't think of anyone else except the Ma Yi sect.

Is it the Mayi sect's disciples who attack Shandao Meng's family for revenge? Maybe it's true!

After BL Searle assassinated izi, the other party immediately retaliated against him and abandoned all the disciples in the warehouse.

Although he has also assassinated ray, the leader of the holy scepter, he should not have such great energy.

In particular, some time ago, he also carried out a retaliatory sneak attack against Yin Ziyu, and the other side is most likely to choose revenge again.

"Asshole, if it's him. I will never let it go. " Meng Fanxiang's gnashing hatred.

At this time, Yin Ziyu on the highland could not help it any more. At this time, he did not stop the swordsmen's retreat and let them scatter in the jungle. The original shape of only a few dozen people on his own side would be exposed immediately, and this incident might fail.Immediately felt out the walkie talkie and ordered: "everyone pay attention, separate four people with super large powerful crossbow to aim at the leader of the other party, and then lock the position to strike accurately."

After receiving the order, the team members immediately divided four people to reassemble the super large and Heavy Crossbow, one in charge of the other. Under the direction of Yin Ziyu, they brushed and shot powerful arrows, and the village suddenly roared.

The village buildings were mostly made of bamboo, wood and earth rock. Suddenly, a lot of sand and stones were flying around, and the whole village was covered by arrow rain.

Most of the disciples who could not escape were shot to the ground. Fortunately, the mercenaries fired purposefully, otherwise they might have nailed them alive. Even so, Yin Ziyu is also worried. If any one loses too much blood and burps his fart, maybe Mu Xianghui will be reluctant again.

Quick fight and quick decision, Yin Ziyu looks at all this without expression and gives orders to everyone.

Squinting for a moment, I glanced in a certain direction by chance. Suddenly, I was shocked all over. I found that there was a figure rising and falling from a distant place, rushing here with a terrible speed.

From the naked eye, the speed is not worse than his master Yin Gang.

Master, top master!

Yin Ziyu's hair is cold suddenly. If you take part in the battle, I'm afraid the ordinary mercenaries can't deal with it.

He immediately picked up the heavy bow and crossbow in his hand. Without looking at it, shaking his hand was an arrow.

This method of sniping without aiming only exists in legend, which is a unique skill of Yin Ziyu.

In those years, the king razor used the sniper gun as an automatic rifle, which not only can easily offset the powerful recoil of the sniper gun, but also can magically shorten the firing time between bullets. It's a unique skill in the mercenary world.

Yin Ziyu keeps pulling the trigger, and the powerful crossbow is as flexible as a pistol, which makes Piero, who has attracted attention on the other side of the mountain, feel deeply.

When he can practice to this degree, then he can really get a big fire.

Looking at the direction of Yin Ziyu's shooting with a telescope, Piero's heart was even more shocked.

With a long knife in his hand, the fast-moving shadow sheet easily blocked Yin Ziyu's sharp arrows from hundreds of meters away.

This is not an ordinary arrow. The arrow shot by a powerful bow can reach 600 meters per second. No matter how responsive you are, you can't dodge every time.

Is Yin Ziyu's opponent a monste