Song Yi's pretty face showed light, naturally took Yin Ziyu's words as considerate, and nodded happily: "you care about me so much, I can't just accept your considerate."

Yin Ziyu is stunned. He doesn't understand what Song Yi means. Song Yi takes him to the store of the market and starts shopping. If you think Yin Ziyu can be used, you don't hesitate to buy it. After a while, you will carry a lot of big and small bags.

The original is such a meaning, as for the wry smile with a big bag, small bag way: "enough, enough, and then buy down we have to rent a car."

Song Yi's eyes lit up and found that the idea was good. She simply stopped a taxi and gave the driver a lot of money to follow her.

The driver couldn't make so much money in a day. Of course, he was very happy. Driving the car behind the two people, big bags and small bags filled the trunk.

Yin Ziyu wry smile: "so many things, most of them are produced in China. Don't you know that small industrial products and handmade products of country e basically depend on China's imports? Besides, the customs may suspect that we are purchasing on behalf of others. We may not be able to take all the things back with us. "

After persuading Song Yi, they took a taxi to the king crab Hotel, where they ordered a special set meal. They put on gloves and prepared to have a special meal.

But Song Yi gently pressed Yin Ziyu's hand and took the initiative to peel the crab shell to feed Yin Ziyu.

Yin Ziyu was flattered and said in a hurry, "I'll do it myself."

But Song Yi stubbornly shook her head and insisted on feeding Yin Ziyu.

She knew that she was a little cold at ordinary times, and she couldn't put on airs to talk with Yin Ziyu. But after the relationship was settled, she didn't want to leave the same impression on Yin Ziyu, trying to make herself like other women.

It's like this in movies and TV dramas. What men like is not a strong woman, but a gentle and virtuous little bird. At least they know how to take care of men.

If she wants to really live with Yin Ziyu, sooner or later she has to put down her airs and become a woman. She has to do it sooner or later. It's better to lower her attitude at the beginning.

Usually at home to see their parents get along with each other, most of them are mothers who take care of their fathers more. Sometimes they play a little romance, and the mother will peel some food to the father's mouth, and the father's face will show a satisfied smile.

Although it was the first time, she was somewhat unskilled, but Song Yi did it very seriously. I really want Yin Ziyu to see that she has exactly the same characteristics as other women.

The more you want to perform well, the worse you sometimes do. The soup splashed out and fell on the face of yinziyu.

Song Yi gives a light cry and wants to wipe yinziyu with a tissue in a hurry. As a result, she forgets to take off her gloves. Instead, she wipes more soup on yinziyu's face.

Song Yi repeatedly said sorry. Her beautiful eyes flashed with a look of chagrin and shame, and she was frustrated. Other women can romantically feed each other in the restaurant with their sweetheart, but they can't even do this little thing well. Can't they really do anything except business?

Yin Ziyu has long been shocked speechless, where is the queen above? Where there is a trace of strategizing to win a thousand miles of shopping malls strong woman temperament? It's just a girl in her first love who is careful to please her boyfriend.

"Yes... I'm sorry!" Song Yi finally took off her gloves, took a paper towel and helped Yin Ziyu wipe his face while apologizing.

In the face of such a woman, no matter how strong a man is, he will turn into a soft one. Yin Ziyu, of course, is no exception. He reaches out his hand and grabs her catkin gently. He says with a gentle smile, "Why are you so polite? I don't care

"There's sauce on it. It's uncomfortable..."

Yin Ziyu put Song Yi's catkin on his face and felt the warmth from his little hand. He said with a smile, "it feels so good. How can it be uncomfortable?"

Song Yi wants to learn from other women to roll her eyes at him, but she can't do it. She purses her lips and says, "if I can't do it well, just tell me. I'll learn to change. "

"No, no, you're fine. It's so much changed that I'm not used to it. " Yin Ziyu shook his head with a bitter smile, "what do you want to do after dinner?"

Song Yi was stunned. She took out her mobile phone as if she was looking at something. After a moment, she raised her head and said, "according to the normal procedure, we should go out for a walk, go to the park or watch a movie. Then... "

"Cheng... Procedure?" Yin Ziyu is surprised. Is it necessary to have the same procedure as doing business to fall in love?

Can't help holding out his hand, curious way, "can I see what you see?"

Song Yi is a little embarrassed. Thinking that there should be no secret between the unmarried couple, she purses her lips and pushes the mobile phone over.Yin Ziyu picks up his mobile phone and finds that Song Yi is looking at a love strategy called the supreme love dictionary, which is full of love steps and skills, but none of the hype is practical.

With the black line all over his head, he found that the author's information column was marked with "no separation".

"Fuck! This guy is haunted. " Yin Ziyu couldn't help but make a rude remark. He rolled his eyes and said, "have you been fooled by this kind of silly prose?"

Song Yi is not happy to take back her mobile phone, and her face is cold: "are you making fun of my taste?"

"What does it have to do with taste? Falling in love is a matter for two people. They need to be familiar with each other's interests, hobbies and living habits, and they need to be guided by others. " Yin Ziyu shrugged, "what do you think is worth learning from here?"

"I think it's good to give gifts to each other. We can also choose a movie we all like and find food we like together." Song Yi seriously looked at the contents of the book, looked up and said, "don't you think we should give each other a gift?"

For the first time, Yin Ziyu scratched his head helplessly: "you've bought so many things for me, I'd better give you a gift. What do you want? "

Song Yi suddenly reaches for Yin Ziyu's mobile phone and signals him to unlock it.

Yin Ziyu curiously reaches out his hand and unlocks the lock. Song Yi quickly calls out the original video from his mobile phone memory, points to the enchanting woman in it and says, "I know you like this kind of tune. Since we are unmarried, of course I have to take care of you. You can't go out to have sex. But I can't let you suffer. Well, pick out some of your favorite ones and give them to me. I'll show them to you. "