Mercury used several languages to repeat the words several times. Every time it repeated, it would slap their face and fan them. Finally, when it came to Russian, several people understood it.

With tears streaming down their faces, the three young men finally realized the benefits of learning several foreign languages well. At least they were beaten less.

"Let them roll." Yin Ziyu gave a command and looked back at Song Yi with a black face, "what are you doing? Is it fun? "

Song Yi watched mercury beat and kicked the three guys away. She was disappointed and murmured, "unfortunately, that man looks strong."

Yin Ziyu almost spat out a mouthful of old blood, looked at Song Yi convulsively, and roared a little crazy: "you're enough."

The corner of Song Yi's mouth raised a radian without any trace, and then she said coldly: "I'm very curious, when did you become my fiance? Is it because I said I would consider choosing you as my surrogate father? "

Song Yi seems to be dissatisfied with the firepower just now. She continues to stimulate Yin Ziyu with words. There is a sound in her mouth: "if you look at the figure, it's just those men who have material."

Yin Ziyu couldn't bear it and said angrily, "that's because you haven't seen my brother's figure. It's a fart to fight those guys! I am... "

Speaking of this, I suddenly find that I'm a bit impolite. I feel that I can't keep calm in the face of Song Yi during this period of time. I'm always lost by her strange actions. Can't help but frown, took out a cigarette, lit it and put it in my mouth, hummed and stopped talking.

Instead, Song Yi obstinately went up and calmly looked around the scenery of the square: "why do you want to go back? I'm here to travel. If you want to follow, you can go back to the hotel if you don't like it. "

Yin Ziyu dare to let her run out again. He grabs Song Yi's arm and frowns: "don't be willful. This is not the place where you do anything. Come back to the hotel with me."

"Why? Why do you care about me? " Song Yi pursed her lips and said something willful. At this time, it is necessary to determine Yin Ziyu's attitude towards himself. If he is resolute, it means that he is also resolute about his feelings; If you insist on a few words, then she belittles her own behavior, which is really worthless.

Yin Ziyu cold face to pull Song Yi back, from the nose snorted a word: "no why, in the domestic arbitrary you, to the outside must listen to me."

Mercury drove away the three losers, looking at the front two people are cold face, touched the nose did not dare to get up.

When the princess was there, she had a lot of trouble with Yin Ziyu. Once they turned their faces, they would beat whoever they caught. Deep memory makes mercury hover in the distance and dare not approach at all. Let them solve the problems of the eldest brother and sister-in-law by themselves, so as to save them from being beaten.

Yin Ziyu takes Song Yi for a few steps, then Song Yi struggles to shake off her hand and frowns: "what are you going to do? I'm free to come out and do nothing without your interference. "

Yin Ziyu is infuriated by Song Yi's obstinacy. He suddenly carries Song Yi on his shoulder and strides forward. His hands are just clasped on her elastic thigh. He says angrily, "if you dare to mess around again, I will take you back to China immediately."

The words are powerful and full of man's flavor. Song Yi's hands beat her on the back, but the faster she walked.

"Yin Ziyu, what are you going to do? I came out to look for the casual love. Didn't you see the casual love in the short video? I love that experience. " Song Yi speaks out her purpose.

"It's just a slap in the face. Silly woman, where's your IQ? " Yin Ziyu rolled his eyes and was more determined to take Song Yi away.

"What if I can't find a boyfriend? Don't stop me from the most important thing in my life Song Yi's tone began to become a little guiding.

"I've never seen such a casual life event." Yin Ziyu is full of disdain.

"Can you stop me this time, can you stop me every time? Yin Ziyu, you can't stop me unless you are always by my side every day. " Song Yi said aloud.

Yin Ziyu was stunned, feeling that Song Yi was right. However, he had no other good way. He was angry with this woman's obstinate attitude. He couldn't help patting her on her upturned butt and said angrily, "I'm your baby fiance. I won't allow you to do these shit things before I break the engagement."

Song Yi and others are struggling to get down from Yin Ziyu and stare at him: "if you have to exercise the rights of your fiance, you must bear the responsibilities of your fiance. I give you a minute to consider, is to do my fiance, have all the rights to restrict my action; Or refuse me, let me go out to find love encounter"Meet a Mao!" Yin Ziyu didn't even want to answer. After that, he suddenly realized a question, which means that he and Song Yi are no longer the simple relationship between boss and employee.

Immediately some guilty look at Song Yi, in his impression, Song Yi's evaluation of himself has always been very poor, really can let himself have a chance to kiss Fangze?

Just looking back, if she didn't recognize it, the woman would run out and hook up with a strange man in a twinkling of an eye, which was worse than killing him. Think again and again, rather than let other men with her cuddle, as cheap as their own.

Song Yi also followed the tension, forced to suppress the beating heart, moving eyes staring at Yin Zi fish way: "one minute time, are you sure?"

"Sure." Yin Ziyu nods and looks at Song Yi, who suddenly smiles like a flower and releases amazing beauty.

Song Yi carefully walked to Yin Ziyu, nervously leaned her body against his chest, then stretched out her lotus arm to hold his waist, and put her head on Yin Ziyu's shoulder.

Song Yi nodded and closed her eyes happily when she found that yinziyu didn't repel her.

This mission is successful. Is this the feeling that people in love are together?

At this time, Yin Ziyu did not have any complacency. He stretched out his arm and gently hugged Song Yi, who was leaning in his arms. However, several women's faces flashed in his mind.

Qian Linfang, Bi Shengnan, Mu Zhiyan and Yizi, these women have either rolled the sheets with themselves, or deeply rooted in their own feelings, or left in frustration. Today there is another Song Yi. He really doesn't know how to face those women.

Song Yi was very happy to peck on Yin Ziyu's side face: "I'm very happy. From now on, we are the unmarried couple."