"There's nothing bad about it, but something happened to me." Ray said with a calm smile, "I think you might be interested in learning about it."

Yin Ziyu eyebrows pick pick pick, the temper between the two people are very understanding, unless the event, will not disturb each other. So also solemnly up, took out a cigarette plug to the mouth, frown way: "say to listen to."

"A few assassins have just arrived, wearing white and pale gold. He forced ah Jin to show his true face. "

Yin Ziyu's relaxed face immediately became gloomy. He was the one who knew ah Jin's true face. At the beginning, he didn't draw with ah Jin by all means. That guy is as mad as an immortal body. He has infinite strength and fast speed. If he doesn't want to rely on blood, he has no shortcomings at all.

In fact, he has doubts about the identity of ah Jin, a bit like the legendary vampire.

But that thing only exists in the legend. I've never heard of the existence of this thing beyond movies and comics. After all, fictional things are fictional and cannot be realized.

But any fictional thing will have a real prototype. Yin Ziyu once had a long talk with a Jin and thoroughly understood the origin of a Jin. Otherwise, it would be impossible to recommend a Jin to Lei's men.

As long as there are people in this world, there will be disputes. The causes of disputes may be money, land, or people's thoughts and beliefs.

For Chinese people, no matter what kind of ideas come from the outside, most of them are all inclusive thinking. They don't reject or accept all of them. They always transform them into something with their own characteristics and then publicize them.

For example, f teaching. When it came from Yin D, the most original doctrine was to make people suffer in this life, repose on the other side of the next life, and use long-term training to understand the true meaning of life and the next life, so as to achieve the ideal state of Buddha nature and lotus.

However, Chinese people have no idea to spend their whole life in exchange for illusory sustenance, and take it to rebuild it. It turns into "putting down the butcher's knife and becoming a Buddha on the spot", and the Epiphany can be completed in one second.

There are so many things like this that Yin Ziyu neither believes nor does not believe in Western legends. Because I have been around the world for a long time, Westerners' culture and beliefs are similar, and they have been exposed to all kinds of strange things, so they have a better understanding of these things.

The crusade of that year has different interpretations in the history textbooks of various countries, and the Chinese also have interpretations of that period of history. However, no matter what kind of statements are made, they are all for ordinary people. Only a few people hold the true history in their hands.

Westerners have a habit of doing things. They talk about science at work, put down their work and believe in God. They separate their work from their beliefs and have no influence on each other. So on the one hand, new technology is constantly inventing, on the other hand, we still habitually go to church on Sundays to repent and thank God before eating.

Chinese people can't do this. They always mix the two together. Their ideology and belief must be the guide of their daily work. Therefore, their own country has its own national conditions, and there is no need to compare with the West.

Looking back to the ancient history, whether the present governor J or bishop T, they all originated from the same ethnic group. A few people who know the truth of history call them the people who believe in light.

This ethnic group advocates truth, goodness and beauty, and stresses harmony among people. Naturally, the object of belief is the sun spreading light and heat overhead. But because of the great obstacles in spreading the doctrines at first, in order to survive, they had to choose to compete with other religions.

At that time, most of the countries were still in the primitive stage, and they had their own totems. In addition to the Guangming people, there were forces and ethnic groups who believed in various totems in Europe, and they controlled thousands of ordinary people.

There is a group of people who believe in the God of darkness. They like to haunt at night, and they are rather gloomy. They hate the day and the sun. They think that only blood can wash away the sins of human beings, and they gradually regard blood as their worship.

At that time when science and technology were underdeveloped, there were numerous similar ethnic groups and beliefs, and all kinds of strange beliefs emerged one after another.

So many ethnic groups often break out all kinds of friction because of their mutual beliefs, and ordinary people in the two ruling areas also break out all kinds of chaos and struggle because of their beliefs.

Some ethnic groups are relatively moderate, do not exclude day and night, and rarely participate in war.

In order to rob believers, various ethnic groups began to demonize hostile ethnic groups in their own doctrines, portraying them as demons who are bloodless and don't like to be slaughtered everywhere, and even fabricating all kinds of legends and stories, depicting all kinds of natural disasters and plagues as being caused by each other.

Therefore, once an ethnic group of a certain faith stands out from all kinds of beliefs, it will immediately strike at the dissidents and make up various stories and legends, which are embedded in many natural phenomena that could not be understood at that time, such as floods, earthquakes, plagues and so on, claiming that only by eliminating each other can world peace be maintained.So the war of discount the banner of peace broke out like a raging fire.

In this war, of course, the religion which has been extremely prosperous and has a large number of people has benefited the most. Although the society has progressed and the technology has developed, many people, including some university professors, still believe in the doctrines because the doctrines are so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. They feel that science and belief are not in conflict.

Of course, in a pluralistic modern society, no one cares about this kind of thing. No one cares what you believe.

As for the later period, with the advent of a new era and the emergence of many new ethnic groups, the belief of Lai was impacted, so the doctrines kept pace with the times and made up a large number of new myths and legends.

For example, a large number of people who escape from the laboratory of crazy scientists and are used in biological experiments have been unable to return to society like normal people, and they are not willing to die so humbly, so they hide in the cracks of the city and struggle to survive. However, the existence of these people has threatened the interests and power of some people, so in recent years, a large number of stories with magical color about demons, vampires, werewolves, hell undead have appeared.

As soon as these things appeared, they quickly occupied books, comics, animations, movies, novels, games and other aspects that ordinary people could touch knives, and quickly demonized these so-called monsters to the extent that they were deeply rooted in the hearts of the people in decades.

In the final analysis, that is to let ordinary people see even one of them, they will be scared and scream, and then let them know through various ways that they will quickly capture and eliminate, so as to achieve some purpose that can't follow ordinary people.

There is nothing wrong with each other, each of them. In fact, there are no vampires, hells and demons in the world? It's just that they believe in different doctrines and characteristics