Dunlink, moustache.

This guy didn't run away yet. Yin Ziyu kicked the other two garbage cans in silence: "it's really embarrassing to the mercenary world. Is that how you hide your tracks?"

Prante and Lisa II come out awkwardly, laughing at Yin Ziyu.

Yin Ziyu wanted to roll his eyes: "why don't you run for your life and come back again?"

The three looked at each other awkwardly. Finally, Lisa II boldly walked out and said, "it's said that Mr. razor never beats women. So what, do you want to follow me now?"

Actually know to do bedding, Yin Ziyu some funny looking at her: "with you? I'm very curious about how you survived

Dunlink moustache immediately worried performance: "Mr. razor misunderstood, our ability can be great..."

Half of it was kicked over by Yin Ziyu, and gululu rolled more than ten meters away, showing his teeth in pain, but he didn't dare to stand up.

Yin Ziyu suddenly moves his hand. A finger flashes several moves, and he changes dozens of moves in front of Prandtl's eyes. Each move points to a key part of his upper body. After the move is finished, Prandtl takes back his finger, and then Prandtl reacts.

Looking at Yin Ziyu, he said: "Sir, are you teaching me to play code? I didn't see clearly just now... "

"Go to your mother's code!" Yin Ziyu kicked him out, his face was dark, "I just had more than a dozen opportunities to kill you, you tell me the secret code!"

A razor popped out of her left wrist and suddenly waved in front of lilisa II. In the flash of cold light, she had stabbed dozens of knives in front of her eyes. The knives were all rubbing his delicate face. The cold blade made the girl's face pale, and she couldn't help shaking.

Cang clang took back the razor, Yin Ziyu calmly patted the frightened Lisa II on the shoulder: "children, you'd better go home. The blood and cruelty of the mercenary world are not suitable for you. Once again, the mercenary world is playing with life, not games. "

He turned around and left calmly with a cigarette in his mouth. I believe these three guys should know the benefits.

"No, please take us."

Unexpectedly, Lisa II, who was still shaking violently, stubbornly caught up with her and said in a trembling voice, "anyone comes from a rookie. I believe you are the same. How can we grow without giving us opportunities? "

Yin Ziyu narrowed his eyes and turned back, frowning: "look at what you're wearing, family conditions should be good, why do you have to take this road of no return?"

"Dream, this is our dream! We want to be your followers, follow you into the vast and endless desert labyrinth, experience the mercenary paradise in Africa's primitive jungle Canyon, and the snow capped paradise hidden in the endless mountains. We know that only by entering those three places, which represent the holy land of the mercenary world, can a person really become a mercenary. But the three of us don't have that ability at all. We can only rely on a Powerful Mercenary to realize our lifelong dream. "

Lilisa II's words were a little excited. Even dunlink and prante, who fell to the ground, ran over and nodded with excitement.

Yin Ziyu was silent for a moment. He looked at three faces full of hope and vomited: "it's hard to be my subordinate. Let's test it first."

At the same time, they turned around and ran around Yin Ziyu crazily, saying, "we are willing to. Please don't worry about testing us."

Because I was so excited, there were tears in three people's eyes, which was the excitement that would appear when they suddenly encountered the greatest ecstasy of life. Because of this, they got goose bumps and felt that God had finally opened their eyes. Years of expectations and dreams were realized in this moment. They were so excited that they couldn't help themselves.

At this time, the negotiation in the room is over. With a cold face, Song Yi comes out with mingxin'er and gives Yin Ziyu a glance.

Yin Ziyu quickly reported a series of numbers to the three people and asked, "can you play wechat? No, I'll download it first. My micro signal is my mobile phone number. I'll add my name to my notes. I'll arrange something for you. "

Then he ran up and followed Song Yi with a smile.


When all the people here were gone, the owner of the hotel took a long breath and walked up slowly from the first floor, ready to have a good look at his industry.

Although Song Yi hired the boss again after she bought the hotel, the hotel soon became someone else's. even if a lot of money fell into his pocket, the boss was still disappointed. I walked a few stairs, looking at Song Yi in the distance curiously.

I don't understand why she made a special point. She had to print out the photo of Yin Ziyu and hang it high in the hall. But the new boss's idea can't be disobeyed. He had to promise.In a strange way, he wanted to take the money and leave, but he wanted to stay. He couldn't say why. Anyway, he thought it was not easy for a man and a woman. Inexplicably, men can attract a large number of people to follow madly, while women seem to have too much money to use. Tens of millions of Euros can be easily taken out without blinking an eye.

That's why he insisted on becoming a shareholder and the manager of the store. Song Yi happens to lack a talent who is familiar with hotel management, so she agrees and gives him 5% of the shares.

Maybe she is very sensitive to the figure of 5%. Song Yi also wonders why she has to give this guy so much. According to her future plan, the 5% shares will bring the boss at least 1 billion euro in super income. However, since the words have been said, there is no need to take them back.

Anyway, if this guy doesn't have the value of a billion euros, she can be dismissed at any time, and 5% of the shares are not in her eyes.

Came to a nearby restaurant, three people to order a very rich Belgian characteristics of small dishes, while eating while chatting. Soon, Ming Xin'er drew up a contract for the acquisition of the hotel from the computer and a complete set of plans for the next hotel chain.

In this regard, mingxiner really has the ability and brain that a senior secretary should have. In a short time, she can grasp Song Yi's ideas and future plans, and make an effective travel plan, which shows that the girl is fully capable of more important tasks.

Yin Ziyu smokes a cigarette and looks at the two girls with satisfaction. Only after Song Yi's careful examination, he points out a place that needs to be changed. Then they simply pass the documents to the hotel owner and complete the preliminary online signing. The next plan should be carried out in an orderly way