The pure white Ferrari sports car stopped at the gate of Xingzhou group. Luo and his colleagues, wearing red suits, got out of the car and strode into the building.

The chairman's office is mostly on the top floor. After entering the room, the decoration is quite elegant. Antique, carved beams and painted buildings look like entering a palace. The auspicious clouds on the top of the head and the luxurious red sandalwood tables inside all show the grand atmosphere of the room.

In the corner of one side of the red sandalwood table, there is a high Yundong painting platform, on which there are several black-and-white photos, both men and women, who were the figures of the Luo family. The latest one is the portrait of Luo Xiaofan.

At the bottom of the photo is the incense niche. Someone specially perfumes it for 24 hours. The carefully designed fan next to it slowly turns to suck the smoke out of the room so that it doesn't diffuse into the room.

After a few sticks of incense, Luo Yidao, who sits behind his desk, changes his old style of Playboy boss. His face is solemn and exudes the majesty of a real shopping mall giant.

Several people came in, bowed respectfully to Luo and said: "chairman."

"Is everyone here? Let's all come in. " Luo a light way.

"It's all here." His subordinates responded quickly, waved their hands, and more than a dozen people came in. They stood solemnly in the room, silent and in strict order.

This is the monthly internal meeting of Xingzhen, and it is also the real core meeting that members of the Luo family are qualified to attend. The real decision-making of Xingzhen was decided by these people.

At ordinary times, these people incarnate as senior executives of various departments of the company, with different names. It seems that they have only normal superior subordinate relationship with Luo. In fact, they are the real stable lineage of Luo's family and the core strength of Xinghe.

"Tell me about the recent situation." Luo a light command.

"Yes." A middle-aged man standing on the left hand side of Luo Yidao immediately said respectfully, "recently, there has been a temporary crisis in Xingyao's capital chain. However, before leaving, Miss Lin visited the presidents of several consortia and magically pulled in two shares of investment to help us through the most volatile stage. At present, the assets and stock market are relatively stable, Jinghuang has suspended all attacks because of the love affair between the chairman and Miss Song. I believe we can stabilize the situation and develop slowly in about half a month. "

Luo Yidao nodded: "is there anything else?"

A woman on the right side frowned and walked forward: "Chairman, the spies we placed in the Luo family of men's department in the past two days suddenly lost news. It was only this morning that I received a response from one of the spies, saying that most of the people we placed were suddenly dismissed. The reason for the dismissal was very hasty. I suspect they have exposed their identity. The only remaining spy said that his identity should also be included in the list of doubts, and it is estimated that there will be few days to stay. "

Taking a deep breath, her face became solemn, and the woman continued: "but he sent a very important message that Bi Shengnan, the head of the male family, had brought a large number of family elites before he came. Even the capital flow was very intense, and she didn't know what to do."

When the news came out, everyone's face changed, including Luo Yi

There has been a long history of enmity between men and women, and the relationship between them has become more and more incompatible. Although they share the same vein, they can't find a fierce way to annihilate each other. The men's Department suddenly made such a big stir. As the last group of women's department to stay in Nancheng, they couldn't be nervous.

The people in the room immediately talked and talked with each other.

Luo frowned and held out his hand, and the room immediately quieted down.

"I don't think there will be any other purpose for the male department to make such a big move. We have to be clear about it. I met Bi Shengnan at the annual meeting of Nancheng. The woman provoked me a few words, but I didn't pay any attention to her. " Luo said in a deep voice.

The woman on the right side said, "since it's for us, we have to be ready for the fight anyway. In particular, our women's Department has completely got rid of the past identity, but the men's department still has some things that we shouldn't have. Once we don't start from the market, it's very difficult for us to deal with their evil ways. "

When he said this, he didn't realize that even though he had been completely cleansed, the Luo family of the female department still acted with evil spirit, otherwise there would be no farce of Luo Xiaofan being killed.

"That's right, but what should I do?" Luo Yidao has a strong ability to guide his subordinates to speak.

The middle-aged man on the left side coughed and frowned: "of course, we have to prepare. The key is that we don't know the opponent's plan now. We can only prepare in an all-round way. So that you don't get hit at both ends. "

"Hit on both sides? What do you mean Luo Yidao doubts.

The man took a look at Luo: "I'm a little confused about the kindness of Jinghuang group recently. Song Yi doesn't care much about human relations, which is very abnormal. So I paid a lot of money to bribe an executive over there... "Luo a facial expression is cold come down, the facial expression changed a few times, sink a voice way finally: "how to say?"

"The executive told me that Jinghuang group is gathering terrorist funds in secret recently, which means that it is desperate. Combined with the current situation, I suspect that they are going to cooperate with Bi Shengnan and attack us together. "

The atmosphere in the office suddenly became stagnant, and everyone was silent. They all looked at Luo Yidao.

After all, although Luo is nominally isolated from the core of the family, his identity is there - he is the grandson of the family leader.

Luo Yi's face was very gloomy.

If things are really like speculation, there must be a battle of life and death between Xingzhen and Jinghuang, then he and Song Yi will really become enemies. Although it's a commercial contradiction, it's really difficult to do.

After all, the relationship between the death of his younger brother Luo Xiaofan and the conflict with Jinghuang group is not clear. Therefore, his younger sister Xiao Lin even designed a plan to kill Yin Ziyu. Although he didn't know how it would fail, he is reluctant to give up the woman who has fallen in love with his country. He knows in his heart that this greed shouldn't exist, but there's no reason to like it, I don't want to face it until I have to.

"Give me evidence, I want solid evidence!" Luo Yidao closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "You know my attitude towards this woman. I don't want to be funny."

We are silent, see this kind of time; Luo Yidao doesn't want to give up yet. It's clearly true.

The woman on the right side was silent for a moment. She seemed to be in a higher position than others. She frowned and said, "Chairman, I'm afraid it's a matter of wishful thinking for you to shave your head."