The secretary came in from the outside with a frown and said to fudonglin, "headmaster Fu, things have been almost arranged. At present, there are still a few questions for you to make up your mind."

"What's the matter?"

"The first is the reply from the education department. Our statement must be consistent with the inspection two days later, otherwise it will be difficult to explain. This matter has already alarmed the old man. If you don't solve it properly, you are likely to reduce the score in his mind. "

Fudonglin frowned: "I know. Don't fake this kind of thing. Admit your mistake first, and then talk about rectification. As for the specific rectification measures, let alone give the school a chance to take a break. "

"All right." The Secretary nodded, "the second thing may be a little troublesome. According to reliable information, it's true that secret investigators have been sent down. We've sent people to strictly control the door and try our best to lock the target. But as you know, this kind of thing is very slow to judge. "

Fudong frowned more deeply. He knew the danger of the situation. You don't know who it is. You can't use it. The key is that private schools have the rules of private schools. Parents can go in and out of the school to observe at any time, which is different from the attitude of keeping strangers away from public schools.

In case any student leaks his words and is photographed and taken away by the covert interviewer, it will be a trouble.


Fudonglin's phone rings, and the security guard on the doorpost calls. After connecting, he says with a kind of treasure like tone: "headmaster, when you enter the school alone, you look sneaky. Although you are under the banner of the parents of the students, you seem to be very strange to the environment in the school. It looks like the first time you come here. We think it's suspicious... "

Fudong slapped the table, stood up and looked at the Secretary: "yes, it must be this man, he is the secret investigator!"

At this time, no parents will be idle and bored. They are all busy earning money to work. There is no doubt about the identity of this person.

When Yin Ziyu walked into elite primary school with a smile, he didn't expect the guard to look snobbish in the morning. However, his attitude just changed 180 degrees, which made him wonder if he had heard the wrong thing in the morning.

I'm a little confused when I get into school.

He is a person who has never been to the campus below the University. He is a little dizzy with this kind of red teaching building. It looks like the same everywhere. It's hard to find Qianqian.

Of course, he didn't come to look for Qianqian. Since this is based on the family background of parents as the premise of class division, then he expressed how much. With a black backpack in hand, it was presented by a colleague from the finance department.

He was still wearing the beautiful clothes that the logistics department had ordered him to wear, and then he was carrying a black leather bag. At first glance, it really looked like that.

When Yin Ziyu was looking around, two people came out of the most central office building in a hurry. They also looked around and happened to collide with Yin Ziyu's eyes.

When Yin Ziyu saw the man, he immediately raised his hand excitedly and yelled: "er... That..."

Fudong was in his forties, and he didn't usually do sports. At this time, he was running at a slow speed. He came to Yin Ziyu and held out his hand to his smiling face and asked, "this gentleman... No, parents, Where would you like to visit, please

Yin Ziyu did not expect that the staff of the elite primary school were so enthusiastic, and his impression immediately became better. He also reached out to shake each other, and asked with a smile, "that... I want to find your headmaster."

This is the second time he shakes hands with people today. The first time, of course, he is very upset. The second time, he is in a good mood.

Fudong Lin accident Leng Leng, is not an undercover visitor, not around, randomly asked a few questions?

Taking a look at Yin Ziyu, I found that he was handsome and had a very good temperament. Moreover, he was well dressed, which was totally different from ordinary people's daily work and life. There was a black leather bag under his arm and a backpack in his hand. It was like a lot of materials.

My heart was immediately grateful. It turned out that the secret interviewer was hinting at me. Although the mouth can not say clearly, but words and deeds, clothing and behavior have been clearly prompted to themselves.

"I'm fudonglin, the president of the University. I'm very glad to meet you. I sincerely invite you to my office. "

Then he blinked, made an expression that I understood, and said with a smile, "I am very grateful for your help, but I can't delay your business. Why don't I accompany you to the teaching building."

Acting and doing the whole set, it's reciprocity. Fudonglin thinks he's met a noble man today and plans how to invite him to jade heaven for a meal. Moreover, the secret investigator is also a wonderful person. If he can take the opportunity to get along well with others, it will be a good thing.

"Well? That's good. " Yin Ziyu originally meant to see Qianqian's class. He immediately nodded and said, "let's go to the first grade."Fudong Lin's face showed a happy look. He secretly exchanged his eyes with his secretary. He felt that the covert interviewer was really on the road. This man was obviously an expert who knew everything well, and he gave them a courtesy in return.

Other grade children are older and have their own ideas, so the teacher may not listen to them. Only the first grade children, one by one, adore the teacher very much, the teacher's words is the imperial edict, let say what.

Only when I went to the first grade to investigate, Fudong Lin was the least worried.

Before the heart of the last trace of doubt also disappeared, there is no doubt that this person is the secret investigator!

Fudong Lin hurried to lead the way. He kept introducing the situation of the school all the way, and immediately went to the teaching building. He said with pride: "Sir, this newly built teaching building is used for grade one to grade three. The first two floors are grade one. There are 12 classes with about 40 students in each class. They are all high-quality small class size models."

Yin Ziyu, with a rising tone, moved his arm with a black leather bag and asked, "but how can I hear that your school is divided into classes according to family conditions and parents' contribution to the school?"

I thought that if the headmaster nodded, I would frighten him with 600000 in my backpack. Although I was not prepared to give it to him, I could at least prove that I was rich and create a better condition for Qianqian. I can't help anything except money now. I've tried my best to transfer her to a good class.

"Slander, absolutely slander! Naked slander Fudonglin cried out indignantly and looked aggrieved. He came to the hall on the first floor of grade one and said bitterly, "the purpose of our elite primary school is to make every child an elite. How can we do things that recognize money but not people? This gentleman, your child is not in our school. If so, you can ask yourself whether the rumors outside are groundless! "

"Who said there were no children?" Silver fish touched his nose, "I have children here."