When the company employees left, they heard the roar of the engine from a distance. This roar is unique to sports cars. If you drive a sports car in Nancheng, you dare to show off at Jinghuang group. Apart from Luo Yidao, who is on the other side of Xingyao, you really don't want to be a second person.

"It's coming. Brothers, pick up the guys." People from all positions began to remind each other through walkie talkies. The guards immediately picked up batons and batons, and their palms were sweating. It's not that I'm nervous, but that I'm too excited. I'm afraid I'll miss the chance to get the bonus.

As expected, a white Ferrari sports car appeared in the place leading to the underground parking lot. It was windy to walk. Sao came to the gate guard and stopped. The wing like door unfolded slowly. Luo and two muscular men got out of the car together.

Specially selected a bright white sports car, representing the dream, is the girl's favorite color. Luo Yidao glances at the two new bodyguards behind him with pride. He looks up with some confidence and thinks that he should not meet the madman in the underground parking lot. Even if the madman comes after him, the two bodyguards can clean him up.

But he didn't react. In the sound of a dense step, a group of extremely prominent fully armed security guards in front of him came running fiercely. They all looked like prey, and another one was shouting to the walkie talkie: "come on, the prey appears. It's in area a of the underground entrance. Brothers, come here! "

Prey? Luo looked around curiously and didn't understand the meaning of these people.

Hoo long, I heard someone yelling in the distance, and another group of people came rushing from the B area. The speed was like a group of hungry men seeing delicious food. They were red eyed and sprint like a hundred meters. They were more enthusiastic than the battle.

Of course, the third team on Yin Ziyu's side also heard it. Originally, they wanted to go down, but before Yin Ziyu's order, the roar of the engine came from the ramp, and a bright orange Ferrari roared over.

"Fuck! I'm still playing with Laozi, thanks to Laozi's comprehensive arrangement. " Yin Ziyu scolded, took the walkie talkie and yelled, "the enemy is very cunning, even playing tricks. I'll keep two people at each entrance, but no one will come in. I remember all of them today. I won't give up any land. Do you understand? "

"I see. Don't worry, deputy chief Yin!" There immediately came a howling response.

Yin Ziyu threw the walkie talkie to the people around him and waved: "close the electric door for me!"

Luo Yi was startled. If he didn't see clearly that a group of security guards came from the opposite side, he thought he had been reported by Jinghuang, and the police would arrest him.

But in fact, he and the two bodyguards were indeed surrounded. More than 20 people are staring at themselves with wide eyes, and their eyes are as excited as seeing money.

"What are you... Doing?" Luo a surprised look around, face some not very good-looking. Just came to feel the unfriendly Jinghuang people, so used to be flattered before and after he is very uncomfortable.

Li Jun strides forward. This opportunity will never be given to Wang Meng. He clears his throat and says seriously: "naturally, we are on patrol. On one side, unregistered foreign vehicles and personnel enter the company at will, destroying the normal office order. Sir, do you have an appointment or registration? If not, please exit immediately. "

Luo Yi was a little annoyed. When the chairman of our company came here, it was very impolite for Jinghuang group to have no one to meet him. How could he even drive me out? Yin Ziyu's figure flashed in my mind. It must be the son of a bitch who made trouble for me and prevented me from seeing Song Yi.

"I think you misunderstood me. I'm the boyfriend of Song Yi, your general manager. I came to pick her up from work." Luo Yidao threw out his "identity".

boy friend? Which woman would come to the security department and ask her boyfriend not to go in? It's clear that you harass our general manager and are just rejected. Li Jun sneered and said, "I'm sorry, we didn't receive the notice from the general manager. Before we receive the notice, any illegal vehicles and personnel are suspects, and we will never let them go. "

"Sonima!" Luo Yidao finally broke out, bah, pointed to Li Jun's nose with a sneer and said: "a group of poor security guards, what can you do? I'm going to go in today. Yin Ziyu, the son of a turtle, let him stop me! "

Li Jun raised his eyebrows. Before that, he doubted whether Yin Ziyu was using chicken feathers as an arrow. Now it seems that there is something wrong with him. He immediately waved his hand: "brothers, someone is coming to find fault. Take them to the police. Don't give them advice!"

Wang Meng, who was standing on one side, couldn't restrain himself for a long time. With a cry, he took the lead in rushing up with a baton. Other security guards rushed up with a cry for fear of falling behind.Luo Yidao quickly stepped back two steps and said to the two people behind him, "it's time to test you. Protect me quickly. Don't lay too heavy a hand on me. It's hard to explain if I'm disabled."

Just less than half an hour after taking office, the two bodyguards came across such a big scene. For a moment, they felt a little numb. Usually, they fought one-on-one, but few of them were close to each other. But just now, the boss promised a high salary, and he didn't do anything for his income, so he had to stick to it.

When the two gang collided, Wang Meng came up and directly pushed the electric stick open. The electric flower crackled and aimed at the strong man in front of him.

The strong man really had two talents. He shook his hand and caught Wang Meng's wrist. He twisted it upside down and poked the electric stick at Wang Meng. Wang Meng's whole body convulsed violently and fell down.

"Fuck! Come on, brothers Li Jun saw his man fall, immediately red eyes, howling with people to jump up.

The two bodyguards are worthy of being the experts in the underground boxing field. After a while, they knocked down six or seven security guards, but they also suffered a lot. They got a lot on their head, shoulders and stomach. However, the two bodyguards were a little annoyed. After all, what they practiced was not a routine, but a skill that could really kill people. Once they were ruthless, the security guards were immediately hurt.

Click, click - ouch! Oh, my God!

Two or three security guards broke their wrists or arms in a row, making a scream, echoing in the open underground parking lot, which was even more creepy.

Li Jun immediately roared angrily: "change me into an electric baton. The one with shield will hold it in front of me. Others will greet me with electric batons. You can't get rid of these bastards! "

Other security guards also hit red eye, crash a circle, people holding a police shield to the death of the two bodyguards surrounded