In fact, Li Taize plays drums in his heart.

Before that, he was really willing to believe Chen Mingkai's words. It was believed that Mrs. Wei had made a special appointment with Wu kundi to talk about things.

However, Willis confirmed that he had seen, heard and checked the room opening records at the front desk of the hotel, which made him have no reason to excuse his mother any more.

What he didn't understand was that Mrs. Wei was a perfect thinker. She was so critical of people and things, and a woman with such high taste. Even if she wanted to have a love affair, she shouldn't look for such a guy as Wu kundi, right?

Who is Wu kundi? The whole upstart is a local old hat who started by demolition.

Not much culture, not much culture, the whole of a rude and vulgar people.

At this time, Li Taize's mobile phone rang, he picked up the phone and said: "Gu Biao called."

After discovering Mrs. Wei's "Twilight love" recently, Li Taize was not very satisfied with the results reported by the bodyguards. He always felt that the bodyguards would omit or add them, and he was skeptical about what they said about the report.

Therefore, he directly sent Gu Biao to investigate Mrs. Wei's whereabouts in the past month, who she was with, where she went and what she had done.

He believed that if Gu Biao came out, he would have to check himself, and the information he got would be too real to be true any more.

"Gu Biao, what's the matter?" He flicked the answer button.

"Brother, I found out what you asked me to check." Gu Biao's voice came from the other end of the phone.

Li Taize quickly pressed the hands-free key, put his mobile phone on the coffee table and let Willis listen to it, which saved him a moment to hang up and take time to report.

"What did you find out? Let's go over the details of the incident. " Li Taize bit his lip.

"Good." Gu Biao responded.

"Brother, as you said, Mrs. Wei and Wu kundi are very suspicious. They not only date in teahouses, riversides and hotels, but also go to the countryside."

"Just now I saw Wu kundi get into Mrs. Wei's car and go to the countryside. It seems that Mrs. Wei likes the rural scenery and is a very romantic person."

When Gu Biao reported the situation, he did not forget to boast.

"Well, follow up and don't let them find you." Li Taize finished and hung up.

Williams was silent.

Li Taize did not speak for a long time. He sat down on the sofa and looked at the tips of his shoes.

"Big brother, I'll go back to the office and be quiet for a while. I'm tired, so they don't have to look for me." It was a little while before Willis got up and walked out the door.

Li Taize didn't answer. He thought the same and needed to be quiet.

On the way to Chaoyun Town, Mrs. Wei's car sped towards Chaoyun town.

In the car, there are two bodyguards in the front row, one driving and the other sitting in the right seat.

In the back row sat Mrs. Wei, a CAI and Wu kundi.

"Kundi, you say we are so quiet and our actions are very hidden. Will my sons find out? Do they have any signs of it? " Mrs. Wei looked out of the window with a smile.

"Ma'am, you are also good for them. As a mother, you have done so much for your sons. I think you are amazing!" Wu kundi gave a thumbs up.

"I, in L City, in addition to these people around me, you are the only one. Although you didn't give me a good impression before, I think you are quite a good person through contact." Mrs. Wei praised it from the bottom of her heart.

"Thank you, madam! Everyone knows that the woman in charge of Wei's family is a very picky person. It's my honor to get the favor of Mrs. Wei! " Wu kundi and Mrs. Wei learned to drag the text during their time together.

"Come on, if you boast that you're real, you'll be up in the sky. Being a man means to be real, and I'll just like your reality, you know? If I were a dishonest person, I would not be interested in you. " Mrs. Wei turned her lips.

"Hee hee... Thank you for your praise!" Wu kundi had an old face and laughed like a flower.

"Ah San, ah Si, are you almost there?" Mrs. Wei asked ahead.

"Ma'am, it's coming. You'll find that it's much changed today than last week." Ah San said while driving.

"Well, that's good. I just want to make progress faster, the faster the better, but also to ensure the quality! Kundi, what do you say? " Mrs. Wei's tone began to be serious again.

"Yes, ma'am is right. Quality is the most important thing. Don't worry. All the people I'm looking for are skilled craftsmen. We'll see a special event in L City at that time! " Wu kundi said firmly.

In the small conference room of the Taize group.

Ah Jian fell asleep when he watched the TV. When he woke up, he looked at the time and lay back! I fell asleep for an hour unconsciously, which was well known by the boss.

He got up, stretched, opened the door of the conference room, and walked quickly to tazer's office.

Gently open the door, see Li Taize sitting alone on the sofa, suffering a face is worrying.

"Ah Jian, here we are." When he heard someone pushing the door, he looked up and saw that it was ah Jian. He said weakly.

"Boss, are they all gone?" Ah Jian looked around the office and asked.

When he asked "they", he meant Williams and Chen Mingkai.

"Yes Li Taize didn't say much, just snorted from his nose.

"Boss, are you still worried about that?" Ah Jian sat down.

Seeing that Li Taize didn't respond, he said, "I think so. Instead of sitting here and guessing, we'd better call the two bodyguards next to Mrs. Wei and cross examine them."

"It's really easy for you to say that the two bodyguards can stay with Mrs. Wei for such a long time. It's not as simple as bodyguards. According to Mr. Williams, they were adopted by Mrs. Wei in her early years."

"Although there is no mother and son between them, in their minds, Mrs. Wei's image is no less than their mother's. It's more difficult to know from such two people than to go to heaven. "

Li Taize used to wipe his hands on his face.

"Then... There's no way?" Ah Jian asked and said, "by the way, the bodyguards are well-trained and refuse to disclose the situation. What kind of maid? You can start with her. "

He doesn't believe that a little girl can bite him to death?

Being able to work as a housekeeper or maid in someone's house when she is young means that she has a poor family and needs money. You can give her money, ah Jian thinks.

"Do you think we haven't tried in the past month? That girl is not the one who keeps her mouth shut. The important thing is that she doesn't know anything at all. " Li Taize said with a helpless glance.