"Mom, I always think that you are a great mother who is totally different from others. You are independent in thought, strong in character, and not pedantic in concept. However, in my marriage, you have always influenced me with your thoughts." For the first time, Williams boldly "accused" his mother.

"You..." Mrs. Wei's face was angry.

"Don't be angry, mom. Just listen to me first," Williams said

Pan Lu reached out to Mrs. Wei, grabbed her hand and held it in her palm. The other hand patted the back of her hand gently to appease her mother-in-law and listen carefully.

Mrs. Wei shut up and looked at the wall hanging.

"I want to confess to you today that I love Asha. I have loved him for nine years! I've loved her since the day she came into our house When Willis said this, Asha was stunned, and Mrs. Wei opened her mouth in horror.

Li Taize and pan Lu also looked at him strangely, this legendary playboy, even at that time already had a sense of belonging?

Mrs. Wei was shocked that her son was so infatuated? She has heard all his news in her ears for so many years, and she has been secretly worried that her son will do something immoral.

I'm even more afraid that he has no place in his heart. No good girl is willing to marry a playboy in the future.

Asha was stunned because she did not expect that he would say these things on such an occasion today, which made her so embarrassed.

Or is Pan Lu clever? Seeing that Mrs. Wei is already getting angry at any time, she says, "why? Why do you love Asha? What do you like about Asha? Why do you like her and where is she worth your love? "

She hastened to remind Williams to speak quickly. It was better to have a reason to persuade Mrs. Williams.

Willis understood the painstaking care of Pan Lu, looked at her gratefully and said, "it's love at first sight at first, there's no reason."

"But with the daily contact with Asha, I found that she is different from any other girl. She looks weak, but she shows a stubborn in her heart. Moreover, she is kind-hearted and grateful, which can be seen from what she has done to her mother."

"She is self-motivated, otherwise her mother will not send her to college. After college, she worked while studying and refused my secret help. She also relied on her scholarship to complete her studies beyond her mother's expectations."

"She is a talented student in their school, but in order to serve her mother, she buried her talent and willingly followed her mother without complaint. If any other girl, relying on her talent, would have run out of the Wei family to find a better and more decent job."

"The woman I need in my life is Asha, strong, kind, dignified and generous! Mom, I've loved her for so many years. If I can't be with her, I won't marry any other woman in my life! "

When he finished, Willis looked into his mother's face and said nothing more. His face was as proud as Mrs. Wei.

Mrs. Wei didn't speak for a long time, but she hated Asha and herself. If she hadn't taken Asha back home, she wouldn't have made her son so crazy for 1989.

No wonder every time his family and friends introduce him to a famous lady, he always tries to find all kinds of reasons to scare other girls away.

It turns out that there is a dead girl in my heart. No wonder I don't like anyone.

She felt strange. Apart from being white and beautiful, ah Sha's appearance was not particularly touching. Pan Lu's appearance was amazing when she saw it, and it was amazing when she saw it again.

Although the gauze is white and clean, and her facial features are still exquisite, what's attractive about a pair of clear soup and watery water?

"Good! Count you promising, not vulgar to like those ignorant shallow woman Li Taize extended his thumb to Willis.

After hearing what Williams said, he looked at Mrs. Wei's face again and realized that the mother could not tolerate Asha.

Therefore, he immediately praised this willful but infatuated younger brother. He had been secretly in love with a woman for nine years, but he had to suppress that feeling when he met every day. This is not what ordinary people can do.

For this loyal brother, he gives 100% support!

When Mrs. Wei heard that Li Taize had fallen to Williams, she was greatly disappointed. She wanted to persuade her younger son with her eldest son and daughter-in-law, but now it seems impossible.

Ah... Yes, the brothers are actually a virtue. Li Taize has been fond of Pan Lu for many years? Even after pan Lu disappeared, he continued to wait for her.

It seems that the two sons are under the curse of love.

"Are you finished?" The weatherman asked him stiffly.

"... that's it." Willis didn't know what she meant, but he had already said everything in his heart, waiting for his mother to give a verdict.

"Well, then eat quietly! Have a good meal! Today is Pan Lu's good intention to invite me to dinner. None of you want to screw up my mood today! " Mrs. Wei's eyes swept the two brothers in front of her.

Then, she glared at Asha with disgusting eyes, turned her head and said kindly to pan Lu, "Lulu, are you hungry? Come on, let's eat

The tone was as soft as a mother to her baby.

Asha awkwardly lowered her head and stirred the spoon in her bowl. She didn't dare to stretch out her hand.

"Ah Sha, it's OK. You can eat whatever you like. When you get here, it's just like at home. Don't make yourself at home." Li Taize saw that Asha was so afraid that he immediately said to her kindly.

Ah Sha was so moved that she held back the tears in her eyes and nodded desperately to cover up. Then she reached out to scoop a small bowl of soup and sipped it slowly.

Pan Lu is also extremely embarrassed. She knows that half of Mrs. Wei's actions are really good for her, and she wants to take care of her and eat well; But half of it was for Willis and Asha.

In order to ease everyone's atmosphere, Li Taize is deliberately busy talking about the company with Williams, so as to relieve the heavy pressure on the table.

He also called Asha to eat from time to time, making Asha less nervous.

"Liz, your sister-in-law invited us to come today. In a moment, Asha and I will go home first and let taizer send the driver to take us back. You can have two more drinks with your brother here. Be proper and don't get drunk." When Mrs. Wei was busy heaping delicious food in front of Pan Lu, she suddenly uttered a sentence.

Pan Lu was shocked. It's not like her mother-in-law's usual style. Mother and son can go back together to save the driver's trouble. How can she ignore the trouble now?