"Me? I'll move back, too? No, no, I'm used to living in Jiasheng. It's close to detached school. We live here. " Mrs. Wei was too excited to express.

She never thought that Pan Lu would call her "Ma" first, which means that Pan Lu has recognized her mother-in-law.

So, does his son Taize think his mother is close?

She seemed to understand the purpose of Pan Lu's coming here today. She hugged pan Lu more forcefully, then released her hand, held her arms and said, "Lulu, I'm still good. I did something wrong before. You want my mother..."

"Mother said wrong, the world is all parents, parents will do wrong, it must be the children do not do well enough." Pan Lu stopped her from saying anything.

What she said makes Mrs. Wei feel even more ashamed. The pan family's tutoring is really good. In today's society, pan Lu, a fashionable girl with western education, can do so well in the traditional Chinese virtue of filial piety.

She had really miscalculated the pan family. She thought that the daughter of the rich family was either arrogant or greedy for wealth.

But in Pan Lu's body, there is nothing wrong with the children of those rich families. On the contrary, there are many advantages that others do not have.

Such a girl became Taize's daughter-in-law. It is difficult for Taize's family and career to be happy or underdeveloped.

"Lulu, if you want to go back, leave early. There is no traffic jam at this time." Since Zhou's mother cooked soup for her at home, Mrs. Wei would not keep her any more.

"Well, mom, you and Liz must go home tomorrow. Let Asha come, too." Pan Lu said, looking at Asha standing beside her.

Ah Sha's eyes brightened for a while, but neither pan Lu nor Mrs. Wei noticed.

She took the "tears of the moon" from Mrs. Wei, said goodbye to Mrs. Wei, and drove away from Jiasheng.

Along the way, pan Lu was in a good mood. She turned on light music while driving.

At this time, her cell phone rang.

When she answered, Shelley's voice said, "Lulu, where are you?"

"Snow... Second aunt, I'm on my way. What can I do for you?"

"It's no big deal. It's just that we're not busy today. An old friend just came here to drink coffee. He talked about you and wanted to ask you to come here for coffee."

"Second aunt, I've just come back from Jiasheng and I'm on my way home. I'll turn to you now."

"Well, slow down on the road. It's still early. It's not urgent."

"By the way, second aunt, do you think it's our old friend? Who is it? "

Pan Lu really did not know which of her friends was an "old friend" with Shelley.

Shelley said with a smile, "I'll know when you come. Slow down." Then he hung up.

Pan Lu pursed a smile, looked at the front of the car and focused on driving. Sister Shelley was the same as she was a few years ago in the coffee shop, but she had more family affection in it. After all, she was her own aunt.

All the way, this point is not too many cars, she soon came to Shelley's Cafe.

Shelley had already seen her car drive into the parking lot from the shop window and stepped out.

Pan Lu stops her car and goes to the gate of the cafe.

"Oh! Second aunt, I haven't seen you for a long time. How are you Pan Lu pours on Shelley.

"Look at you, look at you, the children are so old, they still look like they haven't grown up." Shelley took her by the hand and walked into the shop with a smile.

"The second aunt's shop hasn't changed much. It's still the way I like it." Pan Lu said with admiration as she scanned the store.

"Of course, the guests who come to me are all old guests. They come here just for the decoration style. I decorate once a year. The style is unchanged, but the facilities are renewed. If the style changes, the guests probably don't like to come." Shelley joked to herself.

"Second aunt, who's here?" Pan Lu's eyes are searching in the shop.

She didn't see anyone she knew, but there was a woman in a red coat sitting at the table where Taize used to sit, with her back to the outside. She was not a person she knew.

"Go inside, and you'll know." Shelley still didn't say anything. She raised her hand with a smile and pointed to taizer's old seat.

Pan Lu suspiciously follows Shelley to the table. When the woman in red hears footsteps coming in, she just raises her head and looks pan Lu in the eye.

"It's you?" Pan Lu is surprised to stare big eyes, two aunts said the old friend is a long time no see ye Ruyun.

"Miss Pan, it's me." Ye Ruyun stands up with a smile and reaches out a hand to her.

Pan Lu holds her hand unnaturally, and her eyes are still full of shock. It's said that ye Ruyun has gone abroad with her husband to have a baby? Why are you back?

"Come on, Lulu, let's sit here." Shelley didn't care about Pan Lu's reaction, which was completely in her expectation.

She beckoned for a waiter and said, "make another cup of coffee like mine."

"Well, no, no! Second aunt, I don't drink coffee now. Please give me a glass of water Pan Lu quickly stopped her. Now that she is pregnant, she can't touch coffee any more.

"What? I'm used to drinking better coffee in France. I'm worried that the coffee here is not good? " Shelley didn't know why. In her mind, pan Lu is a coffee drinker.

"Because... Because I have given up coffee..." Pan Lu blushed. She was not good at lying, and her face turned red when she lied.

Shelley naturally realized that she didn't want to drink coffee because ye Ruyun was here. In order to make the atmosphere less embarrassing, she asked the waiter to bring her a glass of water.

"Here, let me introduce you two again. This is Pan Lu, my niece; This is Ye Ruyun, the wife of Zhu Jian, your second uncle's assistant. Ruyun and I are friends now. I hope you two can be friends as well. " Shelley saw that both of them bowed their heads and were silent. She said quickly.

"Miss Pan..."

Ye Ruyun was interrupted by Shelley as soon as he opened his mouth: "Ruyun, now she is Mrs. Li. Don't call her miss. It's too rare. Just call her Lulu, right?"

"Well, the second aunt is right." Pan Lu nodded in agreement.

Ye Ruyun saw that Pan Lu looked at him with a smile and said with relief: "OK, pan Lu, I used to love to get to the top of my head and do something wrong to you... And hurt you..."

"Today, in front of sister Shelley, I solemnly apologize to you! I hope you don't mind with me

Ye Ruyun finished, looking at Pan Lu's expression uneasily.