Captain Ling's face was colder than Li Taize's. looking at Pan Lu and Gu Biao, he asked, "who met black tiger first, you two? How can three people fall into the cliff at the same time? Which one of you said first? "

Gu Biao looks at Pan Lu and Li Taize, and seems to be asking for their opinions: who will say first?

"Well, Xiaoding, take Mr. Gu Biao to the office next door to take notes. I'll be here." Team leader Ling saw that they looked at each other and were modest to each other, so he said hello separately according to the procedure.

"Good." Xiao Ding, the policeman who came in with Captain Ling, got up immediately and said to Gu Biao, "please follow me."

Gu Biao looked at Taize in consultation again. Li Taize nodded and said, "don't worry about going with Xiao Ding. It's just a matter of routine. Ask about the process, so as to compare it with what Heihu has confessed, and see if there is a way out for what Heihu has said. You and Lulu are witnesses. It's OK. If you have anything to say, just tell the truth. Let's go."

Gu Biao followed Xiao Ding to an office next door.

Captain Ling sat on the sofa with his notebook, looked at Pan Lu and asked, "how does Miss Pan recognize the black tiger?"

"Because Mr. Wei liswei, a partner of Taize group, disappeared and was hijacked by the black tiger. I've heard several of them talk about this."

"It happened that I went to my old house in Chaoyun town. When I was eating in a roadside restaurant, I met Mr. Wei sitting with some big and rough people. At that time, I didn't know that Mr. Wei was hijacked. He hinted at me many times, and I ignored him."

"When I got home, I told Taize about meeting Mr. Wei, and described the appearance of those people. Taize said that one of them was a black tiger."

"One day later, I went to my old house again. When I came back, I drove with Gu Biao. Unexpectedly, I saw a man who looked like a black tiger on the side of the road, so I drove back to see if it was a black tiger."

"After catching up, I saw clearly that it was really the black tiger I saw in the hotel. I got out of the car to talk to him and tried to stabilize him. As a result, he slipped down and rolled towards the edge of the cliff."

"I was so scared at that time that I didn't think that he was a good man or a bad man. I just thought that he would die if he fell down, so I reached out to pull him. As a result, I also fell down."

"Later, Gu Biao climbed down the vine on the cliff, so he only suffered skin injury. He saw my bag on the edge of the cliff, knew I had fallen down, and wanted to go down to save me."

"We were trapped at the bottom of the cliff for two days. Black tiger came up with an idea. He told us to pick up the dry dung of animals and burn it. He said that the smoke was so thick that people on the cliff could find it. He thought it was a forest fire and those who saw it would call the police."

"And then tazer and their helicopter went down, and that's what happened."

Pan Lu said, staring at Taize, she found that he was listening to her, eyes more and more inexplicable gloomy.

As a matter of fact, she didn't know that Taize was in heartache. When she heard Gu Biao's words, "he saw my bag at the edge of the cliff, knew I had fallen, and wanted to go down to save me," his heart was particularly painful.

This should have been what Li Taize should have done to save his own woman, but he was saved by his brother. Can he not be depressed?

In particular, Gu Biao and pan Lu stayed under the cliff for two days, and before they were rescued, they were still hugging so tightly on the beach. He was flustered at the thought of this picture.

But I didn't dare to say it, for fear that this layer of window paper would break Lulu's face.

Although he wanted to ask what happened to them on the beach that day, his strong self-esteem made him bear to ask, which had been very hard.

Pan Lu stares at him strangely. I don't know how he suddenly looks like this.

Team leader Ling only focused on typing, and wrote down every word pan Lu said. He didn't find any strange expression in their faces.

When Hong Zhong saw it, he thought that it was Taize who felt sorry for his daughter-in-law.

"Well, Miss Pan, please see if there are any mistakes or omissions." Team leader Ling pushes the notebook to pan Lu for her to see.

Pan Lu read it carefully, surprised that Captain Ling wrote down what she said just now, and didn't think that other people were eating this bowl of rice. This ability is absolutely necessary.

"No mistake." Pan Lu said to captain Ling after watching.

"Well, I'll print it out right now. Please wait a moment for Miss Pan. I'll need your signature and fingerprints later." Team leader Ling picked up his notebook, stood up and walked out of Hongzhong's office.

Meanwhile, in the office next door, the conversation between Xiao Ding and Gu Biao is over. When Xiao Ding collects the records, team leader Ling comes in.

"Xiaoding, is this side ready?" Captain Ling asked coldly.

"All right, all right." Xiao Ding quickly stood up and answered.

"Well, you can print out both copies quickly." Lingli gives the record of Pan Lu to Xiao Ding.

"Good! I'll be fine soon Xiao Ding took the notebook and went to the desk.

Team leader Ling took advantage of his spare time to sit in front of Gu Biao and stare at him for more than ten seconds. Gu Biao also looked back at him fearlessly without any evasion in his eyes.

I'm not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door.

More than ten seconds later, Captain Ling asked without expression: "Mr. Gu wants to come to L City for development?" He knows Gu Biao. He has his resume.

"Yes, I'm very grateful to tyze for not abandoning me and letting me work in his company." Gu Biao answered calmly.

"What do you do?" Captain Ling was staring at him.

"Assistant to... Miss Pan." Gu Biao didn't want to say this, but after thinking about it, I'd better tell the truth. I don't want to be too troublesome.

"Oh, good! That's good! " Team leader Ling seems to be relieved to be an assistant to pan, which is a normal and serious job.

He thought that he was going to Taize group, maybe he would pull Li Taize into the water again.

Although captain Ling has no friendship with Li Taize, he is more isolated and arrogant, and hardly contacts with anyone except his work.

However, he admired Li Taize very much. Li Taize is now a national celebrity and a big taxpayer in L City.

There are countless public welfare undertakings. It's a pity that such excellent people will be dragged down by the gangsters again.

This is the important reason why Ling captain is wary of Gu Biao.

Gu Biao is an extremely intelligent person. He can feel the exclusion of Captain Ling from his eyes and words, and even feel that the police officer seems to have a desire to protect Taize.

He immediately looked at captain Ling and said firmly, "please rest assured, Captain Ling! From the moment I stepped into L City and went to Taize, I was a new me. In the future, I just want to work hard, and I will never give any trouble to Taize and pan Lu! "