It was evening when Gu Biao woke up. There was no one in the room, and the light of the distant town loomed through the window. But he didn't know where it was because he didn't know where he was.

Chest and arm pain, he felt the chest and left arm, was bandaged with gauze.

All of a sudden, the memory in his mind became clear, and a beautiful young face appeared in front of him.

It was a face with a sweet smile. Shuilingling's big eyes flashed with smart light. It was like two crescent moon when he laughed. No matter how big the shadow in his heart was brushed away by the smile, the corner of his mouth rose slightly.

Outside the door came the sound of gently pushing the door. He sat up with his right hand on the bed and looked at the door with wide eyes.

When the door opened, a small shadow came in, holding something in both hands. After a pause at the door, he released one hand to open the switch beside the door, and suddenly the light in the room came on.

It was a maid who brought the meal.

She came in with a smile, nodded to the man sitting on the bed looking at her sign coldly, went straight to the head of the bed and put the tray on the bedside table.

A bowl of rice, three vegetables (a plate of mandarin fish, an egg soup, a spinach) and a bowl of corn bone soup are on the tray.

"Dinner, sir." Said the maid softly.

Then put a delicate small bed table beside the bedside table in front of Gu Biao, and then put the dishes in the tray on the bed table one by one. In this way, it is convenient for him who can only move with one hand to eat.

After the maid had done all this, she went to the window and closed it, leaving a gap of palm width, and then pulled up the curtain.

"What else do you need to do, sir?" Said the maid, standing respectfully in the room, after all.

"No, thank you!" Gu Biao politely thanks her.

"You're welcome. These are what I should do. If you don't mind, I'll go down first. I'll come to collect the dishes and chopsticks when you have finished eating." The maid still smiles at him.

"By the way, miss, where is this? Who is the man who saved me? " Gu Biao called the maid who was about to turn and leave.

"I'm sorry! We'll let you know when you get well. " Said the maid, lowering her head.

Uncle Wu has already told her that no matter what the guests who live here ask, they should not answer him. They just say that after the injury is healed, someone will tell them.

"Then, please tell your lady that I want to see her." He wanted to say thank you to her face to face. She was such a small girl that she dared to take the bullet. She saved him.

"Our young lady has gone out in the afternoon. She will come back in a few days. The young lady told us that she would let you feel at ease here. When you get well, naturally everything will be known." The maid remembered Uncle Wu's instructions.

"Well, thank you!" Nothing to ask, Gu Biao had to give up.

After the maid left, he took a spoon to eat, whether it was food or soup, taking into account his wound, light and delicious.

When he finished eating, Wu Bo came in.

"Mr. Gu, is the meal all right?" Seeing that all the rice has been eaten and there is no food left, it seems that the wound condition is optimistic.

"Uncle Wu, the food is very good. For the first time in recent days, I have an appetite to eat." Two days ago, in the basement of the bonus Hotel, where people live, the smell of mildew was so heavy that I choked my nose. In addition, the wound was inflamed, so I had no appetite.

Today's meal is the most delicious one he has had in recent days.

"That's good. These are the dishes the eldest lady ordered to cook for you. They will help you to heal your wound." Wu Bo said with concern.

"Thank you, miss and Uncle Wu! May I ask Uncle Wu, what's your occupation How could a beautiful girl know the common sense of medical nursing? Don't say she's not a doctor or a nurse.

"Our eldest lady is busy with business all day." Uncle Wu answered vaguely.

"Oh..." not the hospital, Gu Biao guess wrong, can not help laughing.

Since she is called "Miss" by the servants of this family, she must be a respectable family. Where do you need to go out to work?

"May I see your eldest lady then?" Gu Biao tried again. He can't be saved. He doesn't know who his benefactor is, does he?

He is not the one who knows his kindness but does not intend to repay it. It is his principle to repay his kindness.

"Mr. Gu will take good care of the injured first. When our first lady comes back, you can ask her if you have any questions." Wu Bo also prevaricated him in this way.

"OK..." Gu Biao was helpless again, and he became more and more curious about this mysterious young lady.

In the evening, pan Lu was invited by Pan Yongnian to have dinner with Shelley, while Li Taize didn't go to dinner.

After dinner, pan Lu came home to see Li Taize had already got home first. After dinner, she was taken back to her room by Zhang Ma to play games.

"I'm dead tired." Entering the living room, pan Lu threw the bag and sat down on the sofa.

"Wife, what's the matter? Is the company busy today? You can give it to the second uncle So that Pan Yongnian would not wander around the company and the whole company would know the second master.

Li Taize stood behind the sofa politely and stretched out his hands to help her rub her shoulders.

"I don't want to talk. I don't even want to go upstairs. I just want to have a good sleep." With that, I just lie on the sofa as a Shapi dog.

"Then you'll have a good sleep, and I'll take care of the rest." With that, Li Taize picked her up and walked upstairs, but she didn't resist. She didn't want to move any more.

Into the bedroom, he gently put her on the sofa, she has really fallen asleep, fan like long eyelashes drooping, even breathing sound seems to be telling her fatigue.

He went into the bathroom, put the water in the bathtub, then came out and squatted in front of the sofa to help her drag her shoes, gently undressed and carried her into the bathroom.

After washing her, she was still sleeping. He dried her body, carried her into the bedroom, gently put her on the bed, and pulled the quilt over.

Look at yourself wet, help her shower splashed a body of water, reluctantly looking at the bed to sleep very fragrant she, grabbed the towel into the bathroom.

When he came out, pan Lu woke up and saw that she was already in the bedroom, struggling to get up: "I'll take a bath first."

"Wife, I've already washed it for you. Just sleep in peace. I won't touch you tonight." Li Taize painfully said that he had never seen such a tired pan Lu, so she was really tired today.

He didn't want to ask because he was so tired because it was her company's business. He never asked unless she was willing to tell him.

"Really? I'll sleep. I'm really tired today. Don't ask me why. I really don't want to answer such questions now. I'll tell you later. " Pan Lusheng was afraid that he would continue to ask, so he spoke quickly.