"Well, Mr. Pan's cooking must be very good. Your wife has a good mouth." Although Chen Xuelai heard her cousin Han Xi'en say that Pan Yongnian was still single, she was still dubious about what she said.

Pan Yongnian doesn't seem to be young, and his career is so big. How can he not have a family yet?

"Ha ha... Miss Chen is joking. At present, the person who has a good mouth has not met yet." Pan Yongnian was a little embarrassed.

For the first time, he felt that it was a shame that he had not started a family at his age.

Shelley was a little happy when she heard that. Her cousin, who was always out of tune, was right.

Shelley's principle of life is that if only ordinary male and female friends, each other's family does not affect friendship. But if it comes to the relationship between men and women, she is determined not to have any entanglement with married men.

Now it has been proved that Pan Yongnian is a single person, and Shelley's heart has been broken.

They were embarrassed and didn't know what to say for a moment.

After a moment's silence, pan Yongnian said: "Miss Chen, would you mind leaving a mobile phone number? It's not convenient to call your shop... "

"Oh, good." Chen Xuelai reaches for his mobile phone.

She entered her mobile phone number and name on Pan Yongnian's mobile phone.

"That... Miss Chen... I..." Pan Yongnian now more and more believe in the word love at first sight, nervous to say, but he bit his tongue.

"Just call me Shelley." She also changed to use "you", and felt it was too awkward to use "you" again.

"Well, Shelley, call me Nian. That's what my... Family call me." Pan Yongnian pauses. Since his mother died, Wang Bo has become his only family.

"Good, ah Nian." Shelley called out generously, and suddenly they felt closer.

Then the atmosphere became more relaxed. Shelley noticed that Pan Yongnian was peeling shrimp and taking fish fillets for himself all the time. He seemed to know that he liked these two kinds of food, but he didn't like them?

"I'm done, and you?" Shelley looked at Pan Yongnian and asked that she had to go to a party at 8:30 in the evening.

"Oh, I'm fine." Pan Yongnian replied clumsily.

"You have nothing to eat tonight. You will be hungry when you go back." Shelley smiles.

"Yes... I ate a lot." Pan Yongnian felt that he was full and delicious tonight.

"Let's go first. I'll have a party later." Shelley, look at the time. It's about time to get there.

"OK, let's go." Pan Yongnian helped Shelley pick up the bag and handed it to her. Then he picked up his coat and went to the door to help Shelley open the door and went downstairs with her.

When pan Yongnian checked out, Han Xien said Shelley blinked, meaning to ask if there was any progress. Shelley pretended not to see and stood by the gate.

"It's done." Han Xi'en had a funny smile on his face.

"Settled... Settled?" Pan Yongnian had a feeling of being hit.

He invited his favorite woman to eat out for the first time, and asked her to pay for it? His eyes covered with a touch of light injury, but did not escape Han Xi en's eyes.

In her heart, she also blames her cousin for many things. It's not good for women to be too strong everywhere. When the little bird asks for protection, it must be the little bird that asks for protection. The strong side should be burst out on people other than her men.

That's what Han Xi'en did.

Pan Yongnian apologized to Han Xien, waved his hand and said goodbye. Then walk to the door and go to the parking lot with Shelley.

After watching Shelley drive away, he drove home in his own car.

Leon Pan's villa.

"Ah! mom! I don't want my uncle to take a bath for me! " Aloof that sharp children's voice deafening to ring, straight shock Li Taize's eardrum faint pain.

He frowned and tugged at his fist, trying not to break out.

This smelly boy, even if he rejects his father, is still shouting "Uncle". Doesn't he know how to write "filial piety"?

Pan Lu ran into the bathroom and saw his anger rising on his face: "Oh, what are you doing? Detached, he is still a child, you have to give him time to adapt, you go out, you go out, I come

"No, he is such a big man. How can he ask a woman to wash him? How can he ask his daughter-in-law to wash him? How can I ask my daughter-in-law to wash him?" Today, Li Taize is fighting with Li Chaoran.

He doesn't know who his father is if he doesn't teach him a lesson.

"What and what? Get out of here Pan Lu pushed him hard, but the iron tower was still.

"You go out first. I'll teach him to take a bath. You're a woman. It's sexual harassment for you to give him a bath." Li Taize pulled pan Lu out with a cold face.

Bathing your son, sexual harassment? Pan Lu's face turned green in an instant, detached from him for only three weeks, OK?

When the bathroom door was closed again, Li Chaoran felt the unprecedented danger. He was afraid to look at the man in front of him who had been forcing himself to call him "Dad", but he didn't dare to say no. he had seen his mother black and blue, and he must have been beaten by his uncle.

"Come on, son. Dad teaches you to take a bath. You're a man. A man wants to take a bath himself. Do you know that?" Li Taize's voice was extremely gentle, which made Li Chaoran feel that he had heard wrong.

Isn't he angry? Isn't that the right thing to do? How to be so tender to oneself suddenly?

This time, Li Chaoran was even more afraid. He thought of the words that Aunt Jing Jing scolded uncle Sizhe: nothing to be gallant, not to be a thief.

At that time, he pestered aunt Jing Jing and asked what it meant to be "nothing to be gallant, not to be a traitor but a thief". Aunt Jing Jing said to him with a speechless face: that is, the person who laughs at you for no reason must be the one who wants to beat you.

However, this uncle is laughing with him now, and his voice is lighter. He didn't hit him. This thought, detached mind relaxed some vigilance.

See detached to his hostility eased down, Li Taize said with a smile: "Dad first teach you how to wash, you can't wash the place, dad help you wash, OK?"

He nodded involuntarily, poured children's body lotion on him as an adult, and then rubbed his whole body with bath ball. Li Taize stood by and looked at him with satisfaction.

The place on his back is beyond the reach of his little hand. Li Taize reaches out to help him scrub it. When it's done, Li Taize's body is already wet.