After flying for more than ten hours, the plane finally landed at L City International Airport. Pan Lu was very excited. She thought that she had left L City from here four years ago, but she didn't expect to return to the place where she gave birth to and raised her four years later.

I used to think that I would never be able to let go of this place in my life, and that I would never come back here again.

"Where are we going now, miss?" Tang asked softly in her ear. He knew that Pan Lu would not get off the plane and go home without telling his parents in China.

"Let's go and find a hotel first." Pan Lu is pushing a small box in front, while Tang is pushing one in the back.

A taxi came far away and stopped beside them.

The driver got out of the car and helped Tang put all his luggage in the trunk. Pan Lu got into the car first. Tang sat in the front. Pan Lu said in the back: "to Tianyue hotel."

The driver nodded and headed for Tianyue hotel.

Tianyue hotel is also a five-star hotel. Its scale is no different from that of Taihua hotel. It is also a place where the rich and powerful gather. However, it will never meet people you don't want to see, because someone can't live in a hotel opened by others.

One hour later, the car stopped at the gate of Tianyue hotel. The doorman and Bellman came out and politely helped put the luggage into the luggage cart and pushed it into the lobby.

After checking in, Tang takes pan Lu to the 26th floor where they live.

Pan Lu lives in room 2608, and Tang lives in room 2606. The two rooms are adjacent to each other. Tang puts pan Lu's luggage into his room and goes back to his room.

Pan Lu took a bath, changed her clothes, stood by the window and looked at the scenery outside. This is the place where she had been away for four years. She was so close to her relatives that her heart flew home. But she had to resist the impulse to go home and stay in the hotel for two days.

She will have a day off in the hotel tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow is the 20th anniversary of Pan's group. She will attend on time.

Pan Lu also didn't call Nana and Anthony to say that she had come back. She planned to surprise them when her father's company celebrates. She would go to see Nana after the celebration.

Pan Lu orders meals and asks the waiter to bring them up. She lives in a suite. She eats soup in the guest room to avoid being recognized when she goes downstairs to the restaurant.

The next morning, she called Tang, who lived next door to her, and asked him to take a rest in the room. When it was time for dinner, she still ordered to eat upstairs.

Although Tang didn't know how pan Lu didn't go home when he got to L City, he didn't ask why. He just did it according to pan Lu's arrangement. With his wisdom, he knew who pan Lu must be hiding from.

But in fact, pan Lu only stayed in the hotel to surprise her parents and the whole company, as well as Nana and Anthony. She always thought Nana and Anthony were hired by her father's company.

Happy to think of the celebration when she appeared, Nana and Anthony see her, will scream.

Although pan Lu has already had a son, she is still childlike and playful. Thinking about the excitement of her relatives when they saw her during the celebration, pan Lu felt very happy.

She began to contact the makeup artist. She wanted to appear in the company's celebration with her best image. The first thing she thought of was the sissy ah Wen who used to make up for herself in Li Taize's office, but she only had his studio address and no contact number.

She called Tang in, wrote an address to him, told him to go to this studio to find the person she wrote, and made sure to ask him to come to Tianyue hotel at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning to make up for her. She knew that the anniversary celebration of dad's company started at 9 a.m.

Therefore, no matter how much money it costs, she will invite ah Wen over. She trusts his craftsmanship!

In the afternoon, Tang went to find the address written by Pan Lu. He asked a taxi to take him to the street. Then he got off the car and looked for the sign. Finally, he found "avan studio" in a humble place.

When ah Wen heard that he was going to Tianyue hotel to make up at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning, and the handsome foreign guy was still in an imperative tone, so angry that he almost did not stare his eyes off: "Sir, please, I have to sleep until I wake up naturally every day. Do you want me to go at 6 o'clock? You can kill me. You won't even kill me! "

"The price is up to you!" Tang despised the sissy and doubted his level.

As soon as ah Wen listened to the price, he casually said to himself and immediately put his face together: "really? What did you say? Then I want this number! You can't lose a cent! " Then he held out three fingers.

"How much is this?" Tang asked with three fingers.

"Thirty thousand yuan, idiot!" Ah Wen swore in a low voice with a funny expression.

"Yes! deal! Room 2608, Tianyue Hotel, 6:00 tomorrow morning! " Tang didn't care about him, so he left with this sentence.

Ah Wen danced happily in the back, and he really had a big grievance. What a simple thing it was to put on make-up, it really cost 30000 yuan. He just said it casually, but he didn't expect to agree. What a fool!

President Office of Taize group.

"Ah Jian, today and tomorrow, you will keep a close eye on the exit of the airport. Other people you arranged will keep a close eye on every exit of the railway station, bus station, etc! Don't let go of a fly Li Taize roared on the phone again. This is the nth time he has roared at ajian who is guarding the airport since yesterday.

He knows that tomorrow is the 20th anniversary celebration of Pan's group. No matter whether pan Lu has been at home or abroad for more than three years, she will definitely come back this time. She can not attend the usual annual celebration. Her only successor is the leading role in this 20th anniversary celebration, and her absence means that she will lose the trust of the directors of the company.

"Boss, don't worry. Don't talk about flies, even ants can't climb over." Ah Jian patiently said that he has been made nervous by the boss these days.

He is the first one to receive the invitation from Pan Group. If he does not receive the invitation, he will definitely attend. After looking for someone for so many years, how can he miss such a good opportunity?

Chen Mingkai can't bear to look around. He knows that Li Taize has reached the limit to find pan Lu. If there is no news about Pan Lu this time, he will be crazy.

"Taize, don't do that. The pan family has been so strict in blocking the news about Pan Lu in recent years. Is there any secret? For example, she has... "Chen Mingkai just wants to cool him down, or let him face it rationally.

"You talk nonsense! I don't want you to say anything bad about her! You expect something to happen to her, don't you? " When Li Taize knew what Chen Mingkai wanted to say in the last half of the sentence, he became furious.

How is that possible? His woman will only live well, there is no other possibility!

"Tomorrow, you and ah Jian, you all go with me to Pan's, and then stare at any suspicious person around president pan and his wife!" Li Taize added another sentence.