Li Taize was woken up by the birds outside the window. Every day, just as it began to light, the birds outside the villa began to hold various concerts.

He stretched his limbs, stretched for a long time, and his head was still a little heavy.

His hand touched pan Lu beside him. He turned to the other side of the bed.

She didn't wear pajamas, lying on the bed and didn't wake up.

He remembered that he had drunk the wine that xiafeifei poured last night, and then he went back to his bedroom. Xiafeifei followed suit, and then panlu came back.

The wine? The wine was drugged by xiafeifei. Otherwise, how could one drink be drunk with his capacity?

What's more, I'm so drunk that I want to burn myself!

If pan Lu hadn't come back, he would have been raped by a woman last night. He really didn't like a thoughtful woman.

Lulu is better than lulu. Lulu is the Savior sent by God. Every time she needs to put out a fire, she comes here. Otherwise, she would have been abandoned.

He carefully turned her over for the first time, and held her in his arms and kissed her forehead for the first time.

She must be very tired, will sleep so deep, otherwise where willing to let him so embrace her? I jumped up like a hedgehog and I was worried with him.

Looking at the bruises on her body, we can imagine how crazy she was last night. In that state of losing her mind, we can only describe her as a beast.

It's going to hurt her, isn't it? Or she won't wake up now.

He hoped that she would sleep a little longer and not wake up so soon. When she woke up, he would not let him hold her like this. He also closed his eyes, chin against her head, quietly enjoying this rare happiness.

To some extent, he has to thank Ye Ruyun and Xia Feifei.

It was the two of them who helped him and pan Lu. If they hadn't made him lose his mind with their abusive means, he would never have possessed her so savagely.

Even if he likes her, he will wait slowly, cultivate feelings with her, and wait for her to agree to give her to him.

When pan Lu woke up, she found that she was being held. She pushed aside the hands that encircled her body and rolled to the side of the bed.

"You..." when she was about to get angry with him, she suddenly remembered that he was drugged by that xiafeifei last night and completely lost his sense. What's the use of blaming him?

So, she didn't say what she said. She pulled the quilt and wrapped herself up. Then she found that she didn't know when her clothes were missing.

The clothes were still there in the first half of the night. I remember that I was still wearing the new dress when I was forced to throw it to bed.

So, in the middle of the night, his clothes were torn?

In other words, she fell asleep in the second half of the night. No, she passed out. He was so... Angry. This beast, even a man who had passed out, would not let go!

She looked under the bed and saw that her favorite pink blue dress was torn to pieces and thrown to the ground.

She looked at the ground, really want to cry without tears, to a rogue theory, he lost his mind when he made a mistake? That will only make me want to cry more, bite my teeth, eyes closed, head turned to one side, do not want to see his face!

He laughingly looked at a series of actions after she woke up: after she opened her eyes, she first pushed him away like a ghost; Then quickly pulled the quilt all in the past, like wrapping dumplings like tightly wrapped himself up; Then she may feel that her clothes are missing, and her head goes out to look for them. When she sees the pile of cloth under the bed torn by his madness, her face that wants to cry but does not cry can be twisted out of the water.

He resisted the impulse to laugh and reached for her. She really shrunk to one side like a hedgehog: "what are you going to do?"

As if looking at strangers, eyes full of alert.

"I just want to hold you, not for the first time. What's your expression?" He laughed teasingly.

"Get up, get dressed and go out first!" She ordered him.

"Why? It's such a warm bed. It's the weekend again. Don't drive me out so cruelly? " He pretended to be very aggrieved.

"Because I have to get dressed, I can't get my clothes when you're here!" She rightfully roared at him and took advantage of her. Now she just wanted to get up in clothes and refused to cooperate with her.

"It's OK. It's OK for you to wear it in front of me. I haven't seen you before." The implication is, it's not like I've never seen you naked.

"You! You shut up and don't say it in the future She angrily smashed the pillow at him: "tell you to say, tell you to say!"

"You are murdering your husband!" He pretended to be hurt, covering his forehead, frowning, a pain.

"Who let you talk nonsense? If you talk nonsense again, I'll hit you with a bottle! Hum She wrapped up the quilt and turned her back to him.

"The king asked me to patrol the mountain... I'll turn the world around..." her mobile phone rang at this time.

She reached for the bedside table, grabbed the mobile phone, and the four words "mother adult" were flashing.

"Mom... What... How can I go back... Oh... Ok... Goodbye..." she put her cell phone on the head of the bed and continued to wrap up the quilt.

"Woman, you are so big, can't you change your mobile phone ring for something mature? I remember the theme song of two silly bears that used to ring your bell. Now it's a more childish song. Can you have some new ideas? " He didn't notice that something was wrong with her after answering the phone. He was looking for words to laugh at her cell phone ring.

Seeing that she didn't respond, he reached out and touched her shoulder: "Lulu, are you angry? I'm just teasing you. Your ringtone is very nice. "

She still did not respond, he could not help pulling her over, see her face not happy, do not know what to think.

"What's the matter with you? Was that your mother's phone? What can I do for you He worried up, this little woman will not be like this, even if hate her will not be so silent, like a leopard counterattack.

"My mother just said that she needs to go to Shanghai today. Uncle Wang will take her there and come back tomorrow. She told me to take a taxi home by myself today. In the evening, my father will accompany me to dinner at home." It took her a long time to spit out a word.

Oh, my God! I really don't know what kind of psychological quality this little woman has. She can be so sad about such a little thing.

"It's OK. When do you want to go back and tell me, I'll take you back. Today I'm your driver. How about that?" He tried to amuse her.

"Well, I'll go home at 10 o'clock. It's almost 8 o'clock now. You get up first, and I'll get up when you go downstairs." She still couldn't accept that she was naked in front of him and went to the wardrobe to get her clothes.

"Well, it's up to you." Seeing that she was in such a low mood, he no longer wanted to see her dressed.

In order to take care of her feelings, he grabbed the towel at the head of the bed and put it around his waist before he went into the bathroom.