V1.Chapter 802

When the bucket who was just sleeping in smelled the holy product in the honey dessert, he immediately sat up and saw the queen bee honey soup in front of Chen lie. He rushed over at an unimaginable speed.

If it doesn't restrain its speed, it will hit it.


When the bucket realized that he was about to hit, a big hand pressed on its head and stopped its fat body of more than 300 kg.

"You almost hit it."

Chen lie looked at the bucket discontentedly and ordered, "to punish you, go clean up. If you don't clean up, you won't want to taste this holy product. "

It is said that when Wu Zetian was in her 70s, her skin was still as smooth and delicate as a girl.

All this is due to the queen bee honey soup.

But the queen bee honey soup was lost with the cultivation method of bees.

If Chen lie's Royal honey wasn't too high-end, it wouldn't be copied.


The first spirit to taste the queen bee honey soup was so excited that he danced again.

Uh huh!

Dionysus is also praised.

As a kitchen god, Po was also amazed.

As a kitchen god, Po's level is obviously one level lower than Chen lie.

According to the hierarchy of the system, Bao is a level 5 Kitchen God, while Chen lie is at least a level 6 Kitchen God.

But the more people marvel, the more the bucket gets hurt.

But does it dare to disobey Chen lie's will?

afraid to.

Although it is a loser, it is not retarded.

Knowing that he has no contribution, Chen lie doesn't dislike it. It's good to keep it all the time.

If it were another owner, it might have become a charity pet long ago.

So it can only be cleaned as soon as possible.


GA Zha

After the house squirrel triplets finished eating, they began to talk to their boss.

Although Chen lie doesn't understand mouse language, he hears them asking about lingcai's ability.

Finally, Ling looks at Chen lie and seems to be asking for advice.

"Go and try."

Chen lie shook his hand and unlocked the game.

That's it.

Chen lie is tasting his own delicious food while watching the lingcai test.

But the psychic test is a little simple.

It's just pure basic data testing.

Household squirrels, triplets and little black are shouting and yelling, as if they were exchanging experiences.

Chen lie can't understand it at once.

"It's not a way to rely solely on guessing and feeling."

"It seems that you really have to exchange animal language ability."

Chen lie thought of doing it and immediately entered the system Mall for screening.

There are a lot of such things, especially science and technology.

Some even just an earplug, which can translate automatically when worn on the ear.

But Chen lie doesn't want earplugs.

What he wants is ability.

He doesn't want to wear such scientific and technological products to communicate with animals, and finally be noticed and cause unnecessary trouble.

So it removes a lot of irrelevant items.

Finally, a fruit specially cultivated after 300 years was found.

Animal language fruit.

Level 5 commodity. After eating it, you can gain animal language ability, worth 24000 fans.

"It's expensive, but it's cost-effective."

Chen lie has long coveted this ability. Naturally, he will not hesitate.

Direct exchange, direct delivery.

Chen lie takes it, washes it and eats it.

"It tastes good. It's a bit like a sweet pear."

"It's just a little small, not enough."

After a few mouthfuls, Chen Liening was calm, and then he felt a lot of information pouring into his mind.

As if those messages were hidden in the fruit of animal language.

long time.

Chen lie heard many unique voices.

The power squirrel shouted, "boss, hurry up and find an opponent to test."

The wise squirrel also shouted, "yes, everyone will have good data for such a simple data test."

Po sighed: "the data of lingcai are so beautiful. They are all the top levels in level 6. The perfect medicine is worthy of the name of perfection."

The farmer also sighed: "I never thought that the spirit was so small, but the power was even more terrible than me."

You know, a farmer has a natural power.

Although this ability is not rare, it is definitely monster level, even compared with Inca giant snake.

"You are all wrong."

Xiao Hei said seriously, "the strongest thing about lingcai is its savvy. What do you think will happen if you match the power measured just now with the thunder fist that lingcai has mastered before."

The people who evaluated just now shut up.

"This is the second tiger boss."

The power squirrel looked at lingcai in fear.

Dionysus added, "don't forget that lingcai has exchanged another ability."


Spirit has the ability of fire.

One has the most comprehensive basic ability in the audience, knows thunder fist and master the power of fire.

As soon as everyone thought of the scene of lingcai using the lightning step of the upper limit, with a flame in his right hand and playing a [sky cannon], many people began to mourn for lingcai.

Hearing this, even the fierce and charming tiger stopped lying down and looked up at lingcai.


"Go and try!"

All pets encourage the spirit to go to the actual combat test.

Lingcai looks at Chen lie.

"I'll transfer you a training opponent."

"Hierarchical, look at the results and then play the challenge."

Chen lie suddenly came up with a very interesting idea.

If you succeed, you can teach the unknown wing demon a very profound lesson.



Level 5 gold eater.

Only a shadow passed by, and the body of the gold eater turned into a little star.


There is no doubt about the second kill.


Level 5 double headed Python spits out poisonous fog, and the falling stones formed by earth magic are covered like raindrops.

This is a great restraint for small war pets and speed war pets.


In this way, a small and fast golden light and shadow broke through the raindrops and rocks, broke through the poison fog, and hit the intersection between the two heads of the two headed python with a hard blow.

The battle is over.

"The boss is powerful."

"The little mouse is so powerful. Lark should be careful of it."

"Lingcai's personal combat effectiveness has been able to reach the top 300 individuals."

All the pets were surprised by the fighting power of lingcai.

"Yes, but don't be proud."

"Lingcai can't skillfully use the flame ability until now. When it can skillfully use the flame, or even use the flame ability as Qi, it can officially go to war."