V1.Chapter 710

Beluga caviar, which can't be bought with money, costs no less than 300 euros each, and it also sells only European prawns with top champagne of more than 100000 euros.

The lineup should not be luxurious.

"Such a luxurious collocation is really rare."

"I've heard of beluga caviar before, but I haven't been able to do so. I'm lucky today."

"The world's top beluga caviar, the rumored imperial food."

"Others are not rare, but beluga caviar alone makes the style of this food extraordinary."

Kitchen kings all over the world sighed.

It was also in the midst of countless admirations that all the judges began this delicacy that only the royal family and top nobles could taste in the past.

However, although they appreciate the delicious food in front of them and even show a satisfied figure, it is all based on the luxury of this delicious food.

Most unfortunately.

Kitchen King level people are most immune to such things.

Some kitchen kings put down the tableware after only one bite.

However, a Nordic kitchen king who made friends with Yili kitchen King couldn't control it and began to praise: "Yili kitchen King chose a special top-level champagne with heavy acidity, which best matches the strong oil feeling of caviar. This delicious food is simply enjoyable to eat. Needless to say, 10 points. "

The Moroccan kitchen king, who is also an old friend of Italian kitchen king, also praised: "as soon as the shell spoon sent caviar into the import, I clearly felt the wonderful feeling of caviar breaking one by one. Although caviar tastes thick, it is mellow and rich enough. It is a top enjoyment. "

"Yili kitchen King took care of all the details and taste."

"This is the most luxurious delicacy I've ever seen. It's really worthy of being the king of Italian kitchen."

"Needless to say, it's worth at least 9 points! It's not unreasonable to give 10 points! "

Many top chefs who know Yili kitchen King give outrageous high scores one after another, and some even give full scores.

The selection criteria are different this time.

76 kitchen King level figures can get up to 10 points. Each kitchen king must taste and give points.

Because the 13 highest scores and 13 lowest scores will be subtracted.

The total score of the remaining 50 people is the final score.

This scoring mechanism is abnormal.

But the most popular.

"The score comes out!"

"Eh, why is it so much lower than we expected?"

Meng Jiajia took over the command, but she was stunned by the score.

435 points.

This is quite different from what you expected.

Because if everyone gives 9 points, there will be at least 450 points.

This means that many people give 8 points.

Meng Jiajia came to the German Kitchen king and asked, "the German Kitchen king, I don't know why you gave the Italian kitchen king only 7 points?"


7 points, the German chef gave the lowest score.

"I still need to ask. It must be because of new hatred and old hatred."

"If Italy and Italy had not held back in World War II, Germany would have won the overall situation."

"It must be revenge, needless to say."

The live studio was crazy and noisy, and the scene was very intense.

Even a lot of laughter came from the scene.

The German Kitchen king had already prepared before giving this price: "the Italian kitchen king has nothing but luxury. If you have the same conditions, you can do it with a five-star chef at will. It's a shame for such delicious food to appear here. "

The kitchen King Yili's face suddenly darkened.

He did not expect that the German Kitchen king would not give face and beat the thief loudly.

"Eh? This is the time to deal with the shrimp? "

Third, the host found an abnormal phenomenon.

The third host refers to the ancient east gate of the new porridge king.

At this time, the ancient east gate is carefully cleaning the living prawns with a soft brush. Even the parts such as the head and legs of the prawns that are destined to be lost are brushed clean.

And he's not the only one who's serious.

His four families also brush live shrimp with a serious and frustrating attitude.

Even if the live shrimp were frightened, jumping and splashing water, they were indifferent.

With so many judges, it's natural to have a lot of fresh shrimp.

This is a tedious and depressing job, but the gudongmen family is not vague.

The 5-member family cared that when the kitchen king got the score, the flag washed all the fresh shrimp.


They actually put the brushed fresh shrimp back into the clean water.


"In this way, fresh shrimp can be further cleaned, their vitality can be maintained, and they can relax. Because the IQ of shrimp is very low, they will feel safe when they return to the water and naturally relax."

The golden spoon kept admiring.

"This is a key skill."

"Maybe we can win more decisive points for gudongmen."

The silver spoon also sighed.

Beiqiao mountain said with a smile: "it still has such unique skills. No wonder it dares to challenge the kitchen god again."

The South urchin nodded and said, "how dare you go up Liangshan without a three board axe?"

Other top Eastern chefs defeated by Chen lie laughed.

They admire Gu Dongmen's skills, but they don't think he can beat Chen lie.

After all.

Chen lie's previous performance was amazing.

"Here we go!"

The kitchen god Lei Yuan suddenly shouted out.

Everybody look over.

Sure enough, the ancient East Gate suddenly lightning shot and caught a fresh shrimp.

Back opening, thread taking, head removal and shell stripping.

The whole process was done at one go, not even 10 seconds.

Looking at the fresh shrimp that was still alive just now, it was instantly cleaned. The white shrimp meat was particularly dazzling in front of the camera.

Meng Jiajia couldn't help admiring: "such a good shrimp peeling technology, even if I don't know it very well, I know it's a rare craft. I'm afraid I can be called a master."

Perhaps Meng Jiajia thinks this evaluation is not attractive enough.

So it continued to praise: "from this amazing shrimp peeling technology, we can see how terrible our new porridge king is."

"But it's reasonable to think about it carefully."

"Think about it, the new porridge King almost rolled in the previous round."