V1.Chapter 587

"Play it out!"

Chen lie made a sudden effort, and the huge stone bar finally fell to one side with a bang because the inclination angle was too large.


Huge stone bars weighing absolutely more than tons were pried open so easily.

This is definitely a great encouragement.

With such a good omen, Chen lie has more power.

In half an hour.


With the last loud noise, the last stone fell.

Without saying anything, Chen lie moved away all the stone bars at the first time and tried his best to pry open the more bulky and majestic palace gate.

The gate is open.

The air circulates rapidly.

Chen lie hurried out and took off his mask.

"I have to say, wearing a sulfur mask, this feeling is really deep enough."

"I don't want to wear it again if I can."

Chen lie smiled bitterly.

Only those who have touched this kind of thing can feel Chen lie's pain.

Now he finally knows why the lives of those sulfur miners in India are so short.

"It's hard, brother pet, but you have to make persistent efforts."

"Yes, I've done this. It's not bad. Let's go on at last?"

"How can you people be so shameless! Let the pet brother have a rest. He will certainly go. Don't rush him like this! "


If ordinary fans speak, they will be submerged in the vast comments.

But the problem is that people don't know everything. With the halo of local tyrants, he is destined to be paid attention to a lot and make millions of people speechless in an instant.

"It seems that everyone is as curious as me."

Without everyone urging, Chen lie is also extremely curious.

But Mercury emanates from inside.

Chen lie knows without guessing that there must be a lot of mercury in it.

And in myth.

Whether in the east or the west, whether in the east or Egypt, mercury is used to ward off evil spirits.

In the tombs, the killing effect of mercury is first-class.

With these, you can not only kill all the tomb robbers who break in wantonly, but also prevent your bones and tombs from being occupied by snakes and insects.

After a while.

Chen lie finally got up.

He said slowly, "a lot of poison gas has been emitted. At least the nausea in the air is not so strong. I have no choice but to make a quick decision or leave. "

"And my choice is beyond doubt."

"Let's witness this history buried maliciously with me!"

After Chen lie finished talking, he went in.

The air in the passage is still so poisonous.

3000 years of volatilization, 3000 years of no leakage, how careful how to come.

Chen lie turns on the searchlight and goes down quickly.

An underpass is a tunnel leading down.

Very deep.

At least more than 10 meters deep from the ground.

Such a project was definitely an extreme project in ancient times.


"There are corpses here!"

Chen lie looked at the completely discolored corpses and said with disgust: "if I guess correctly, these corpses are not tomb robbers, but those who closed the whole palace at the beginning."

Chen lie picked up several ornaments of the corpse and said, "these gold ornaments are full of religious patterns. It seems that they are dead men from major ancient religions."

Chen lie doesn't want these gold ornaments contaminated with mercury.

The total weight of these things is not as heavy as the gold basin outside.

Chen lie doesn't even want gold pots, let alone these.

Chen lie continued to deepen.

Soon came to the bottom of the earth.

This is a palace.

A palace more magnificent and domineering than the ground.


Chen lie was frightened by the underground pattern.

The whole palace is nothing special, just ancient gods all over the sky.

Basically, all the gods in ancient Egypt are here.

These stone statues of gods are tied with a bronze iron chain. In the middle of the iron chain is a mercury pond, and in the middle of the mercury pond is an ancient coffin.

This is clearly the rhythm of the ancient gods united to suppress the coffin.

Originally, mercury soaked the coffin.

But a lot of mercury evaporated, and most of the pond had dried up.

That's why the coffin just showed up.

"It's interesting here!"

"For example, the legendary ancient god AMUT, what do you think it looks like?"

"Yes, it's an alligator headed Sphinx."

Pointing to a statue behind the ancient Egyptian Pluto, Chen lie said, "the crocodile headed Sphinx in ancient Egypt is like a hippopotamus and likes to eat rotten meat."

"I know AMUT."

"It is said that AMUT was under Osiris, the king of Egypt who came back from the dead. At the same time, Osiris was also the king of the underworld in the legend of ancient Egypt. All the dead must be judged by the underworld court."

"Osiris wears a crown and sits on the throne. Beside the throne is AMUT and a jury composed of 42 gods. In the center of the court, there is a big scale. One side of the scale is put with the feather of truth and the other side is put with the heart of the tried. The convicted dead will become AMUT's food."

Professor Wang, who has the whole national research team behind him, began to say: "take such a posture here, that is, they have ruled that the Nile daughter is guilty. Once the Nile daughter returns as the dead, it will become AMUT's Chinese food."

"Even the changes after the death of the Nile daughter have been calculated. How much I hate her."

Chen lie sighed.

"Over there is Ba, the head bird body monster representing the soul in Egyptian mythology."

"The ancient Egyptians had a unique understanding of death. They divided people into Ka and Ba: Ka means" double ", representing human body; BA is a head bird body monster, representing the immortal soul. "

"The Egyptians made mummies because they believed that after 3000 years, the two parts of the dead would be reunited and reborn."

Professor Wang continued: "there is an immortal Ba here, that is to monitor whether the Nile daughter will be reborn by special means."

"That's it here?"