V1.Chapter 486

"Snake sloughing alone is more than 20 meters!"

"And the snake's body is estimated to be one size larger than the wheel of the truck. How terrible its body is?"

"This is definitely the longest and largest snake found in modern times and the longest and largest snake known in the world."

Chen lie quickly compared and measured the size of the body of the snake slough. The more he compared, the more frightened he became. Finally, he turned into a bitter smile of fear: "whether this is its nest or not, in short, I must leave here."

"Pet brother, take the snake with you. It's very valuable."

"This is a great biological discovery. Pet brother can't miss it!"

Many scientists are shouting.

"This snake molt is extremely important evidence. I can take it back."

"But I'll put it in a special bag, and then its owner will come after the smell."

Chen lie took out a plastic bag from his backpack, folded it hard and stuffed it in.

Snake molt is also a traditional Chinese medicine, and it is very valuable.

But Chen lie doesn't lack so much.

This thing is excellent evidence and can be used to hit countless authorities in the face.

The most important thing is that this thing can be used to scare some trouble at certain times.


Chen lie is on his way decisively.

"There is a valley beyond the river exit, but it is the most densely wooded place. I can't go there."

"And according to the map, as long as I cross the basin and climb the mountains of the basin, I can shorten my journey by at least half a day."

Chen lieyue said more and more definitely: "because of the blockage of the river, there have been great changes in my plan, so I have to hurry up now."

That's how Chen lie talked and wasted more than an hour.

Although I saw many rare plants along the way, many botanists begged Chen lie to bring them back, but Chen lie ignored them.

As for those small animals, Chen lie turned a blind eye.

After rushing for nearly two hours, Chen lie finally saw the shadow of the mountain.

"This is a mountain stream."

"It looks very clear. It just happened that I ran out of water."

Chen lie took a few steps, then restrained his desire and said, "no, the water here can't drink. I must trace its source in order to ensure the safety of drinking water."

"It happens that its source is on the mountain and there is no conflict."

Chen lie smiled leisurely and hurried up.

He's really thirsty.

After more than three disappearing rapid attacks, the consumption of physical strength is undoubtedly huge.

The consumption of clean water is more terrible when one person has four pets.

Even if he saved all the way, he used it up.

The most terrible thing is that there is water around me, but I dare not drink it. This torture is more painful.

Now he uses this mountain stream to quench his thirst in disguise.

Start climbing.

This kind of manual work is more tormenting.

Giggle, giggle!

Dionysus came back suddenly and pleasantly surprised.

He also held a lot of fruit in his hand.

"Ha ha! Dionysus, you are so smart! "

Seeing these fruits containing water, Chen lie was almost so happy that he wanted to kiss the God of wine.

"Although these are fresh fruits."

"But you can't eat the peel. You can only enjoy the pulp and juice inside."

Chen lie peeled off the peel, took a beautiful bite, showed a gesture of conferring, and added: "people who have not experienced the feeling of thirst can never understand my current feeling."

"Now I can finally understand the mood of tourists without water in the desert."

"The cruelest thing is that I am surrounded by water."

Chen lie smiled bitterly and shared the fruit with the pets who were also thirsty, or even thirsty to almost no mouth.

For a while.

When the queen arrived, she sighed, "it's only when I see the hunger and thirst of fierce and charming tigers that I feel how happy it is to have water to drink."

Green City Old Wang sighed: "it's hard for the pet brother. In such an environment, he can't help drinking the spring water that looks very clear."

"After this lesson, I think my preparation is still insufficient."

"Wait, I must bring more thirst quenching fruit."

"Even if you increase the load."

Chen lie swore to kill the second fruit.

He doesn't know what fruit it is.

It looks like a smaller melon, but it tastes like pears.


Suddenly a shrill scream frightened Chen lie and them.

Turn around.

It turned out to be the spring water on the other side of the mountain. A mouse who came out to drink water was caught and killed by a small poisonous snake hidden near the spring water.

"Look, there is such a poisonous snake hidden in the spring. Where can it be cleaned?"

Chen lie was terrified.

He was more determined to go up the mountain to get water.

"The burning sensation from the throat has weakened a lot."

"I have to say that the fruit came in time."

Chen lie saw that the God of wine had brought a lot of fruit, nodded and said, "but it can't solve the drinking problem by quenching my thirst with fruit. I must find a clean water source and a dry habitat to spend the long night."

After that, Chen lie continued to climb the mountain.

Pure small basins do not have many obstacles. At most, the biosphere is complex and dangerous.


Chen lie sees the same family of Dionysus:


The monkeys here are not very big, and their fur is black.

And their hair is particularly strong. In addition to two big "bun" on the top of their heads, they also have a particularly rough beard. Their appearance is unforgettable.

The monkeys were very curious when they saw Dionysus.

They roared like questions, but they were very loud.

"Dionysus, your relatives are calling you."

Chen lie warned.

Dionysus shook his head and looked disdainful to be with them.

Chen lie introduced to you: "ladies and gentlemen, these are common black howler monkeys in South America. Because of their large throat, black howler monkeys have a very loud voice, which can be spread a few kilometers away. "

Chen lie introduced the group as he walked: "look at them, they are not very big. Even an adult will not weigh more than 20 kilograms. Although it is a big monkey in South America, it is really no better than monkeys in other continents. "

"By the way."

"Ancient humans and other carnivores liked to eat them, resulting in..."