V1.Chapter 391

Because the rabbit meat slice is thin enough and the heat is sufficient, it soon exudes the meat fragrance of luring people.

This method is similar to pan frying and Teppanyaki, which condenses a delicious Teppanyaki rabbit meat.

Witnessed by more than 4 million people, the iron rabbit left the campfire with jumping oil and water.

The floating fragrance seems to be transmitted to the nostrils of the audience through the display.

Countless fans flow. Water.

Woof, woof!


Not only the fans drool, Po and Po are also attracted and urged by the taste.

"Wait a minute, it's too hot now."

However, the shameless Chen lie simply blew two mouthfuls and put them into his mouth.

As soon as he bites the import, the fresh and juicy rabbit meat spits out a hot and fragrant natural juice, which makes Chen lie extremely satisfied.

This time, without Chen lie showing off or introducing, countless people can see how delicious it is from his expression.

"Why should I watch this poisonous live broadcast?"

"I'm asking myself. Hey, my IQ has dropped rapidly since I met my pet brother. "

"Seeing that my pet brother can eat so well in the wilderness, I quietly put away all the instant noodles at home."

The studio lamented.

Woof, woof!


Little black and silver leopard began to urge again.

"Good, good!"

"But you have to be careful!"

Chen lie really gave the remaining rabbit meat to the two hunting heroes.

And he continued to cook.

This time he used a simpler method to operate, which was more efficient, but the taste was no worse.

A meal of iron rabbit meat makes one person and two pets full of oil.

But this oil is not boring.

Because the oil fragrance is the faint bamboo fragrance, it is not disgusting at all.


"This meal is fuller than last night. I don't want to move now."

Chen lie only now remembers.

Two big fat rabbits.

The food enough for him to eat for two days was consumed by him.

Little black and silver leopard are also very satisfied.

"But if you walk a hundred steps after dinner, you will live to 99."

"I'd better get up and walk."

"Just explore the environment here."

Chen lie cheer up.

In fact, before starting lunch, Chen lie asked Mini Apache to patrol around him and record the surrounding environment.

"It is said that this is the refuge of the royal family in the Southern Song Dynasty."

"If you can find some antiques, it will be a worthwhile trip."

Chen lie moves forward optimistically.

But there's no sign of people here.

Mini Apache at least helped Chen lie search the territory within 300 meters. There is nothing else here except beauty.

Chen lie interacts with his fans while enjoying the beautiful scenery.

The lens also rotates with Chen lie's guidance.

Ten minutes later.

"It's been almost 15 minutes. It's strange that the mountain wall hasn't broken here."

"Is this a Canyon?"

Chen lie pointed around curiously.

"Pet brother, right, look at the mountain wall on the right."

But some sharp eyed fans found something unusual.

"What's the matter?"

Chen lieshun followed the instructions of fans and looked at the mountain wall on the right.

An aerial spreader.

This is definitely a sign of human civilization and cannot be natural.

Chen lie hurried over.

When you look closer, it's really a sling to help from high altitude.

It has been seriously rotten.

Chen lie suspects that if he touches it, the sling will disperse.

But I have to say, this thing is really exquisite.

His position is about ten meters high, hidden in the most lush area of bamboo forest.

It's really hard to see if it's not found by fans.

At least Mini Apache passed by before and didn't notice the building because of the flight angle.

"There are human tools, that means there have been human lives here."

Chen lie looks at the sling on the mountain wall.

I found that even modern people need a lot of time to install such things on the mountain wall with the help of various tools, not to mention the more ignorant and backward ancient times.

It is not temporary to spend time installing such borrowing tools.

Chen lie immediately searched around.

As a result, he really found a trace of human civilization.

Not on the ground, but under the ground.

Human traces buried under bamboo forests and soil.

He saw something like an eaves.

Then he found the old and heavy stone mill.

Finally, he found a weapon:

A completely rusty iron gun.

"It seems that people have really lived here."

"But for some unknown reasons, it is deserted."

Chen lie is very disappointed.

He had been looking forward to it. He thought that even if there were no magnificent palaces, there would be bamboo huts full of immortality.

But I didn't expect to see even broken walls here. There are only sporadic human relics.


Disappointed Chen lie is bored and finds something wrong with a rock near the sling.

The rock seems to be stuck on a prominent plane of the mountain wall.

He has no nonsense.

Control the mini Apache right away.

Don't say it.

Mini Apache found something right away.

Because that rock is not naturally generated, but artificially blocked there.

Chen lie uses a high-resolution lens to capture a small gap between the rock and the mountain wall.

The gap is so small that it is difficult to see at a glance even if it is close.

"If it weren't for the mini Apache, I would really miss it."

"How insidious."

Chen lie couldn't help looking at the sling and sighed, "that's how the sling is used."

Chen lie told his fans his findings.

The live broadcasting room became lively again.

"I didn't expect that there was such a mechanism on the cliff. The ancients were really smart!"

"It's really another village!"

"Pet brother, hurry to explore. Maybe there's a treasure."

Fans in the live studio collectively urged Chen lie to do it. Even Ren Qing and other women who were most concerned about Chen lie were also aroused great interest by Chen lie's discovery.


"Even if you don't say it, I'll go and have a look."

"How can I be a tiger's head and a snake's tail when I'm here."

As Chen lie said, he weighed around, tested the height or something, and finally decided