V1.Chapter 299

Little love grandpa's body, like overdrawn vitality of the dry earth.

But the aroma of monkey wine, like the wind of life, brings a long lost rain to this land that is about to lose life.

Grandpa AI's pores are blooming all over his body.

There is unspeakable comfort all over.


Grandpa AI trembled and said, "this is xianniang!"

Just smelling it has such an effect. Can you drink it?

I've never heard of such wine, let alone drunk it.

He finally knew why the jade gourd was used to pack the wine.

"Come on, come on!"

Chen lie also poured some for everyone.

It's not that Chen lie is stingy. After all, he has something to do in the afternoon, so he doesn't dare to let everyone eat too much.


Grandpa Xiaoai couldn't help but take a bite.

Wait a minute.

His limbs and bones were stretched out.

This unprecedented feeling made him almost cry.

Because he felt the youth and strength he had not seen for a long time.

"Grandpa, you can't just drink."

Xiao AI quickly brought vegetables to her grandfather to avoid her being full.

Ren Qing also said: "Grandpa, no matter how good the wine is, it is also wine. Hericium erinaceus is really good."

Gu Xiaoyu agreed: "yes, Hericium erinaceus is not only a food material, but also a top-grade medicinal material."


Grandpa AI really didn't know that Hericium erinaceus was a top-grade medicine.

He only remembered that Hericium erinaceus was a rare delicacy and had the effect of nourishing the stomach.

Whose stomach in the mountain is bad. It'll be all right to eat Hericium erinaceus for a few days.

Ren Qing immediately explained, "Hericium erinaceus is a healthy food with high protein and low fat. It is conducive to blood circulation and can reduce the cholesterol content in the blood. It is an ideal food for patients with hypertension and cardiovascular disease. "

"Hericium erinaceus is really amazing."

Chen lie added: "it can also improve human immune function and is beneficial to delaying aging. It is a super ideal food suitable for medicine and diet. If it is not relatively expensive, it will enter thousands of households. "

"Grandpa, you eat more."

Little love listened eagerly and kept bringing vegetables to her grandfather.

Happy little love grandpa can't shut his mouth.

In such an atmosphere, it's natural to eat more smoothly.



Grandpa Xiaoai is gone.

With the support of Chen lie and Ren Qing, he took Ren Qing, a temporary lawyer, to negotiate with the group where the queen arrived.

Little love is not suitable for such a serious occasion.

She has become good friends with Xiaolan and is reluctant to leave. Naturally, she stays and asks Chen lie to take care of them.


Xiao AI and Xiao Lan are now happily playing the game of blind catching people.

And it was Po who caught people blindfolded.


Po caught Xiao AI and Xiao Lan for a long time.

"Come and catch me?"

Xiaolan provoked“ Po, I'm on your left. Yes, move forward a little, and you can reach me with your hand a little longer! "

It's a pity that it's a little bit every time.

Every time Po touched Xiaolan's corner, before he could catch it, Xiaolan slipped away.

"I'm here, Lala, I'm here."

"Po, I'm going to scratch you."

Xiao AI is more naughty. She hides behind Po and wants to tickle Po.

Po suddenly turned back.

But Xiao AI dared to provoke Po like that. Naturally, she was ready.

A cat squats and moves sideways, easily avoiding Po's reflexive raid.

He stumbled with an empty Po grabbed for strength.

The fat body is kept in a funny state of rollover when the center of gravity is unstable. Those fleshy arms kept waving, trying to catch something.

The scene was very funny.

"Ha ha..."

Xiao AI and Xiao Lan laughed and tears came down.


In order to avoid falling, Po suddenly took a hard heart and squatted.

A fart. Sit down.

Maybe it's because of too much force, or maybe it's because there are nuts on the ground that Po lost before.

Po showed his teeth in pain, his eyes and tongue. His head began to string.

Po is so funny no matter what he does.

Xiao AI and Xiao Lan couldn't stop laughing.

Don't talk about them. Even Chen lie, who is training birds, is amused.

"That's a peach pit, and it's the largest one. It must hurt."

"Poor boy!"

Chen lie suppresses his pumping stomach and tries not to laugh too much.


Po took out his fart and threw the big peach stone aside angrily.

It's upset. It just hugs Xiao with both hands and doesn't play the game of blind people catching people anymore.

Xiao AI stopped smiling and asked, "Po, don't cheat."


Xiaolan said, "you lost just now. If you lose, you have to admit punishment. You can't go back."

Hoo Hoo!

Po seemed very angry and began to breathe.

Xiao Lan cherished Po's friend and asked, "Po, are you really angry?"


Po continued to respond with a nasal tone.

"All right."

Xiao Lan said, "let me be blind."

Po quickly changed his face and took off the black cloth with a smile.

Where is it angry? It's just pretending.


"Let me do it."

Xiao AI already knows that Xiao Lan is an orphan temporarily fostered by Chen lie because of the operation.

She feels happier than Xiao Lan.

Because she has at least a grandfather, and Xiaolan has nothing.

"No, you've been there once just now. It's my turn this time."

I don't want Xiaolan to have the same mind as Xiaoai.

She felt that although she was an orphan and had a hard life in the past, she still had many friends and a more kind teacher than her mother.

It's much better than Xiao AI who has to do all kinds of rough work every day and go up the mountain to help every day.

So they argued.

It is because they have such thoughts that they cherish each other and quickly become good friends.

"Po liar!"

"Po deceived everyone."

When bailing heard the dispute, he immediately spoke out.

Gu Xiaoyu was depressed and said, "I don't think lark is afraid of chaos."

"Lark is really playing [separation]."

Chen lie said with a bitter smile, "because it wants to retaliate against Po."

