13 Mrs.Smith Mrs. Smith

Name:The one I've loved Author:Alekhyaya
"Justin !!! ," a woman shouted which made Justin and me look at her ,she came towards us .

She wore a grey chiffon maxi dress and tied her hair into a bun , she looked like a twenty five years young woman but she was actually in her early thirties .

It was his mother , Helen Tyler Smith . Justin looks just like his mother .

What did you do Justin , she said glaring at him while hugging Rachel who was covering her face .

"Mom the thing is ..."

Before he could complete his sentence his mother said in a harsh tone," is this how you treat a girl ?."

" that's alright aunty , I'm fine ." Rachel said wiping her fake tears and looked at Justin with a wicked smile .

I knew she wasn't crying but didn't know why she was acting like that but after I saw my aunt coming towards I understood her plan .

" I'm sure she must've have told something to Justin , what do you say Justin ? " said Clara , Rachel's mother ,who came and stood beside Justin putting her hand on his shoulder.

" You are right as always aunty, wish your daughter was like you, sweet and kind " Justin told looking at Clara with smile .

"What do you mean,she is a sweet girl and don't even dare to tease my Daughter in law " Helen said holding Rachel's hand .

" Stop it mom ," Justin said.

" I'm talking about my daughter in law not about you ."

" Fine ,whatever . " Justin left after saying .

" Why did you tell like that you know he doesn't like when you call Rachel as your daughter in law " said Rachel's mother .

"What's wrong in it , I'm going to make my son marry your daughter in future , what do you say Rachel , will you be my daughter in law ?" My aunt asked Rachel .

" Au..nn..ty , I think time will decide " Rachel said and looked at me widening her eyes .

I quickly understood what she meant , I told my aunt and Rachel's mother that we had nothing since we came and excused ourselves .

We walked briskly facing our backs to them , I heard My aunt saying with a giggle to Rachel's mother that Rachel was blushing . when I looked Rachel I saw her face turn red.

Why do our parents say such embarrassing stuff . We are just in our eighth standard and they are talking about our marriage , Rachel said rolling her eyes and in a bitter tone .

You should be happy that my aunt is supporting you.

Didn't you see how Justin left when his mom called me daughter in law .

"So you are angry not because you didn't like her calling you daughter in law but because Justin didn't like it ," I said and giggled .

He doesn't hate you , I said rubbing her cheeks .

"He doesn't like me either but one thing I know is that he loves teasing me ." she said in a low voice .

I didn't want her to be sad hence I diverted the topic and we talked about other stuff and laughed and suddenly my eyes fell on Austin who was standing at the door ,ready to leave .

We both looked at eacthother and smiled , he waved at me and left with his parents .

After the guests left , Rachel with her mother and I with my parents left the Smith house.

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