"Elder brother, I told you that song Yufei is pretty good-looking. I think you need to have a sense of crisis."


"What is it? No, I'm serious with you. Do you understand?"

"I don't understand."

Tangbao almost didn't follow him in one breath: "so I've been playing the piano to the cows for such a long time?"

"Let's hang up after that."

“……” Tangbao suddenly stared, "OK, that's what you said. Don't cry and beg me at that time!"

He thought he had provided such important information. His reaction should be fierce, but now he is unexpectedly calm and even a little indifferent.

Is this too self-confident to oneself completely did not put song Yufei in the eye, or really do not care?

Tangbao can't understand Tangmo's words, and doesn't have to think about it. Anyway, she has done what she should say and do, and she doesn't take care of the rest.

She just breathed a breath, but received a call from Qin Miao.

"Sister Miao, you haven't had a rest since it's so late." Tangbao said hello easily.

Qin Miao smiled: "it's still early. Did you sleep?"

"No, I just got off the phone with my brother. What can I do for you?"

"Well, it's like this. It's the annual reception of the branch office in a few days. I want to invite you to play with your friends. I don't know if you are interested."

"The anniversary party is boring. Let's not go." Thinking of such a scene, Tangbao is not interested in it, and feels bored.

"This year's reception is not the same. We also invited many stars to help us. What about your favorite three? Are you sure you don't want to come?"

Sugar treasure immediately stare big eyes: "sister Miao, you didn't deceive me?"

"I didn't deceive you. You can come and have a look. What else can I deceive you to do?" Qin Miao smiles. He knows how to like Tangbao very well, so he also knows how to take what he likes.

Tangbao was really moved, so he hesitated for a moment and promised, "OK, I'll go!"

Qin Miao nodded, "I will send you the invitation tomorrow."

"Wait, sister Mui, will my brother come to this anniversary party?"

Qin Miao chuckled: "he is the boss of the company. Do you think he will come?"

"I see." Tangbao spits out his tongue. "Thank you first."

"You're welcome. I'll see you later."

"I see. Don't worry."

Put down the phone, Tangbao has a plan in mind. Not to mention that in order to see her favorite three little ones, Tangbao wants to come to Tangmo's speech. Anyway, Tangbao also wants to take zhuyanxi there.

These two people are so unhappy. They must find a chance to find a step for Tang Mo to quit.

So on the second day, when Tangbao went to the hospital to accompany Zhu Yanxi, he said this thing with two people.

As a result, Zhu Yanxi refused, "I will not go."

Gu Jinxi also shook his head and refused: "yes, Tangbao, it's more inappropriate for me to go, or you go."

As soon as Tangbao heard that both of them would not go, he was in a hurry. He shook his arms and said, "well, if you don't go, what's the point of going alone? There are my favorite three little ones. I don't care. You both have to accompany me anyway!"

At the thought of meeting Qin Miao and Tang Mo, Zhu Yanxi's face was ugly and his attitude was firm, that is, he would not go.

Gu Jinxi also seconded: "yes, we have no names and no points. It's not appropriate to follow us. Tangbao, you can play by yourself. You're the first lady of the company, and you won't be uncomfortable."

"Who said I would get used to it? I don't know anyone here. How embarrassing it was to go there."

"Why, you don't know Qin Miao." Said Zhu Yanxi.

Tangbao looked at her with quiet eyes: "so Yanxi, you refused to accompany me because of Qin Miao's relationship?"

"No!" Zhu Yanxi flatly refused.

"Well, since it's not because of her relationship, you can go with me. Go, go, Jinxi. You can't leave me alone without being so righteous. Go, go."

Tangbao shakes their arms and hones their Kung Fu. They will never stop if they don't agree with her. Gu Jinxi can't help it. So he has to promise: "OK, I'll go. I'll go with you."

"Really, that's great!" Tangbao cheers for a while and looks at Zhuyan Xi.

Zhu Yanxi actually shook his head: "since Jinxi promised to accompany you, you don't look at me, I won't go."

As long as he thought that he would see Qin Miao and Tang Mochi standing together, Zhu Yanxi was suffering all over.

Tangbao looks around: "are you sure you don't want to go? I think it's you who are the fault of your quarrel this time. You are somehow pissed off my brother. I can testify that he has nothing to do with sister Miao. You really wronged him! "

"So what!"

"Of course, it's to find a way to mend the relationship between you. Don't say that I won't help you. Isn't it good to take advantage of such a good opportunity?Yesterday I talked with Tang MOCI so much, but he was so cold. Tangbao almost didn't hold any hope, so he had to start from Zhu Yanxi.

If Zhu Yanxi is hard and soft, she will have nothing to do.

"Why do you want me to take advantage of the situation? I'm not the wrong person."

Zhu Yan Xi is still hard spoken.

Tangbao is angry. Just when she wants to have an attack, Gu Jinxi goes faster: "I think Tangbao's words are reasonable this time. Don't come all the way to see you. As a result, because an unrelated person makes your relationship like this, it's not a chance for others to take advantage of."

As for who this other person is, they all know it.

Tangbao immediately seconded: "yes, I think what Jinxi said is reasonable. Yanxi, you've almost done it. I'm so big. I haven't seen my brother care about who he is, who is nervous about. You are jealous, but you can't put all your anger on my brother. It's unfair to him!"

"Who says I'm jealous!"

"Yes, yes, you are not jealous, you are not jealous." Tangbao sighed helplessly, "you can go to the party with me in a few days."

Zhu Yanxi was silent for a few seconds. At last, he neither refused nor promised, but said, "say it again."

But there is no direct and clear refusal, that is to say yes.

Hearing this, Tangbao immediately jumped up excitedly: "Yeah, it's great. I'm very excited to have you accompany me to see my favorite three little ones."

Of course, Gu Jinxi didn't feel much, but Zhu Yanxi's heart was sour and sour, with five tastes mixed.

I don't know what will happen that day.

I hope it's not too bad.

The reception was three days later, and Zhu Yanxi was officially discharged from the hospital two days later.

Gu Jinxi and Tangbao come to pick her up and leave the hospital. Unexpectedly, someone came earlier than them.

This is not someone else. It's song Yufei.

Seeing that he was very attentive in the ward to collect things for Zhu Yanxi, even Zhu Yanxi couldn't stop him. Tangbao was furious: "Jinxi, what do you mean by this man? Are you going to dig the corner of my eldest brother?"

Gu Jinxi's eyes were civilized, and he hurriedly put his hand over her mouth and didn't want her to talk.

Fortunately, although her voice is loud, she speaks too fast. Song Yufei can't hear her clearly.

But also successfully attracted his attention, he has turned around, smiled to show a white tooth, and they say hello: "Gu classmate, sugar classmate, you come, come in, don't stand outside."

Zhu Yanxi had already got up and walked towards them. Gu Jinxi grabbed some angry Tangbao and asked with his mouth what was going on.

Tangbao's eyes were bright and fierce, and he was obviously hostile to the intruder who intended to pry the corner of his big brother's wall.

Zhu Yanxi had no choice but to block his face with his hands and sighed: "he had to clean up for me. He would not stop him if he made a compromise. I couldn't help it."

"It's obvious that this man is the weasel who wishes the rooster a new year. He's upset and kind-hearted." Tangbao has a strong hostility to him. He would like to drive him out now and defend her elder brother's receiving integrity to the death.

"Tangbao, don't talk!" Gu Jinxi was afraid of song Yufei's embarrassment, so he hurried out and shouted at him.

Maybe he is just a good intention and should not be misunderstood.

Tangbao also realized that he may have said something too much, but he also felt that he was right: "then you think it's appropriate to let him clean up as a big man?"

It's really not suitable, so Gu Jinxi stepped forward and naturally took over the work of song Yufei: "OK, elder martial brother song, you have cleaned up the outside. Leave the rest to me and Tangbao. You are not suitable."

All the rest are the clothes of Zhu Yanxi. Song Yufei is really not suitable, so he gives the bag to Gu Jinxi, and then stands and smiles at Tangbao.

Tangbao suddenly turned over his white eyes angrily: "what a laugh, white teeth."

“……” Song Yufei's face was frozen with embarrassment.