"Well, Xin Yu, don't be embarrassed Sui lie. I won't let him tell you about this. If you have any idea, just come to me." Su Haoyuan came to them at this time and said to Su Xinyu.

Su Xinyu hears the words, lengbuding stares his eyes wide, and looks at Su Haoyuan discontentedly: "so uncle, with you all knowing this matter, you have concealed it from me alone?"

"No, it's not that I've lied to you alone, it's that I've lied to a lot of people. Only Sui lie and I know about this, so you don't have to blame him. Sui lie, come with me." Su Haoyuan didn't have time to explain more with Su Xinyu. After that, he called Sui lie away, leaving Su Xinyu sulking at the spot. Finally, the more he thought about it, the more angry he was. He raised his foot and kicked at a stone beside his foot. As a result, the stone didn't move. She jumped in pain.

Sui lie followed Su Haoyuan to Fu Zhongqian. Fu Zhongqian asked, "how is the situation now? Is there any danger?"

Sui lie shook his head: "there is no signal below, so what is the situation below is unknown now, but according to our analysis, he will not be in danger of life now."

"How can I see it!"

Fu Zhongqian's words just finished, suddenly there was a violent explosion under the ground, shaking the ground and shaking the whole building on it. Everyone at the scene was scared by the situation.

Su Haoyuan immediately asked, "what's the matter!"

The policeman on one side replied anxiously, "it's the explosion below. It's very powerful!"

Then came the second explosion.

Sui lie's eyes turned and saw Su Xinyu standing in the corner, but a billboard above her head was falling. With the explosion, the billboard was finally overwhelmed and smashed down.

Seeing this, Sui immediately jumped up and rushed to her.

Su Xinyu looks up and watches the billboard smash down to her head. At the critical moment, someone suddenly jumps over and holds her and presses her down. At the same time, the billboard smashes someone's back.

Sui lie used to hold his hands, leaving a breathing space for Su Xinyu. But because his back was severely damaged, his hands could not hold any longer, his body sank down and fell on Su Xinyu.

Su Xinyu was almost stunned by the sudden force.

Fortunately, the surrounding people have found out this situation, and quickly ran to support him. They worked together to lift the billboard on Sui lie's back, but after lifting it, they found that a steel bar of the billboard had been inserted into Sui lie's back.

Su Xinyu raised his neck slightly, and was also frightened by the situation. He asked Sui lie: "Hey, Sui lie, how are you? Do you need to be tight?"

"Try putting a bar in your back to see if it's tight." Sui lie replied with his teeth clenched, but he could not move his body.

"Su Xinyu smell speech, slightly relaxed tone:" still can answer back, it seems that still can't die But still very worried, "ambulance, doctors and nurses come quickly!"

Because of the sudden explosion, the scene became a mess, the police were not enough, Su Haoyuan saw the situation, and immediately ordered: "Xinyu, you accompany Sui lie to the hospital."

Su Xinyu nodded and was uneasy: "but this way --"

"don't worry about things here. I've called for reinforcements." Su Haoyuan is also disheartened, but in an emergency, he can't take care of the others. "Well, your task now is to take good care of Sui lie. I'll go to save people first!"

"I see, uncle, you should be careful."

The steel bar was inserted into the back, resulting in his limited movement. The medical staff were afraid to move him at will, for fear of causing massive bleeding, so they could only be sent to the hospital for rescue first.

In the car, Su Xinyu keeps talking with Sui lie, but Sui lie hates her noise: "you are too noisy, be quiet."

"Hey, don't fall asleep. You'll be in the hospital soon. If you hang up because of saving me, I'll have a bad conscience for the rest of my life." Su Xinyu squats beside Sui lie, looking at his clothes dyed red with blood, worried.

"Sui lie sneered:" you think more

"Then don't sleep, driver, drive faster! He is an international friend. It's hard for us to explain what happened. Hurry up! "

Ambulances were whistling away in the night wind.


after more than two hours of search and rescue, almost all the personnel were evacuated safely and all the injured were sent to the hospital.

Su Haoyuan took people down to the ground.

Under his command, the well-trained armed personnel quickly arranged the following situation, and then came back to report: "report to the Soviet Union Hall, it has been checked, there is no danger!"

Su Haoyuan took off his face mask and nodded: "search again carefully to see what valuable clues are!"

Fu Zhongqian follows Su Haoyuan, looking left and right, and Su Haoyuan comforts him: "don't worry, I've seen it. There are no casualties, which means that they have all run away, and Shenrong is safe for the time being."

Fu Zhongqian can only nod: "what are you going to do next.""I have to have a meeting before I go back. Now I can't give you an answer. But don't worry. We will try our best to save him. Go back to see Ranran first. I know you have a great memory."

Fu Zhongqian wiped his face. During this period of time, they really had trouble sleeping and eating: "well, I'll trouble you. I'll go first."

Shortly after Fu Zhongqian left, a police officer came to Su Haoyuan and told him that he had made a great discovery. Su Haoyuan hurried to have a look. He was so well-informed and could not speak because of what was in front of him.

This is a room made of forged steel, so it was not affected by the explosion, completely preserved.

There are glass bottles higher than people. The glass bottles are full of formalin. There is a naked body of men and women, but without exception, they have no face, only two empty eyes staring at them.

The police stood here and looked at them. There was a layer of cold sweat on their back. Their scalp was numb and their hair was creepy.

"Su hall, there's a secret way!" Suddenly someone shouted, breaking the panic of the eye.

Su Hao goes far away to see. It's a dark road that can't be seen to the end, but it seems that they left from this dark road. Then they made two more explosions. The purpose is to cause panic and riot, so they can take the opportunity to escape.

Su Haoyuan looked at the bodies behind his eyes, and ordered: "all the soldiers are divided into two ways, one way to chase, the other way to stay and clean up the scene. At the same time, we must find out the identity of these dead people, and we must give them a justice!"


Su Hao's distant relatives chased down the secret road with their own, and finally found that the secret road led to the back of another building.

A police officer was not without remorse and said, "Damn it, they ran away again this time."

Captain Zhang Yang frowns and looks around. Su Hao asks him with foresight: "Zhang Yang, do you have any discovery?"

Zhang Yang shook his head: "nothing unusual, but I always feel that these people will not go far." How can they miss such a good play when they are so insane? They must hide in a corner in the dark and appreciate their busy appearance.

However, there are so many high-rise buildings and rooms around. At present, they don't have enough people to check them. So they know that they may hide in the dark, but they can't do anything.

Su Haoyuan understood his mind, so he patted him on the shoulder: "don't hurry, step by step, now the priority is to settle the injured."

Zhang Yang nods, Su Haoyuan says again: "you take a person to be busy first, I want to go to the hospital to see how Sui lie is now."

"I'll go with you."

"No, I can't do without people here. I'll go and have a look myself."



Su Xinyu hurried back and forth in the ward. Her hair was also scratched in disorder. It seemed that she was really in a hurry.

Su Haoyuan ran close to her: "Xinyu, how is the situation?"

Su Xinyu shook his head: "I don't know yet. What's the matter there? Is it serious? Did anyone catch it? I wish I could be more careful. "

Su Haoyuan shakes his head helplessly: "which one do you want me to answer for your questions? When people run away, Mu Shenrong is gone. From the scene, he walked with them. It should be OK."

Su Xinyu takes a long breath, but still looks at the light on the operating room with a worried face.

"OK, don't lose a face, it's not a steel bar, Sui lie is not so fragile."

"What if I really hang up."


"In case of hemiplegia."

"That's easy, just marry him."

“! Uncle, you are still in the mood to make such a joke at this time. It's not funny at all! "