"What?" Su Xinyu jumped up in shock and hit her head on the roof of the car with a thud.

Su Haofeng immediately pulls her to sit down: "sit well, don't jump up and down, just like a monkey!"

"I'm just too surprised. How could this happen? It's too dangerous now!" Jack used to be a dangerous person, but now he is wanted by the police, which means that he is now under attack on both sides. The danger is conceivable.

"Of course we know, but you can't control the situation now. Go back, you know. Don't let us distract you any more."

Su Haofeng's words made Su Xinyu very unhappy. He thought he was in the way, but it was not unreasonable. Didn't Gu Tianqing give up saving Huaiyu and Jinxi just to save her? He knows where his children are, but he can't do anything. He must be very sad: "I'm sorry, uncle Gu, I'm not good this time."

"How could it be that you have sent me such an important message, knowing that they are still alive. I can find a way to save people slowly. Don't worry, go back and have a good rest."

"Well, I see."

Gu Tianqing sent them to the airport to take the latest flight back.

When they parted, Su Haofeng didn't want to go: "let someone send Xinyu back, I will stay to help you."

"Then I'll stay." Su Xinyu still has the last trace of hope.

Gu Tianqing refused: "no, you all go back. One more person here will be more dangerous. I will stay here. Haofeng, let's go."

"But you --"

"believe me, I will definitely bring them back. Fu Ran is more dangerous. You can all go back."

At the urging of Gu Tianqing, the parents had to leave.

"Well, then we won't stay here to make trouble for you. Let's go first." Su Haofeng pulls Su Xinyu forward.

Su Xinyu did not forget to explain: "Uncle Gu, if there is any news, remember to call us."

"I see. Let's go."

Su Haofeng pulls Su Xinyu into the security check, and Su Xinyu still looks back reluctantly. Su Haofeng pulls her head: "don't look, hurry up and go."

"Dad, are you sure you can leave uncle Gu here alone? Otherwise, let's stay and help him. "

"What can you do to help me? We can't help with the shadow. Go back and don't distract him. "

"Well then." Su Haofeng said so. Su Xinyu knows it's impossible to stay any longer. He can only go to the security check with Su Haofeng.

After she went in, she didn't remember how the situation of Anthony and Sui lie was. Although Anthony was so disliked by people, this time it was because of helping her. If she was really involved, she was to blame.

When she touched her pocket, she found that her mobile phone was missing. Oh, it was seized by Renault's people at that time. When she left, they didn't return it to her. Now she didn't know Sui lie's phone number. She had to give up the contact.

There is also Mu Shenrong's escape from prison with Jack, which happened in the jurisdiction of Sui lie. It shows that Sui lie's dereliction of duty will affect him.

Seeing Su Xinyu's sullen face, Su Haofeng shakes his head: "Xinyu, you really need to close your heart. You say that you are a girl and always do something dangerous. Think about it for me and your mother."

"Dad, I'm fine. I don't lack arms or legs. You can rest assured. I'll protect myself. OK, I'm tired. I'll have a rest." She just closed her eyes and rested.

After leaving the airport, Gu returned to the white Empire headquarters.

Shadow told him, "the number that the little Lord sent has been deciphered."

So Gu Tianqing steps in, and the staff in charge of deciphering immediately show him the paper on the table. It's the content they deciphered, with four words written on it. It's an orientation, southeast direction.

Shadow does not understand of ask: "what is this meaning? Is southeast a breakthrough? "

Because Gu Huaiyu's surroundings must be full of monitoring, it is impossible for him to say such simple four words. Instead, he said the numbers, which would never be irrelevant. It should be very important for him and them.

Gu Tianqing is silent and silent. After a while, he says, "shadow, let go of the things of Huaiyu and Jinxi. Take someone to look for Shenrong first. He is not safe with such a dangerous person."

"I've sent for a search, but I don't know for sure."

"Yes, send more people."

"Yes, but really, he has the ability to take people away from California prison."

Gu Tianqing didn't speak, and he had to admit that it's really beyond everyone's expectation that people who can become a family with them can break through from such a tight place.

At first, he sent Jack in by himself. Now, he brings him out by himself. It's a myth.However, the corresponding danger is also multiplied.

Suilie immediately reported this matter to his superiors, and Mu Shenrong was soon listed as the wanted object. Sui lie was also to blame because he offered to arrest Jack and Mu Shenrong together.

When he got on the plane, he sat down by the window, closed his eyes and thought that Mu Shenrong and Jack would escape the chase and return to China smoothly.

He can't let go of all the lines.

Su Xinyu and Su Haofeng are at the back of the line, so they are also the last plane, and their seats are not in the same row.

Su Haofeng's in front, he let Su Xinyu sit first, Su Xinyu waved: "you sit, I go to the back to find."

Su Haofeng is not afraid of her running, so she sits down at ease.

Su Xinyu looks at the position number on the boarding pass, goes to the end, finds the vacancy, but looks at the man sitting next to the vacancy, she suddenly stares: "Sui lie?"

Sui lie opened his eyes and looked at Su Xinyu. He was stunned. He didn't expect the world to be so small and so ingenious.

At this time, the air stewardess's warning sound came from the radio, indicating everyone to sit down and fasten their seat belts. Su Xinyu sat down quickly, but also curious: "how can you be here?"

"Why are you here? I'm here."

"I'm going home, and you're going home, too?"

"You say so." This kind of stupid and meaningless question the daughter asked again and again.

"Oh, by the way, how's Anthony? The Reno guy didn't embarrass him."

"You say so."

"Why do you always say what I say? I'll ask you what I want to know."

"Because your questions are always so childish."

"I'm naive?" Su Xinyu pointed to his nose, "yes, you are mature, you are mature, you are old man!"

"Su Xinyu, I'm not in the mood to quarrel with you now. Please close your mouth and be quiet. Don't affect others."

At this time, Su Xinyu really regrets not changing his position with Su Haofeng. Hum!

But before long, Su Xinyu couldn't help it: "you came back home because of Mu Shenrong. How is it? If there is any news about him, how is he now?"

Su Xinyu wanted to know too much, so he couldn't help but catch Sui lie's arm and urge him.

Sui lie slightly collected his eyes and stared at his arm. Su Xinyu looked at him. He was embarrassed to take back his hand. "I'm sorry, I'm too nervous. How is he now?"

"Will I still be here if I want to know, miss, please be quiet and don't disturb me?" Sui lie's words, let Su Xinyu's expression immediately chat up, it is really a little man's demeanor, but she was so worried about him just now.

"Then you will not go back this time to catch them."

"Ask clearly."

"What? Do you really want to catch him? " Su Xinyu couldn't help raising the volume, and finally pressed it down hard, "what would happen if he was caught?"

"The court will judge itself, so don't worry about it."

"But --"

"shut up, OK?"

Thousands of words stuck in her throat, choking her hard, but no one said, can only live.
