Gu Tianqing nods and thanks. Liu Yingying stands on the balcony with him. The wind blows their clothes and they hunt. Liu Yingying asks him, "don't you have anything to ask me?"

His expression was hidden behind the pair of big sunglasses, but he was silent for a long time, making people unable to guess. At last, Liu Yingying couldn't hold on, sighed, and said to him, "don't worry, Jinnian takes good care of himself and his children. It's cold. Don't stand here too long. I'll go down first."

Gu Tianqing still didn't speak. He just nodded his thanks. He raised his head, but he didn't know where he was looking.

It's very hard to trace. It took a lot of time to determine the target of the transaction with Florence. Fortunately, with the help of Interpol in many ways, they finally found some information about the gang that traded with Florence.

They are experienced in all kinds of battles, but they didn't expect that the criminals now hide so deep. What they find now is just a leader of a small leader organization.

"This organization is newly established in recent years. It is not large in scale, but it is extremely careful. So far, the police have not caught any criminal evidence of them, so it is not easy to find such a small leader.

The next step is to plan how to get close to the leader, and then wait for the opportunity.


When the news reached Fu Zhongqian, he was still uneasy and asked for several more words.

Shen Huan put the cup in his hand and said, "is it the news of Tianqing? How about them?"

"OK, everything is very good."

"Well, by the way, it was found in your daughter's pocket again." Shen Huan takes out a crumpled letter and hands it to Fu Zhongqian.

"Another love letter?"

"Mmhmm." Shen Huan also felt a headache. This kind of thing has been forbidden for many times. Although no boy has followed her since she was sent to school, Ran Ran Ran went home and said that every time she went to school, there would be a variety of breakfast or chocolate snacks in the drawer, which makes people laugh and cry.

Today's children, they are really better than each other. Fortunately, Ran Ran's mind is only about reading. He doesn't have such a messy mind.

"And ran ran said that she wanted to speak a foreign language." Shen Huan thought of this important thing.

Fu Zhongqian picked a eyebrow and said, "foreign language? She is sure that she has the ability to get in there only with real materials. "

"She said it should be OK, so do you think he should go or not?"

"Go." Fu Zhongqian said without hesitation, "since she wants to go, let her try it on her own. If not, there is a bottom one here."

“…… If she hears your best words, she will be sad to death. Can't you have some confidence in your daughter? " Shen Huan can't laugh or cry.

Fu Zhongqian smiled: "I don't give her any pressure. It doesn't matter whether I can go up or not, as long as she is happy."

"All right." Shen Huan nodded, "then let her try."

The screening conditions for foreign languages are very strict. Even Fu Zhongqian can use her own right to let Ran Ran in to read. But if she does not have such strength, she will be eliminated sooner or later among a group of students who are more outstanding than her. At that time, she will only be very painful, so let her try. As for whether she can pass the examination, it really depends on her own creativity Yes.

"Come home tomorrow and have a meal." Fu Zhongqian said temporarily, "elder sister wants to see the year of brocade."

"Well, I'll take her with me tomorrow after work."

Fu Zhongqian nodded.


Qi Jinnian actually performed very well, at least in the eyes of outsiders, she was not affected at all.

The children at home are taken by a nanny, and Jinxi is taken by Shen Huan from school to school. She goes to work step by step to take care of the children. She even takes time to sign up for yoga class with Ye Jia and arranges her life in an orderly way.

Everyone else was relieved to see her so active life.

In particular, Fu Qingliu, who is most worried about them, actually wants to help Qi Jinnian. But Qi Jinnian doesn't need to say that everyone has their own life. The world won't stop rotating because of who's leaving. What's more, she believes that their blind president will soon return home.

So she's going to keep herself at her best.

Fu Qingliu is very pleased: "thank you, Jinnian, you let Tianqing leave without any worries."

Qi Jinnian smiled quietly: "Mom, don't say that. It's all my job as a wife."

At this time, the servant Rong Ma appeared at the dinner table and said to Fu Qingliu, "madam, that man Here we are again. What can you do? "

Fu Qingliu was shocked, while Fu Zhongqian asked, "who is it? Are you being harassed? "

Rong Ma hurriedly shook her head: "it's not harassment, it's --"

Fu Zhongqian frowned, then stood up and walked out.

This is the compound of the military region. Ordinary people dare not behave wildly here. But it seems that Rong Ma's look is very difficult, so he is worried about what they can't solve.As a result, when he came to the door and saw the person standing outside, he was stunned.

The people outside are dressed in suits and shoes. Their hair is slightly white, but they are hale and hearty. The most important thing is that they still have a bunch of red roses in their hands. They are really striking and eye-catching.

Rose, this person is clearly To show love.

Who is the object of love? Gu Yunyao and Fu Qingliu live here

"This man is really persistent." Gu Yunyao followed Fu Zhongqian and said.

Fu Zhongqian was surprised: "Yunyao, this person should not be your pursuer."

Gu Yunyao suddenly cried and laughed: "what do you say, little uncle, you don't see how old he is, how can he be my pursuer, he is here to pursue his mother."

When this statement comes out, everyone is surprised.

Only Fu Qingliu scolded Gu Yunyao and said, "Yunyao, don't talk nonsense!"

Gu Yunyao said, "I can't tell you the truth. Since you came back to China some time ago, this man has come to report every day. You see he's so old, let's invite him in."


Fu Qingliu's pursuer, Qi Jinnian and Shen Huan are very interested in looking at each other. However, due to Fu Qingliu's face, it's not easy to show.

Fu Qingliu's face was tight, showing a slight embarrassment: "stop talking nonsense."

"I don't believe you allow my mother to talk nonsense. Does this person pursue my mother fiercely?"

People smile and say the word "fierce". In fact, it's no exaggeration.

Some time ago, Fu Qingliu went abroad to perform, and finally met such a seeker who fell in love with her at first sight.