Mu Hanqiu is responsible for protecting their safety.

I just didn't expect that shadow and night came back together.

When Qi Jinnian knew it, he couldn't help worrying: "shadow, how can you come back with it? What can you do with it?"

"I've sent her home, and when I get back, I'll pick her up."

"Ah..." Qi Jinnian hears the words and sighs low. Now he has to be wronged by Zhao ChuChu.

Pregnant with a husband but not around this sad, I'm afraid no one has experienced people will not understand.

Qi Jinnian only hopes that things here will be over soon, so that everything will be calm as soon as possible.

Looking at her sad look, mu Hanqiu advised: "the year of brocade, you don't have to think about it, take care of your body."

Qi Jinnian nodded, took mu Hanqiu's hand and said, "I'm sorry to bring you all in."

"What do you mean? We couldn't have stayed out of this. Well, don't think about it. Have a good rest."

Gu Tianqing, Bai Moli, Tang and Song Dynasties, Luo Zhan, organized a group meeting of four people to make a careful plan for the Jedi counterattack. This time, only success is allowed and no failure is allowed. Otherwise, the cost will be very heavy.

The plan has been made for a long time, but it was only two months later. Now it's hard to advance. No one knows what it will be like.

Tang and song took the battle plan and pointed it out: "if you give me some more time, the plan will be more detailed, but Tianqing can't wait, so it can only be advanced, so the risk coefficient will continue to rise, so Tianqing, you must be careful and careful."

"I know." Gu Tianqing nods, "you say."


The four men deliberated for four hours before leaving the meeting room.

Everyone, exhausted and looking very tired, had to fight with 120000 spirit to deal with this tough battle.

"Well, let's go back to have a rest and talk about it later." Gu Tianqing said to the crowd.

At this time, dark Wei came to report: "Mr. Bai, Miss Bai knows that you are back. It's very noisy. Do you want to have a look?"

Bai Mo Li's look, suddenly cold, originally tired look, at this time is more intolerant.

Snow white Almost forgot her.

Since the last time she was sent away, baimoli has never seen her.

She's been kept under house arrest. She's about to collapse.

"Who told her I was back!" Don't leave cold hum.

Dark Wei Gongshou, he is not clear about this.

White Mo Li frowns, Luo Zhan says at this time: "you don't have to be bothered. It's always useful to keep her."

Tang and song waved to dark Wei: "you go down first, don't care about her. If it's too noisy, let her be quiet for a few days."

Without blinking an eye, dark Wei left.

There are so many ways to make a person quiet.

Luo Zhan smiled at one side: "this is the romantic debt."

Bai Moli glared at Luo Zhan. At this time mu Hanqiu came in from outside and said to them, "you are hungry. Let's cook. Let's eat together."

The long dining table in the restaurant is full of food.

Luo Zhan was the first to exclaim: "Wow, are you doing all this?"

Mu Hanqiu shook his head: "Jinnian and Jinxi have helped."

"Yes, I'm in charge of picking vegetables." One side of Jinxi hurriedly raised her hand, "mom is in charge of the command."

Hearing this, Qi Jinnian couldn't help laughing: "I'll move my lips. All I do are Jinxi and Hanqiu. Please sit down."

These four men were really hungry. As soon as Luo Zhan and Tang Song sat down, they devoured.

Bai Moli is like a big master sitting there. Mu Hanqiu will put what he likes to eat into the bowl in front of him, and the care is really meticulous and appropriate.

On the other hand, because Qi Jinnian can't see, Gu Tianqing and mu Hanqiu play the same role, and even feed Qi Jinnian sometimes.

Although Qi Jinnian can't see their expression, she can imagine it, and she is always shy, so she said to him, "leave me alone, I will eat by myself, you must be hungry, eat by yourself."

Luo Zhan and Tang Song over there had a mouthful to eat. Watching them like this, they both had a good action. Tang and song were OK. After being shocked, they continued to attack the delicious food.

But Luo Zhan shook his goose bumps and asked Tang and song with a spoon, "do you think you are eating a mouthful of dog food?"

“…… You are the dog! " Tang and song turned around and stared at him. He could hardly eat anything in his mouth. Dog food

Luo Zhan said with a sigh, "I said why you are so out. This dog food is not this dog food. Don't you think they are so abusive of dogs?"

“…… Abuse your dog. "…… Luo Zhan explained again, "well, my dog is not a real dog. I mean we are single dogs. Understand? They are showing their love and scattering dog food all over the place."

…… Three sentences ignore dog and dog food. Gu Tianqing and Bai Moli look at the ugly face of Tang and Song Dynasty, and finally understand what it means to paint more and more black. No wonder Tang and Song Dynasties look so ugly. Luo Zhan is really

"You are the single dog! Your family's single dog! " Tang and song were really angry about it. They couldn't eat dog food for a while. They put down their forks and said, "then eat slowly. I'll go first."

The whole audience was quiet, but Qi Jinnian couldn't help it. Suddenly he burst out laughing, followed by mu Hanqiu.

Luo Zhan sat there with an innocent face: "what's wrong with me? I'm not wrong. Why is he so angry? It's all your fault." Luo Zhan stares at several people in front of him, and suddenly his face is full of indignation and sorrow. "Don't eat with you, it's just looking for cruelty." With that, he poured the dish into the bowl in front of him, filled it with a full bowl, and then left with it. "I'll go back to my room to eat."

Looking at his action, Gu Tianqing and Bai Moli's expression seldom loosed.

"By the way, in the year of brocade, you will be able to take off your eyes tomorrow." Asked mu Hanqiu.

Qi Jinnian nodded: "yes."

"Well, I'll go with you tomorrow."

"No, I'll go myself." Gu Tianqing is not sure Qi Jinnian is going out alone, so in any case, he should send it by himself.

Mu Hanqiu also understood his mind and nodded, "that's OK."

It's Qi Jinnian who thinks that Gu Tianqing is a little fussy: "it's not a big deal. If you have something to do, just let me go in cold autumn."

"Your business is big."

…… Sitting opposite, Bai Moli looks at Gu Tianqing and coughs heavily: "Gu Tianqing, pay attention to the scale."

"I'd like to. Do you mind?"

Qi Jinnian blushed and hurriedly pulled Gu Tianqing's arm to signal him to say less.

"I can't eat any more. Go back first. Take your time." White Mo left and turned to Mu Hanqiu and said, "go."

Mu Hanqiu puts down his bowl, nods to Gu Tianqing, and leaves with Bai mo.