The scene was also chaotic because no one knew what was going on.

Even Su Haofeng is ignorant. So this woman came to rob her from him?

"Don't talk nonsense, come with me!" Zhu Yu'an was not tall, but he was still strong. Ye Jia couldn't stop her. Sheng Sheng was dragged out of the banquet hall.

Su Haofeng responds and immediately chases out. Gu Tianqing also orders the shadow in his ear to stop people.

And out of the banquet hall, ye Jiaqing grabbed the doorframe and refused to leave: "Zhu Yuan, what are you doing! Why are you here. "

Zhu Yu'an's face is full of anxiety. After hearing Ye Jiaqing's question, he can't help but grieve. He looks at her and grins his teeth hard. "You are happy, but do you know that he is dying? You must go to see him with me now, do you know?"

"Who is going to die? What are you talking about! " Ye Jiaqing's heart sank abruptly and her tone was harsh.

"Who else, who else?" Zhu Yu'an cried anxiously. "Shaochen, of course! Hurry up and follow me. If you have a little conscience, you will follow me at once! "

For a moment, ye Jiaqing felt that there was only a dark moment in front of her, as if a tall building had collapsed. She couldn't believe looking at Zhu Yuan: "you're kidding me, aren't you? It's not true."

"How can I make fun of such a thing? I beg you to come with me now."

Ye Jia leans to grasp the finger of the door frame, unconsciously slackens down. Zhu Yu'an sees the situation and immediately pulls her out, but ye Jia's other hand is also caught.

It's su Haofeng who chases out. He holds Ye Jiaqing tightly and refuses to let her go. At the same time, he yells at Zhu Yuan, "who are you? Where are you going to take Jia?"

"It's too late. You must go with me now!" Zhu Yuan's eyes are red. It seems that he can't wait for a minute.

Su Haofeng said, "she will not go anywhere."

Ye Jia is standing in the middle, pulled by two people, like a sandwich biscuit.

"Enough!" Finally, she came back to her senses, took her hand from Su Haofeng, and said to him, "I'm sorry, I'm in a bit of an emergency now. Can I explain it to you later?"

With that, she was led away by Zhu Yuan.

Su Haofeng looks down at his empty palm. The ring is still on his other hand, but unexpectedly, he doesn't have a chance to wear it on her hand.

Shen Huan and Gu Tianqing also came out to see the situation.

Gu Tianqing asked, "people."

Shen Huan also said, "yes, that one just now, who is it? How can it rob Jiaqing?"

Su Haofeng didn't speak. He stood upright. For the first time, Su Haofeng put down his body in front of so many people, with dignity. In return, it turned out to be such a result?

What is more important than this time?

Shen Huan also seemed to feel the sadness from Su Haofeng. She wanted to say something, but when she said something to her mouth, she felt that what she said was superfluous. At last she had to say, "maybe Jiaqing will come back later. Let's go first. Today is the baby's full moon feast."

Su Haofeng was brought in by Gu Tianqing. After that, everyone kept quiet as if nothing had happened just now.

And Su Haofeng sits beside Fu Hanshen, saying nothing, holding a glass of wine and drinking.

Ye Jiaqing was dragged all the way to the outside of the hospital by Zhu Yuan.

On the way here, Zhu Yu'an has told Huo Shaochen about her illness - gastric cancer, accompanied by metastasis of cancer cells.

So ye Jiaqing's whole body is shaking at this time.

Cancer? She couldn't believe that Huo Shaochen had such a disease.

The rescue is not over.

Zhu Yu'an squatted on the ground sadly: "he won't let me tell you, but now, apart from you, I can't think of anyone else who can arouse his desire for survival."

Ye Jiaqing's body shape is crumbling: "when is this and why he didn't tell me."

Zhu Yu'an said with a wry smile, "aren't you with Su Haofeng? How can he bear to tell you that you are so happy?"

Ye Jia was silent. No wonder he was so thin and pale when he saw him at the airport last time. Was it because he was ill?

Suddenly, ye Jiaqing's heart felt heavy.

But thinking that she had run away in the hotel, she felt even more guilty.

She really didn't mean to. I hope Su Haofeng doesn't blame her. She didn't come here because she had no feelings for Huo Shaochen or anything. She should come here as a friend. But at this time, she can't take Su Haofeng's feelings into consideration.

She wanted to send him a text message explaining it, but then the door of the operating room opened.

When the doctor came out, ye Jia immediately put away her mobile phone. Zhu Yu'an got up from the ground and said, "doctor, how is my brother-in-law?"

The doctor took off the mask and looked very serious: "we have tried our best. The cancer cells have been transferred to the whole body. At present, the operation has no significance. In the rest of the day, I don't recommend any large-scale treatment. Conservative treatment. Your family will accompany him more when they have time."“……” Zhu Yu'an stumbled and fell to the ground directly.

Ye Jiaqing also covers her mouth and looks at the doctor in front of her with disbelief. No, how could this happen? How could it be true? No

Why does this happen? Why did he end up well before? Now he's like this. It's not true. It's not true She couldn't accept it either, but when Huo Shaochen was sent out of the rescue room, she saw that he had a thick head of hair, which had fallen out at some time. Her original clean and elegant face was pale and deserted. She was lying on the hospital bed, thin and thin. She had no great heroism in the past.

Ye Jia's whole body was shocked and could not make a sound.

Why, in such a short time, he became unrecognizable to her.

Time is merciless.

Together with Zhu Yuan, we sent Huo Shaochen back to the ward, or ICU.

Zhu Yu'an stood outside and put his fingers on the glass. He could not help crying: "brother in law, you must hold on, brother in law, I'm sorry, I'll never get angry again. Boo hoo, brother in law, don't leave me alone, brother in law..."

Zhu Yu'an's crying made Ye Jia feel very sad. But Zhu Yu'an's words made her feel very happy. Zhu Yu'an was not the wayward little girl of that year, but she could not say those comforting words against her heart. She was also very sad.
