Qi Jinnian holds Gu Tianqing's hand without trace, and Gu Tianqing comforts him by holding it back. Then he smiles at Rong Jing and says, "this kind of thing is not easy to worry about."

With a smile, the plane took off, interrupting their conversation.

Qi Jinnian breathed a sigh of relief, but as soon as he thought of Rong Jing's snake like smile, the whole person couldn't calm down.

Gu Tianqing said to her, "go to sleep. It's time to wake up."

"Yes." Qi Jinnian leaned down on Gu Tianqing's shoulder and closed his eyes.

Rong Jing looks at it meaningfully. Gu ignored him, but the expression on his face was not easy.

He is not afraid of tolerance, but when he has concerns around him, he can't be as reckless as before.

Looking down at Qi Jinnian, whose eyelashes were quivering, he knew that she was not asleep.

So he tightened her shoulders.

Rong Yue is right. Rong Jing is not him and will not be merciful to them. He must be careful and careful.

Qi Jinnian was sleeping with his eyes closed. Unexpectedly, he fell asleep and actually slept in the past.

By the time she woke up, the plane had landed safely, and the whole first class was gone, leaving him and Gu Tianqing in their seats.

She made a confused sound, rubbed her eyes and looked out of the window: "here you are?"

"Wake up. Let's go." Gu Tianqing took her hand and stood up. Qi Jinnian found that not only the first-class people had gone, but also the economy class people had gone. That is to say, there were only two of them on the whole plane.

They left under the guidance of the flight attendants, and she felt embarrassed: "why didn't you wake me up earlier?"

"Oh, I forgot."

What a hell of a reason.

Qi Jinnian is speechless. He clearly doesn't want to wake her up. When he thinks about it like this, he suddenly feels a little sweet.

After stepping on the familiar land again, Qi Jinnian came back hand in hand with Gu Tianqing. Qi Jinnian's heart was throbbing again. Unexpectedly, seeing him walking in front, holding his hand, Qi Jinnian's mouth corner could not help but raise a smile.

"What are you laughing at?" Gu Tianqing turned around and caught the smile.

Qi Jinnian suddenly stepped forward, narrowed the distance between the two and snuggled into Gu Tianqing's arms. Although they were in public, they could not hide their sweet and coquettish: "it's a little cold."

Gu Tianqing looks down at the woman who looks down in his arms, pulls out his black coat and wraps her whole body in.

Qi Jinnian, with a happy smile on his face, put his arms around his waist and said, "look after Optimus Prime, we will never be separated again."

"OK. If you've been so obedient. "

"I'm not obedient anywhere, and it's you who are not." Discontented wrinkled his nose, issued a protest, "clearly you have been bullying me."

"How can I bully you?"

He tightened the strength of his hand and made her closer to him. There was no gap between them. Qi Jinnian exclaimed: "you see you are bullying me now."

"Is it?"

"I hate it."

She gave him a little beating. When she got to the exit, she found that the shadow was waiting there, so she hurriedly restrained the little movements and wanted to get out of Gu Tianqing's arms. As a result, he didn't mean to let go of her. She was a little worried: "what are you doing? The shadow is in front. Let me go."

Gu Tianqing was not moved, but said lightly, "who said just now to be obedient?"

Qi Jinnian was shocked, and then his face turned red: "how can this be the same? You are really overbearing."

She blushed a little, and a few coquettish red clouds appeared on her bright white face. Gu Tianqing's throat tightened. If it wasn't for the right time, the right place

"Sir." Shadow opened the door and asked them to get on.

Gu Tianqing restrained his mind and nodded, letting Qi Jinnian go ahead.

Qi Jinnian's whole body is huddled in Gu Tianqing's arms. He nods to the shadow sheepishly, and then goes in.

The car soon left the airport and went to the Airport City Avenue. In the new year, there were not many cars on the road. The car was very smooth.

The back seat is quite spacious, but Gu Tianqing has been holding her. She can't move, so she can only whisper to remind him: "you let me go first."

Gu Tianqing looks down. Qi Jinnian looks into his eyes and is shocked by the dark ink. How could she not understand the burning flames.

But this is the car. She took a breath in a low voice. She felt that she had been attacked by her clothes. Suddenly, a current was flowing all over her body. She was scared, so she quickly pulled down his hand and said, "stop making trouble."

Although it is said that the professional quality of the film is excellent, it will be as if it is not heard or seen when it is heard, but no matter what, there is a third party here. How to look at it, it is particularly embarrassing. She has a thin skin and can't afford to lose this person.

Her red face looked like an attractive cherry. Gu Tianqing reached out and immediately raised a shield between the cab and the back seat.For a while, Qi Jinnian was held and sat on Gu Tianqing's leg. She couldn't help exclaiming, "what are you doing?"

Shadow is not stupid. This is a place where there are three hundred liang of silver. Do you want to know what they are doing in it with your toes? It's a dead man.

"You put that down quickly."

"You're not afraid of being seen. Now you're all right."

"How can it be the same? What do you think of the movie?"

"I don't care what he thinks." Gu Tianqing's usual domineering tone of power reappeared, "and he would pretend that he didn't know anything."

Qi Jinnian said nothing: "then what do you want to do?"

"You!" A short and powerful word accompanied by hot and deep eyes, his mind, a moment passed, Qi Jinnian scared not lightly, "what do you want, here is the car."

And they didn't just

But the hot breath had all wrapped around her earlobe and neck.

Through the strength of clothes She was aroused by her body

She was so ashamed and embarrassed that she quickly took his hand, but couldn't hold back her breath.

However, without waiting for her reaction, Gu Tianqing directly pulled down her neck and blocked her chattering mouth. She panted for a long time

It took more than ten minutes for the partition board to rise slowly. Qi Jinnian's whole body was like a cooked shrimp, curled up in the corner, between his lips and teeth, full of the clear breath

But the shadow was stable, as if nothing had happened. Gu Tianqing said, "shadow, don't go to Fu's house, go back to Yu Jintai first."

"Yes, sir."

Qi Jinnian purses his lips and stares at him, but this is the special sweetness between lovers.