Ye Changgong narrowed his eyes and pondered for a moment: "it is said that there is another insect disaster in the West. It is estimated that before long, the demon trainers in our college will go to kill the insects. Maybe this is a good chance to kill him."

"But if Chu Tianshu doesn't go? Besides, since he can escape from his fourth uncle, we can't really kill him just by our strength, can we? " Ye hongluan said.

"If a group of people go, Chu Tianshu will certainly go. As for the others, we just need to make more preparations. I don't believe he can really fight Emperor Xuan. At that time, the fourth uncle must have been careless." Ye Changgong returned.

Ye Yutang nodded his head and said: "yes, Chu Tianshu is a xuanzun at best. He mainly relies on demon insects and monsters to fight with people. But with Ye Xingchen's help, his monsters can not play a big role. Besides, ye Changgong and Xue Yinglong both have holy instruments in their hands. It is estimated that we alone can solve him."

Ye hongluan frowned again and said, "there's another thing, I don't know whether it's true or not. He Shuanger said that Chu Tianshu's spirit bone and war spirit beast have been destroyed. That is to say, Chu Tianshu now has Xuanqi seeds, but no war spirit beast. Xuanqi is equivalent to being blocked, and his blood talent is not too high, it's just the top class, Such a person should not have much achievement, but why does he give people a strong feeling? "

"Oh? Does my younger sister know who killed him? " Ye Changgong has a wonderful way.

"I don't know. Maybe it's the he family. Otherwise, he shuang'er would not want to compensate him for this. In those days of Da Xuan college, he shuang'er was hostile to him because of me, but later, he meant to protect him." Ye hongluan said.

Leng Hanshuang, who had not spoken for a long time, said, "I'm afraid it's not just what we've seen. The best way is to try again."

"How to test?" Ye hongluan asked.

"Send an expert to challenge him openly. It's better to have a holy weapon, strong fighting power and know how to tame animals. Only when we force him to take out all his maces can we plan to kill him without fail." Cold frost way.

"It's a good idea. How about I challenge him directly? Anyway, now a lot of people know that I argued with him at the auction house. " The leaves are long arched.

Leng Hanshuang pursed her mouth and gently took his arm: "are you sure? If you fail, it will be a great blow to you. "

"Yes, to be on the safe side, let others do it. We just need to wait and see. Your arrow can't be fired lightly. Once it is fired, it will be a fatal blow." Ye Yutang said.

"But who else can force him to show his cards? We don't have to think about the tutors of Xuandi realm. Before Hu Ying dance quits this marriage, the tutors dare not directly aim at him in public, but can only find the students of xuanhuang realm. " The leaves are long arched.

"Chu Tianshu's strong point is to train demons. We'll find a demon trainer." Xue Yinglong said.

"Do you think that in Phoenix college, how many people have more talent for demon training than me? I'm not his opponent, and no one else can. Besides, Chu Tianshu is proficient in summoning, and can summon more monsters. We should develop our strengths and avoid our weaknesses. " Ye Xingchen said.

Several people think of Ye Xingchen's terrible talent of taming demons, and they have to accept his words.

Hundreds of demon emperors are no match for Chu Tianshu. Who else can surpass Chu Tianshu in demon training?

"Lonely Xuankong that guy, if you do it, maybe it's still possible, but this person is too lonely and arrogant, as the direct descendant of Tianxing great sage, maybe he disdains to challenge Chu Tianshu." Ye Changgong said solemnly.

The other few people's mind, also followed by the emergence of a lonely mysterious lonely figure.

There was no fear in him.

No matter what level of master he meets, he dares to fight hard. Even some Xuandi are careful against him.

The most terrifying thing is that although he is only the peak xuanhuang, he has the record of killing the primary demon emperor.

Among the students of Phoenix college, they are generally recognized as the one with the strongest attack power, and their combat power is among the top three.

Some people even analyzed that he had been able to break through to the realm of Emperor Xuan for a long time, but in order to temper his sword spirit, he didn't break through.

Leng Hanshuang suddenly sneered: "I have an idea. Although lonely Xuankong disdains to challenge Chu Tianshu, we can force Chu Tianshu to challenge lonely Xuankong. Maybe we can directly use the hand of lonely Xuankong to kill Chu Tianshu."

"What's a good idea?" The others also looked at the cold frost."Doesn't he love Ji very much? This is his biggest weakness. We can catch Ji Ruxin and force Chu Tianshu. " Cold frost returns.

They all nodded in front of their eyes.

Ye Yutang said with a smile: "yes, Ji Ruxin is not even in xuanzun's realm now. She can be easily grasped by Leng Hanshuang's cultivation. They both live in the same yard, and they have many opportunities to start."

"But our college does not allow students to attack each other, does it?" Ye hongluan said.

"Ordinary fighting is inevitable, just like before we and Chu Tianshu were at the door of the dormitory, we all turned a blind eye. We didn't directly kill Ji Ruxin. I just need to imprison Ji Ruxin in my dimensional space and torture him a little. Does Chu Tianshu dare not obey our orders?" Cold frost returns.

Ye Changgong nodded: "as long as Chu Tianshu is forced into the challenge arena, then, life or death depends on him and lonely Xuankong, who is more powerful? Everyone knows that the person who challenges him is either dead or abandoned. Even if he can't kill Chu Tianshu, he can definitely be forced to play his cards. "

"That's what to do, but are you sure to catch Ji Ruxin Ye Xingchen also said.

"Don't worry, I'm a xuanhuang. If I can't subdue the little master, I can also find a piece of tofu to kill me."

"Well, to be on the safe side, you can find more classmates." The leaves are long arched.

Leng Hanshuang nodded and looked more and more gloomy. Looking at Ji Ruxin, she was full of banter and murderous.


And Chu Tianshu and others are still chatting in laughter.

Through several senior students, Chu Tianshu also has a better understanding of the college.

As the highest University of mankind, Phoenix college is also the gathering place of many young xuanhuang people.

Xuanhuang graduates from the advanced xuanxiu College of the five great saints will also choose to continue their studies here in order to break through to the realm of Xuandi.

Even many Xuandi were willing to be tutors here.

Here, too, is the gathering place of the saints.

It can be said that the Phoenix Academy and the Phoenix Temple are the cornerstone of the whole Chinese people.

If anyone exterminates this place, the whole human race will be finished. On the contrary, as long as it exists, human civilization will continue.

Just like the status of the four major gates in the east land.

Eat and drink, it's afternoon.

They left here together.

However, as soon as I went out, I heard the students talking about it.

"Did you hear that? There's a double Saint level talented girl in the Xue family. "

"I heard that. It seems that it's the lineage of Xue Ren Dao Sheng."

"Although the Xue family did not set up a holy kingdom of their own, they devoted themselves to cultivation. It is said that they may become the second person to join the great sage with xuanbing."

"Yes, if Xue renxuansheng can become a great saint just like lonely heaven, then our human power will be further enhanced."

"How old is the girl? What's the accomplishment? "

"She seems to be only nine years old, but Xiuwei, hehe... Maybe you don't believe it. It's already xuanhuang realm."

"What? Nine year old xuanhuang? How is that possible? Why haven't we heard of such a genius before? "

"Do you need to ask? If you were a saint and such a genius appeared in your family, would you show off? "

"Yes, I'm sure I'll hide it, teach it well, and then make a big splash. After all, the world is still too dangerous, not to mention competitors. Maybe there are some believers of evil gods, who are not of the same race. It's said that when we were young, the great sage of heaven's action was born, He has been assassinated by many believers of foreign gods. "
