Chu Tianshu thought to himself, when he is strong, can he make a bank to play with!

Li Xuancheng has said again: "can we compare now?"

Chu Tianshu nodded: "of course, but as I said just now, I'm a good man, but everyone misunderstood me before. So, even if you didn't promise to gamble with me just now, I'm still going to tell you where your bottom illness is before the fight!"

Li Xuancheng doesn't speak, but stares at Chu Tianshu.

Chu Tianshu stepped forward and made two circles around Li Xuancheng!

Look at it and shake your head and sigh!

Li Xuancheng was shocked by Chu Tianshu and said angrily, "are you still fighting? If you don't, your gold will be mine! "

"What's the hurry? I said I'd like to tell you where your illness is? I'll tell you straight. Your illness is on your right leg. If you don't believe it, you can take two steps? "

Chu Tianshu pointed to Li Xuancheng's right leg.

Li Xuancheng naturally does not believe Chu Tianshu's words!

But he still gritted his teeth and took two steps forward to see what tricks Chu Tianshu wanted to play!

"Do you feel it?" Chu Tianshu asked.

"What do you feel?"

"Do you feel numb in your right leg?"

Li Xuancheng frowned. Let alone, he felt numb in his right leg!

It also surprised him!

"In fact, I'm a miracle doctor. I can see that several meridians and blood vessels on your right leg are seriously blocked. If you don't get early treatment, your right leg will be useless. Of course, I know you don't believe it. You can take two more steps and stamp your right foot hard!"

Chu Tianshu's speech, has secretly mobilized a thread of light, separated into Li Xuancheng's right leg of a point above!

In fact, just now when he circled Li Xuancheng twice, he had already made a breakthrough.

Because his right leg was numb, Li Xuancheng subconsciously listened to Chu Tianshu!

He did take two more steps, and then stamped his foot.

"Ah... Ah..."

Li Xuancheng felt that his right leg was numb even more.

Even some burn panic!

It's like a fire burning your own blood vessels!

Also let him walk a little unsteady, subconsciously bent down and pressed his hand on the right knee.

"Do you feel a little feverish and numb? No power? I tell you, this is a sign. Maybe your leg will be broken. You can turn twice. I guess you will limp! "

Li Xuancheng was shocked!

If I'm lame, how can I be smart in the future?

In order to confirm Chu Tianshu's words, he had to walk two circles in situ!

Sure enough, the right leg became more and more weak and limped.

Such a scene, let the people around watching the excitement, are surprised!

Even Zhang Han's eyes widened, as if he had seen the ghost!

The two girls in autumn and winter also stare at each other for a long time, but they are very excited!

Because they thought of one thing!

A few days ago, they remember Chu Tianshu said that when they saw Li Xuancheng next time, they would make Li Xuancheng's leg limp.

Now it is.

In my heart, I adored Chu Tianshu more and more.

But Zhang Han suddenly woke up and said, "Li Xuancheng, don't listen to him. You're not sick. Wake up quickly!"

At this time, Li Xuancheng only felt numbness and discomfort in his right leg. He couldn't help but said angrily, "I wake up your mother. I really have a problem with my leg. Ouch... It's starting to hurt. It's cramping. It's painful. Zhang Han, come and help me quickly..."

Leg cramps, natural pain!

Zhang Han saw that Li Xuancheng didn't seem to be cheating, so he had to hurry up and hold him: "what's the matter? Why do you have cramps for no reason? "

"How do I know?" Li Xuancheng is also very angry.

Chu Tianshu shook his head and sighed: "hey... Go to a doctor earlier. If it's too late, you can't really keep your leg!"

Li Xuancheng was so surprised that he quickly called his servants: "what are you still doing? Why don't you come and carry me? ""Ah, ah..."

Four servants ran up and picked up Li Xuancheng.

"Autumn jade, winter jade, throw away the gold ingot!"

Chu Tianshu shouted.

In autumn and winter, the two girls rushed forward and held the gold ingots of both sides in their arms.

Li Xuan's preconceived view of this, naturally reluctant: "Chu Tianshu, we haven't had a fight yet? You can't take my gold! "

"Didn't I win already? Or... Are you going to keep fighting with me? " Chu Tianshu said with a smile.

"You..." Li Xuancheng has nothing to say!

He only felt that his legs were getting more and more painful, and he was worried that his legs would really be broken!

Can clench one's teeth a way: "send me to see a doctor quickly!"

Four servants, flying away!

Zhang Han and Yang Chong can only follow Chu Tianshu after they have a look at him.

The rest of us are depressed!

Li Xuancheng had an accident at the critical moment. He didn't even know his leg was wrong. He was blind for a thousand taels of gold!

Of course, although some people suspect that this matter may be related to Chu Tianshu!

However, it's impossible for everyone to think that Chu Tianshu could make a light silk in the air!

Even the Xuanshi, even the Xuanshi, can't observe it with naked eyes when they use xuanshu!

All things in the world have traces to follow!

But the light silk is too fast and close, so people around can't notice it!

Even the princess Ji Ruxin who watched secretly didn't know how Chu Tianshu did it!

The door of Princess mansion is wide open!

Chu Tianshu stepped in first, and several carriages entered one after another!

The spectators had to leave one after another!

When the door was closed, Qiudong two girls excitedly said to Chu Tianshu, "you are so powerful, you really make Li Xuancheng's leg limp!"

"Hey, hey... Isn't that good? When we meet again next time, I can fool him to kneel down! " Chu Tianshu said with a smile.

The second daughter nodded in a hurry, like a chicken eating rice!

Ji Ruxin got out of the carriage and was puzzled: "how did you do it?"

"In fact, all these are psychological effects. However, Li Xuancheng's legs do have some problems, because he has been practicing too much in recent days, and his leg muscles have been strained. After being fooled by me, he feels that his legs are not comfortable, and he is completely scared by himself!" Chu Tianshu said with a smile.

Ji Ruxin was stunned for a moment!

Looking back on Li Xuancheng's run, he couldn't help smiling!

"She said:" then you are not afraid of his reaction after the event, to trouble you again? "

"As long as he has money, I always welcome him to come to me!"

Ji Ruxin glared at Chu Tianshu: "it seems that you are really cunning. Come with me!"

"Here it is

Chu Tianshu was so happy that he quickly followed him.

They went to the backyard