Fang Xiu went down, and Zihuan would not stand on it. He jumped down immediately after him.

Both of them are good at lightness skills. When they land, they will not make any sound.

If someone comes in at this time, he will be shocked.

Fang Xiu went to the bed and checked. He was dead.

"How's it going?" Zihuan went over and asked.

"Man is dead." Fang Xiu frowned and said, "I always think it's too simple. You think that this man can pretend to be a child of confinement, but he hasn't been found out yet. There are always some extraordinary things. Even if he is eccentric, he won't be defenseless at all."

"If you say so, this man is in great trouble." Zihuan said: "if that's true, then we are not in danger?"

"No, it's a trap. Let's go." Fang Xiu immediately responded.

If something goes too well, there must be something wrong, just as it is now.

Fang Xiu tore each other's mask off and saw a complete stranger, who was a man of the moon.

"It's my fault. Why didn't I think of it in the first place? People in the kingdom of Uzbekistan always have a special taste when they make those cups all day long. It's like the taste is engraved on their bodies. No matter what, there's no way to remove it. This person doesn't have that smell. " Fang xiudao: "I don't know where the real fake is."

"In fact, what makes me feel even more strange is that the whole royal family of Yueguo was destroyed overnight. Of course, it also includes yueziqian. Why did it come out that yueziqian was still alive? And, sitting in that position, no one doubts it. " Zihuan questioned.

"The news we know is from the emperor. The emperor's news comes from his most elite spies. There must be no mistake, but there are many strange rumors outside." Fang xiudao: "at the beginning, the news that the moon kingdom was destroyed overnight spread among the people, but now this fake has come forward for the first time and told everyone with reality that the others are dead, but the emperor is still alive."

"It is precisely because too many people have died, and many places need people to go up. Taking this opportunity, Uzbekistan has arranged a large number of people to come, and those who are confused and dissatisfied with them, no matter whether they take action or not, as long as they are known, they are all executed."

Think about it, it's a very scary thing.

Zihuan and fangxiu looked at each other and said, "it seems that the situation in Yueguo is much more serious than we thought."

"That's right." Fang xiudao: "now nobody, let's leave first."

"You want to go when you come? Where do you think I am? Is it a place where you can come and go as you like? " The fake Wujiang came in from outside the door. There were several bodyguards behind him, and they were his confidants.

To be his confidants, there is no doubt that these people are all brought by Ukraine.

Fang Xiu narrowed his eyes slightly and swept around coldly. Then he suddenly began to smile. Of course, his smile didn't reach half of his eyes, and the momentum of his body was frightening. He said: "it's too naive to leave us with these wastes?"

"Did you forget that you were in the palace? There are thousands of troops outside me. It's just a matter of raising hands to deal with you two. " Wujiang cold hum: "today, I want to let you have no bones, hang your head to the gate, let those who have bad intentions, know our strength."

"It seems that it's a good proposal to put the head on the gate. However, it seems that it's not the right time. It's really troublesome." Fang Xiu shook his head, looked at Zihuan and said, "what do you think of this? Should we send his head back? Or to feed the dog? "

"I think it would be more interesting to give it to Wu Yang. Isn't he in charge of everything here? " Zihuan said.

"This idea is really good, but Wu Yang is dying."

"What are you talking about? Who says my master is dying? " Wujiang said: "I'll pull out your tongue first, and see how you still talk?"

"I'm so scared." Fang Xiu said, pretending to be afraid.

Wujiang was furious: "come and kill these two people."

"It's not easy to grab the throne and sit as someone else. Don't you feel any pain in your heart?" Fang Xiu sighed and ran directly to Wujiang: "just let me rescue you."

Wujiang is also a master. However, compared with Fang Xiu, it is still a long way away.

The others are held back by Zihuan, and Fang Xiu explodes the big move directly. Both the concealed weapon and the clear move are big killing moves, which makes Wujiang have no fighting power.

After all, Fang Xiu and Zi Huan knew very well that their only way out was to catch Wujiang.

If Wujiang is a little more cautious and not so proud, it will be very difficult for them to grasp it effectively, but now it is much easier.It took Fang Xiu less than a pillar of incense to finish the battle and hold Wujiang's life in his hands.

"If you don't stop, I'll kill him." Fang Xiu's voice is threatening.

Other people who were fighting with Zihuan heard the voice and immediately looked over. When they saw that Wujiang fell into Fang Xiu's hands and could die at any time, they finally stopped.

"The Emperor..."

"Release the emperor, or we'll make you regret it."

"Are you kidding? Make me regret? Is it up to you? " Fang Xiu just thought it funny. The Kung Fu of these bodyguards may be superior to that of ordinary people, but compared with him, it's not a grade.

"Let us go, and we'll send people back." Zihuan said, "you don't have a second choice."

"Want to leave? Dream Wujiang is angry.

Fang Xiu's strength increased a lot: "as long as I exert a little more, your life will be gone. Under such circumstances, what do you say you want to do with me? Kill you, we still have the possibility to leave, but you do not have the opportunity to wake up, you think about it, in the end let us leave, live together? Or do you die and we run away? "

Wujiang's face was livid, and he didn't know whether he was short of oxygen or angry.

The atmosphere suddenly became dignified, Wujiang didn't speak, and the guards standing opposite were also very nervous.

I don't know how long it's been, but Wujiang has finally said something.