Surrounded by white fog, a beautiful courtyard stands in the middle of the mountain. From a distance, it feels like a building in Haishi.

In the courtyard, every room looks almost the same, without much difference. In the medicine room facing the gate, there are no less than ten shelves, each of which has dozens of rows. One bottle of pills or liquid medicine, or at least a few rows, or more than ten rows, is placed. In the middle of the room, there is a variety of valuable Chinese herbal medicines, and in the middle of the room, there is one still smoking It's a medicine pool.

In the medicine pool, a noble and handsome man was sitting in it. The medicine was red and looked like blood, giving people a shocking feeling.

The man's eyes were closed, his face was pale, and he was more and more ugly in the red potion. Of course, it was not that others looked ugly, but that he had an indescribable morbid beauty.

This person is not someone else, it is yuerushuang has been looking for, but how can not find the night Mo Chen.

She's been out looking for three days, and she's been here for three days.

Suddenly, the door was opened, and a young girl came in from outside. She was pretty and lovely, and her big black eyes were very smart. She saw a bamboo basket in her hand. When she came to the pool, she picked up a medicine bottle in the basket, opened the cap, and poured the medicine directly into the pool. She didn't feel any pain.

When the medicine was empty, she took out another bottle, unscrewed the cap in the same way and poured the medicine.

So she repeated the same action until she poured the medicine in the basket into the pool one by one. Then she observed the reaction of the people in the pool again. Then she turned red and quit quietly.

The girl gently pulled the door, then closed her eyes, breathed heavily, then opened her eyes and left.

Out of the courtyard, the girl went directly to the hillside of the backyard.

Across the hillside, you can see a cave. It looks very ordinary, but inside it there is a mystery. Outside the cave, there is a green snake. The snake's body is thick, green to some transparent color, bright and beautiful. But just close to it, it will give people a strong sense of oppression.

The girl didn't feel anything. On the contrary, as soon as she got close, the sleeping snake suddenly opened her eyes. Then, she threw the snake's tail to rub against the girl and indulged in coquetry.

The girl touched the snake's head and said with a smile, "lvying, don't make trouble."

Her eyebrows and eyes curved, with her smile blooming, showing two small tiger teeth, dimples on both sides of the cheek looming, adding a bit of loveliness to her.

The green snake is also very obedient. After rubbing the girl's back, she turns around and becomes a door god at the cave entrance.

The girl smiles and walks into the cave.

Inside the cave is a completely different world from the outside, in which there are still all kinds of herbs and poisons lying on the ground. At a glance, there is one word: chaos.

At the end of the chaos, there is a figure who is constantly busy.

The girl came forward and called respectfully: "master."

"How is the man?" With the old voice, the figure also stood up and looked at the girl.

At this time, this figure was completely exposed in the air. He was a 60-70-year-old man with gray hair and messy body. It was very unreliable to see him at a glance. If Yue Rusheng saw him here, he would not think of Hong Qigong first, but of Zhou Botong, a playboy. This image and temperament are too similar.

"I've spilled all the medicine into the medicine pool, and his condition seems to be a little better, but it's not obvious. He doesn't even show any sign of opening his eyes." The girl said truthfully, "master, can he really wake up when he is so hurt?"

"Xin'er, are you doubting the master's ability?" The old man was very dissatisfied with the distrust of his apprentice.

The girl quickly followed Mao: "how can it be? In the world, whose medical skill is higher than that of a master? This short period of three days has brought the man back to life. I believe that in a short time, the man will wake up. "

"That's right. All the doctors outside are rubbish." The old man was very confident and domineering.

"Yes, compared with the master, those people are nothing." The girl continued to follow Mao. Finally, she asked, "well, when can he wake up?"

As soon as her words came out, she immediately felt that her master's eyes had changed, which made her hair stand up.

"Master, why are you looking at me like this?" The voice began to shake unconsciously.

"Xin'er, do you like that boy?" The old man's face was full of gossip.

"Master, what are you talking about?" The girl was angry and strange, but her face was unconsciously stained with a thin layer of red.

When the old man saw this, he immediately laughed: "the girl is 18 years old. Although my Xin'er is less than 18 years old, I'm beginning to have a girl's spring."

"Master, you make fun of me." The girl stamped her horn, glared at her master, turned around and ran away."Xin'er, don't you want to know about that boy?" The old man thought that teasing his apprentice was also a very pleasant thing.

Sure enough, as soon as his words came out, the girl turned and ran back. She looked at her master and asked, "master, what's the matter with him? When can I wake up? Will it leave any sequelae? "

"Tut Tut, it's said that the girl is not good enough to stay. The boy didn't even open his eyes, and he didn't know whether it was good or bad. You helped her. The master raised you so much, and I didn't see you care so much about the master. It's really sad." So far, the old man really put on a sad look.

The girl took a sharp puff at the corner of her mouth, and then said in utter silence: "master, am I not good to you? I've been here with you for more than ten years. Although other people have been here before, they're so ugly. It's hard to see a nice one. Can't I show a good impression? "

Said, the girl also showed a look of grievance, looks really pathetic, no matter who saw will not stop heartache.

It has to be said that this is the girl's trump card. Every time she shows such an expression, the old man will compromise. This time, it will be no exception.

The old man shook his head and sighed, "when the apprentice is raised, he will become someone else's."

"Master..." The girl blushed and said angrily.

"Well, I won't tease you." The old man's face changed and said seriously: "Xin'er, he's hurt too much. If he wants to recover completely, it will take at least half a year."