At night, Mo Chen suddenly looks back. He looks up and sees that Wei Si Yi, like Wei San before, falls to the ground and rolls in pain, while Yue Ru Shuang squats in front of Wei San to check his condition.

He took a few steps forward and stood by yuerushun. His eyes were on him, but he said to Rushun: "how about it? Have you solved the problem? "

"No way." After checking the moon like frost, she sighed.

"No way?" Yemo Chen was surprised. Although he had already had some psychological preparation in his heart, he still felt that he couldn't believe it when he heard Rushuang talking about it. If Rushuang couldn't help it, how powerful were these insects?

"At present, I don't have any way. Just now, little green has walked around the body of Weisan, but there's no way to really get rid of the insects. Now I can only walk and watch one step." The moon, like frost, replied again.

"Can little green control their situation?" Night Mo Chen looking at already some improvement of Wei 3, ask a way.

"For the time being." Yueru Frost said: "it can only suppress the things in his body for a while, but I'm not sure how long it will take to solve it concretely."

"Take your time. It's already like this. Can it be worse? Even if the other side has a back move, it can only be blocked by soldiers, and the water will come and the land will be covered. " Ye Mo Chen reached out to hold the moon like frost, and said with some heartache, "don't put too much pressure on yourself. Do you know what I don't want to see most is your hard work?"

"Don't worry, I've got a sense of propriety." Yuerushuang held yemochen in her arms and said, "go and see the people. They are scared to come."

"If you are tired, take a rest." Although he's worried about them, he's naturally more frosty.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Although there are some tired, but still within the tolerance of the frost.

Her hand movement did not stop. The things in the body of Wei San were scared by little green. For a moment and a half, she would not dare to come out. However, Wei San's body was damaged a lot. She had to help him as soon as possible.

She gave him some Chinese patent medicine to take, and then put needles into his body, hoping to make him better. However, what he didn't expect was that after only two needles, something hidden in his body was ready to move, which made her dare not move.

Of course, with the medicine she gave, Wei San's body soon had a little good turn. At this time, he could recognize the moon like frost, and immediately respectfully said, "I've seen the princess, and Princess Xie helped me."

"The evil doctor has not been able to save you now, but has temporarily checked the things in your body. As for when it will come back to be a demon, the evil doctor can't guarantee." Voice down, such as frost and asked: "how do you feel now?"

"There is nothing wrong with HuiXie doctor except some weakness." David felt it carefully and said it truthfully.

"That's good." Yuerushuang nodded and said, "now have a good rest, and then go to help us. Tell us about the specific situation later."

In the same way, the frost of the moon brought the four men under control.

A moment later, a few people's consciousness will be restored, they are grateful to the moon such as frost.

Having had a good rest, they got up and went to yemochen.

In that place, yemochen also understood the situation of the people.

It turned out that more than a month ago, insects suddenly appeared in Fengcheng. At the beginning, there were only a few, and no one took them seriously. It was not until someone was bitten to death by the insect that the people began to feel afraid, and they began to eliminate the insects.

When they really started, they were shocked to find that the insects were very cunning and sensitive. They believed that they had laid a net, and there were very few insects that could be eliminated.

However, they were pleasantly surprised to find that all the insects had disappeared. They were extremely happy for a moment, but they did not expect that only one day, the insects came back again. It was just that the insects that reappeared this time were not so sporadic, but like an army, they looked black and blue.

After they entered the city, they quickly penetrated into all parts of the city and killed many people. Those who had been bitten by insects turned into a pile of bones in an instant, which was really terrible.

The people in the city were scared to flee, but the more they fled, the more chaotic, the more chaotic, the more excited the insects were. They could not eat more than 100 people in a short time, and more and more people died.

Seeing more and more people die, some people who haven't gone out just stay in the house. In order to prevent insects from entering, they sealed all the entrances and exits, even a seam.

They were relieved to find that the insects could not get in. Many people were sitting in a space with fear in their eyes.

They stayed in such a space, discussing how to deal with insects, but soon they found a very serious problem: although they stayed in the room, no insects came in, but they also had a certain degree of discomfort because of less and less oxygen, and even had a companion died nearby.Seeing that it was death to go out and death to stay in the house, their fear reached the top directly. After weighing, they rushed out boldly to fight for a life, but only a few people escaped from the accumulation of thousands of bones.

Seeing that thousands of people have died in the city, there is a man who appears. He is just like the Savior. He doesn't know how to stabilize the insects and release the people in the city.

The people were very grateful and obedient to him. They listened to him and began to live in Qifeng mountain.

At the beginning, they lived in the mountains very calm, except for the hard conditions, everything was ok, but only a few days later, some strange things appeared on the mountains.

They live at the edge of Qifeng mountain. It's normal for them to see some poisonous snakes. Mosquitoes and other things are normal. But only when they get to the inside can they see the beasts. It's just that they appear outside.

People almost wake up every day to find that there are few people around them. At first, they just think that those people go out to buy something, or look for food or water. But people never come back. There are fewer and fewer people. They are so scared that they dare not sleep easily, for fear that they will never wake up again.

However, no matter how they don't sleep, they are mortals after all. Where can they survive the time and energy?

The number of people is still decreasing. They gradually find that the Qifeng mountain has changed.